I bought two of these water sensors for my basement. But I cant seem to get them to work.
I’ve added them to the network. the z-wave entities are stuck on “initalizing”
And the two sensors it created are “off”
I checked the forums here and found a this link Aeotec Z-Wave Water Sensor which suggested changing the "report type to send " to 17. But since I can’t get the device out of sleep, it never sends the change.
Any suggestions? Or perhaps there is a wired flood sensor I can use which is better?
I tried the zwave and wake button in multiple combinations. I did notice that when I press the zwave button, the status changes from Initalization to something else real quick. It flashes to fast to see what that word is.
I was able to change it. I found some old post about this device and someone said that their support recommended to press ZWave button instead of Wake Up button. I tried it and it worked.
Finally got them all working. I had to completely reset my zwave stack, I add them first before anything else. it was a matter of changing that “report type to send” to 17, but I had only about 10 seconds of wake time to make the adjustment. so annoying. I could not make that change in OpenZwave as that option does not exist front what I could Find. I could only make the change in HA.
Otherwise the sensors are all correct now and it shows any water applied.