Aeotec wallmote quad zw130

Is there a certain process to getting this to stick?
Mine has Enabled by default, slightly greyed out.
I do the following:

  • Change to Disable
  • Set Configuration Parameter
  • Save Configuration
  • Restart Home Assistant

Doesnt seem to stick though.
The node comes up as Node:2 CacheLoad) whereas the Z-Wave adaptor says Node:1 Complete)

Sounds like you are running the wallmote with batteries? You need to wake it up.

  1. Change to Disable
  2. Set Configuration Parameter
  3. Wake Up Wallmote, manual says “Press and hold Action Button for 3 seconds and then release”
  4. Watch OZW_Log.txt to see if parameter was set, or test it
  5. Possibly “Press and hold Action Button for 3 seconds and then release” to disable wake up mode, or wait 10 minutes. It sounds like the action keeps it awake for 10 mins.
  6. Done

That seems to have done the trick, needed the hold action button piece for it to work.
Doesn’t appear to be keeping the device awake for 10 minutes though as according to the logs it is going straight back to sleep.
Any ideas how to increase the time?

You’d have to check the manual to see if it’s configurable. Usually you don’t want to keep it awake anyways. OpenZWave will also tell it to go back to sleep if there’s nothing to do.

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Not sure: but I think it stays awake with the usb charging cable attached.

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Hi Philip, thanks for the codes. I am now trying out your code to integrate with my script in HA for the swipe action. To do this I have already switched to OpenZwave.

Since I want to use your python script to manage non-zwave lights I need to change the last line to call my script instead. Unfortunately I can’t find any good documentation as how to call the script service from python. I now got the following:'script', 'dimmer',  {
      'light_id': light_id,
      'swipe_action': swipe_action,
    }, False)

But too bad it doesn’t work. Syntax is correct because HA doesn’t complain about it. In the log I see:

2021-01-15 12:27:35 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.components.python_script] Executing {'node_id': 4, 'event': 'valueChanged', 'value': 33655783, 'index': 9}
2021-01-15 12:27:36 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.wallmote_swipe_handling] Wallmote Swipe Handling: Running automation actions
2021-01-15 12:27:36 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.automation.wallmote_swipe_handling] Wallmote Swipe Handling: Executing step call service
2021-01-15 12:27:36 INFO (SyncWorker_18) [homeassistant.components.python_script] Executing {'node_id': 4, 'event': 'valueChanged', 'value': 33671400, 'index': 10}

I can see that the python script is being executed but the script never gets called. Do you know how to call the script service (script.dimmer) from within python along with variables? Thank you!

Hi Philip,

I just discovered a bug in your script:
index == '10'

index is actually not a string but integer. Just wanna point this out since I used your code for my solution. Thank you for sharing!

There seems to be a bug in his script:

index is not a string but an integer. So change it to:

if (index == 10) and event == 'valueChanged:

and you will be good to go.

And the slide function doesn’t generate any events in OZW as far as I know that’s why he is using a trigger to monitor the specific MQTT topic. His python script then fires off a Zwave event to control another Zwave device. You should adapt the last call routine to suit your needs:

to whatever you want to control. I used it to dim my Lifx bulbs for example.

Anyone know if on ZWave2JS if long press works?
Using that and single toggle presses in my automations for this and looking to make the switch away from OZW

Late reply here, I’m sure you already figured this out, but I just got one of these the other day and am using ZWaveJS. The long press and single press actions on each quadrant work just fine out of the box with ZWaveJS. You have to subscribe to the zwave_js_value_notification event in order to capture both single presses and long presses. In NodeRed the event is structured like below, the KeyPressed part will change depending on whether you single or long press. The options are KeyPressed, KeyHeldDown, and KeyReleased. The KeyReleased event is only fired after you release from a long press. The below event is for the 4th quadrant as indicated by a few of the event properties.

    "payload": {
        "event_type": "zwave_js_value_notification",
        "event": {
            "domain": "zwave_js",
            "node_id": 6,
            "home_id": xxxxxx,
            "endpoint": 0,
            "device_id": "xxxxxxx",
            "command_class": 91,
            "command_class_name": "Central Scene",
            "label": "Scene 004",
            "property": "scene",
            "property_name": "scene",
            "property_key": "004",
            "property_key_name": "004",
            "value": "KeyPressed",
            "value_raw": 0
        "origin": "LOCAL",
        "time_fired": "xxxxx",
        "context": {
            "id": "xxxxx",
            "parent_id": null,
            "user_id": null
    "topic": "zwave_js_value_notification",
    "_msgid": "dea9a023.fdf67"

Thanks, I did make the swap a few weeks ago and used the blueprint available. Took all the work out of it.
I don’t use NodeRed, do everything in yaml or gui native to HA.
This will be helpful for someone though.

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Do you you have a link to the blueprint you used? Any chance you have found a way to get the slide up and down working?

Links to Blueprint I used.

About the sliding, nah haven’t got it working, but tbh I havent tried.

Tried to get the swipe working with zwavejs2mqtt but I couldn’t figure it out. Looking at zwave logs, I can’t see any of the data related to parameter #9 or #10.

I do see raw 16 byte hex strings from each key press. I can see the button number and press type (short vs long) encoded there, but nothing there which indicates anything related to swipe, or the raw data that I could scrape to make any kind of determination related to swipe events.

