Aeotec Z-Wave Water Sensor

Please help me to set it up.

I attached device and it looks that it is setup, but status does not change when I place sensor in the water.

When I started working, I had:

Now, after some tweaking, I have only: binary_sensor.aeotec_dsb45_water_sensor_sensor

The zwave.aeotec_dsb45_water_sensor always show: Sleeping (Probe)

I found that someone said I have to set “Report Type to Send” to 17 using open-zwave-control-panel, but 56.2 does not have it.

Anyone can help me?

You can use the built in control panel to change settings.

Sleeping is the normal state for battery powered Z-Wave devices.

Thank you for your reply.

I tried it. I do the following:

  1. Go to Configuration tab
  2. Select Z-Wave
  3. In Nodes I select Water Sensor node
  4. Scroll down and under Node Config Options select 121: Report Type to Send
  5. Change it to 17 and click on Set Config Parameter.

It does not save it. Does not change.
Am I doing something wrong?

As highlighted in the documentation, you have to Wake battery powered devices first.

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This link sends me to Developing an add-on page. I do not think this what you meant. There is nothing about Z-Wave.

I think I found what you meant. When I am back home after work, I will try it, thank you for your help.

I will let you know if it worked. - that’s what that should have been

I woke up this device and tried to change setting to 17. After I change it to 17 and click on “Set Config Parameter”, within a second it switches back to default 256.

You’ve probably only got about 4 seconds between waking it and it going back to sleep.

The documentation tells me that it will take longer than 4 seconds. When I press Wake button, the light goes on and stays much longer than 4 seconds.

In any case, I tried to do it quickly, but it did not work.

The status never changes from Sleeping to anything else.

I restored HA from backup and started from scratch with this water sensor. Now I have everything back, but still cannot change config and it does not work. Even if I press Wake Up button, the status does not change from Sleeping. I have this now:

It it doesn’t show as having been awake, then it suggests that it’s not really waking (or the controller doesn’t see it).

If you watch the OpenZWave log (tail -f OZW_Log.txt) when you wake the device, do you see anything about that node?

No, there is nothing about that node.

That suggests that it’s not communicating with the controller.

How far is it from the nearest node that’s mains powered? It could be out of range.

It is 20 feet from Z-Wave USB Stick and 40 feet from one of my GE Z-Wave On/Off Wall Toggle Switches (12727).

What’s between them and the sensor?

Twenty feet of open air, or a single plaster wall, is likely to be fine. Multiple walls, or brick, could be the problem.

I was able to change it. I found some old post about this device and someone said that their support recommended to press ZWave button instead of Wake Up button. I tried it and it worked. Thank you for your help.

I have another question, wonder if you know. The only change that I see is the sensor changes from off to on. Nothing else changes. Do I need to see the other sensors? Also, is there any way to monitor the battery status of the device?

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Battery status will be in the matching zwave. node, as an attribute, see this template sensor for an example of extracting that and using it.

Some of the other entities may not change, depending on what they are, and what the settings of the device are. If you can provide a list I’ll help you understand what they all do.

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That could be more than I could handle, but I will try.

Thank you for your help.