Aeotec Home Energy Monitor HEM Gen5 ZW095 - Readings per clamp?

Hello all,

I’m having some trouble, potentially with reality, with my new home energy monitor. The idea was that I’d be able to use the device with one clamp on the line for my washer, and the other clamp for my dryer, that is to say: I’d be able to read the clamps individually, so that I could signal when loads are complete.

I have not figured out how to configure the device, or HA, to let this happen. I was able to install the clamps and get accurate readings for my 220v dryer, so things are working, just not how I expect.

The user guide isn’t super helpful ( ) and I found some further detail on configuring per clamp ( ) when I was researching this use case. It looked to me like setting up those values in the Z-Wave config would let me get the individual readings for me to do with as I please… but the front-end doesn’t reflect that I’ve made those changes.

Help with Aeotech Home Energy Monitor gets me the closest, and gives me hope that what I’m looking for is doable… but there’s still a piece to this puzzle I’ve not yet uncovered.

Hay there…

I just installed my HEM and I wander if you successfully solved your problems.

Can you share solution?


Sorry to report that in this case I gave in and bought multiple HEM units to get this data.