2022-07-24T01:29:51.371Z SERIAL .. 0x010e00a8000109055b03e6000100cd26                                  (16 bytes)
2022-07-24T01:29:51.372Z SERIAL .. [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2022-07-24T01:29:51.372Z DRIVER .. [Node 009] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                  ... RSSI: -51 dBm                           
                                      sequence number: 230
                                      key attribute:   KeyPressed
                                      scene number:    1  
2022-07-24T01:29:51.373Z CNTRLR   [Node 009] [!] [Central Scene] scene[001]: 0
2022-07-24T01:29:51.374Z CNTRLR .. [Node 009] received CentralScene notification {
                                      "nodeId": 9,                                                               
                                      "ccId": "Central Scene",                                                   
                                      "ccCommand": "0x03",                    
                                      "payload": "0xe60001"

2022-07-24T01:29:52.487Z SERIAL .. 0x010e00a8000109055b03e7020100cd25                                  (16 bytes)
2022-07-24T01:29:52.488Z SERIAL .. [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2022-07-24T01:29:52.488Z DRIVER .. [Node 009] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                  ... RSSI: -51 dBm                           
                                      sequence number: 231
                                      key attribute:   KeyHeldDown
                                      scene number:    1  
2022-07-24T01:29:52.489Z CNTRLR   [Node 009] [!] [Central Scene] scene[001]: 2
2022-07-24T01:29:52.490Z CNTRLR .. [Node 009] received CentralScene notification {
                                      "nodeId": 9,                                                               
                                      "ccId": "Central Scene",                                                   
                                      "ccCommand": "0x03",                    
                                      "payload": "0xe70201"

I’m able to get parameter 9 and 10 to show up and also they seem to update quite smoothly. The only issue is the values don’t seem to make any sense. Does anyone know how to make sense of these large numbers?

The massive jumps you see are when I use one side swipe vs using the other side’s swipe on the Duo
(this is with the Duo ZW129. But should be the same for the quad)

I am using Z-WaveJS

I got swipe fully working!
For this setup, you dont need to use any external python, it can all be done within HomeAssistant!

in your configuration.yaml you need to add this (replacing the sensor with the name of your wallmote sensor)

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Wallmote Duo Scene ID"
        value_template: "{{ (states('number.wallmote_duo_param010') | int /2**24)  | int | bitwise_and(0xff) }}"
        friendly_name: "Wallmote Duo Scene Direction"
        value_template: "{{ (states('number.wallmote_duo_param010') | int /2**16)  | int | bitwise_and(0xff) }}"
        friendly_name: "Wallmote Duo Scene Value"
        value_template: "{{ ((states('number.wallmote_duo_param010') | int /2**8)  | int | bitwise_and(0xff) | float / 200) * 100 }}"

        friendly_name: "Wallmote Quad Scene ID"
        value_template: "{{ (states('number.wallmote_quad_param010') | int /2**24)  | int | bitwise_and(0xff) }}"
        friendly_name: "Wallmote Quad Scene Direction"
        value_template: "{{ (states('number.wallmote_quad_param010') | int /2**16)  | int | bitwise_and(0xff) }}"
        friendly_name: "Wallmote Quad Scene Value"
        value_template: "{{ ((states('number.wallmote_quad_param010') | int /2**8)  | int | bitwise_and(0xff) | float / 200) * 100 }}"

Now mine is setup for both the Wallmote Duo and the Wallmote Quad.

Now for instance if you want to use it to control the brightness of a light, you can do it this way using an automation:

alias: Change light brightness
description: "Uses the Wallmote to change the brightness of the light"
  - platform: state
      - sensor.wallmote_quad_scene_value
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      brightness_pct: "{{ states('sensor.wallmote_quad_scene_value') | float }}"
      device_id: 4ead6cd7cfe810b04518097ef7f2b1d3
mode: single

If you want to do 4 swipe zones, then you can do it based off of the Wallmote Quad Scene ID as its a value 1-4.


Where did you get these entities? I have 3 wallmote quads and none of them exposes something like that to HA… Neither the sensor.xxx_scene_value. What Z-wave integration do you use?

I am using Z-Wave JS. sensor.wallmote_quad_scene_value is what we are creating here. To get this to work, you first need to expose param010

If you don’t see it there at all, you need to hold the button on the back for 3 seconds or so to wake it up (something like that, look further up this thread for other uses telling you how to do it if my instructions here are slightly incorrect). Once the device is worked up, you then need to slide up and down a few times so that the param will register in HA. Once it’s registered you need to expose it as I showed above. Once you are at that state, then you can follow the original instructions I posted.

Well, I tried to follow, but somehow my configuration in Z-Wave JS looks different than yours. So indeed I started from having most of additional entities disabled:

Then, to be on safe side I enabled everyhing:

In meantime I kept Wallmote awaken and tried to slide several times to get Param 10 showing up, but nothing was added to my configuration. No trials of Param 10 in neither Z-Wave JS or Z-Wave JS UI. I also tried sliding after enabling Button Slide Function and with awake mode disabled… Same result. The only new entity that was created is number.wallmote_light_controller_low_battery_threshold

Your problem is the Central scene CC Report Type. Set that to “… and Configuration CC” and try again.

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