Aeotec ZW096 Smart Switch 6

The key to this seems to be setting the ‘associations’ on the switch properly. These associations are nodes to which reports are pushed on a regular basis. So you have to set your controller as an association of the smart switch node, and then configure what to send and how often to send it.

Here’s the engineering document which has some more detailed info about it.

I will test it out this evening. Learn a little more each day…

I’d be very interested to see what settings work for you as I spent a heap of time turning my kettle on and off last week trying to get current values through to HA! I seem to have it sorted but they don’t update as quick as I would like. My concern there was flooding the z-wave network

I’m pretty stumped.

I’ve diff’ed the configurations in the zwcfg file between the two nodes, and I’ve got them exactly the same (one exception - the clock - could that really matter?).

But one node reports as expected, and the other does not. Neither node is a direct neighbor of the controller, so that’s not the difference.

Still trying to figure out what could be causing the difference in behavior.

I have two and pretty much gave up on them. They are in a cupboard they were just to unreliable and would take forever to respond sometimes

I struggled with these as well. Turn off the “Hail” setting (Parameter 80). Set it to “Basic”. Also make sure you did an “Add Node Secure” for these. That’s the only way I could get them to report back their readings. It’s a two step process. Put HA into “Add Node Secure” mode, then double tap the action button on the switch. If the switch blinks back blue, it added securely. If it blinks back green, it’s just been added as a normal node.

I finally got it working.

First, I removed the node and re-added it to the network (did not use secure, according to the manual it shouldn’t matter - not saying it doesn’t). By default, this one again came up with nothing in the association groups. Attempting to add node 1 (the controller) to association group 1 via the interface failed over and over. It seemed to send the AssociationCmd_Set successfully, but then it would follow with an AssociationCmd_Get, and that would fail. But the set command didn’t seem to “take”.

So instead I stopped the z-wave network and hand edited the zwcfg file, adding node 1 into association group 1, making sure request_flags is “4” (which means dynamic updates). Looks like this:

<CommandClass id="133" name="COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION" version="1" request_flags="4" innif="true">
				<Instance index="1" />
				<Associations num_groups="2">
					<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="LifeLine" auto="true" >
					  <Node id="1" />
					<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Retransmit Switch CC" auto="false" />

The purpose of this is that the node will (is supposed to, anyway) send unsolicited messages to the controller with its state.

Then as soon as I set the report configuration parameters, it started working.

Configuration Parameter 101: 4
Configuration Parameter 111: 30

See a post above for the meaning of parameter 101, but 4 sets it to report power in Watts only, which is all I’m interested in monitoring for now. And I set the report interval (parameter 111) at 30 seconds, I don’t need anything finer grained than that, since I’m just using it to monitor when laundry is done, and I find minimizing z-wave traffic is important for keeping the network responsive.

Both switches are now working as expected. I wish I knew what dropping and re-adding the switch accomplished. I also wish I knew why trying to set the assocation group via the interface failed.

In any case, that’s my saga. Worked for me.


Thank you. This post was supremely helpful for me in figuring out how to do the same thing (monitor laundry).

The issue I had was that my report type for all 3 groups was 0, which is voltage, which I don’t care about. I was quite confused because the power and current sensors and whatnot were created, but just didn’t ever get reported to.

(Edit: I did not need to manually edit zwcfg file manually)

Also, the ability to set config parameters from the front end, and see what their titles and possible values were made my life much easier. Massive thanks to whomever made that possible! And much less nerve-wracking than hoping I was interpreting the aeotec technical data correctly. :slight_smile:

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How do you even set hail and switch to binary sensors?

Can I ask how you actually made the configuration parameter changes? (e.g. setting config parameter change to parameter 101 to value 4). For example did you go to the Services area and select “zwave.set_config_parameter”? In which case what did the JSON look like here? (for example base 10 versus hex?)

Also how did you check existing parameter settings? I can’t quite see this in the Zwave confirmation area? I tried to send in the services area “print_config_parameter” but I wasn’t seeing any response in the .homeassistant log file or OZW_Log.txt??

I just chose the node, then chose the config parameter 101 from the dropdown, and then wrote “1” (no quotes) or whatever the parameter was on the “an integer…” line, no json.

I think the note below was more clear when I did this, and said explicitly what each of the possible values (0, 1, 2, 3?) did.

I never checked for any confirmation, but I saw that confirmation in that my sensor started working after that! (Maybe after a reboot?) Sorry I don’t recall more details! Also clearly I can’t see what the value is now, because that screenshot is not accurate.

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oh thanks - I see my UI interface must have a problem as these options (node config options) do appear for me when I click on it. Looks like the UI is trying to do something. I managed to get it done via going to Services - zwave.set_config_parameter - and using data such as: { “node_id”:“3”, “parameter”:“101”, “value”:“4” }

Another problem still - the switch in the UI doesn’t turn On/Off when I physically push the button on the smart switch itself? Any ideas how to solve this? Is there another config setting I need to change on the device? [this used to work by default on Vera for my old switches] I can’t see anything obvious in the manual

I think Parameter 80 addresses your second problem - if that is set to Nothing, try using Basic or Hail and see if that helps.

P.S. - since you’re using the Services method, the value for Basic = “2” and Hail = “1”

thanks - I tried but it didn’t seem to work, however I notice that when I’m calling the set_config_parameter service here I get no output in the zwave log. That is when I pass:


This is interesting as when I change the parameter 111 I definitely see the change occur in the log file.

The other thing however is that I do note log entries when I physically push the buttons on switch now - so when I press On then Off again I see the following, however the Switch on my UI doesn’t change/react to this:

2018-04-18 07:54:40.056 Detail, Node003,   Received: 0x01, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x49, 0x84, 0x03, 0x14, 0x04, 0x10, 0x01, 0x5e, 0x25, 0x26, 0x33, 0x70, 0x27, 0x32, 0x81, 0x85, 0x59, 0x72, 0x86, 0x7a, 0x73, 0xef, 0x5a, 0x82, 0xb6
2018-04-18 07:54:40.057 Detail, 
2018-04-18 07:54:40.057 Info, Node003, UPDATE_STATE_NODE_INFO_RECEIVED from node 3

2018-04-18 07:54:51.086 Detail, Node003,   Received: 0x01, 0x1a, 0x00, 0x49, 0x84, 0x03, 0x14, 0x04, 0x10, 0x01, 0x5e, 0x25, 0x26, 0x33, 0x70, 0x27, 0x32, 0x81, 0x85, 0x59, 0x72, 0x86, 0x7a, 0x73, 0xef, 0x5a, 0x82, 0xb6
2018-04-18 07:54:51.087 Detail, 
2018-04-18 07:54:51.087 Info, Node003, UPDATE_STATE_NODE_INFO_RECEIVED from node 3

Not sure if you have any ideas?

PS. I’ll have to try to understand why my UI doesn’t seem to work and pop up the values in the Zwave config section so I could try to do the changes there like you do.

Not sure if you have any ideas?

PS. I’ll have to try to understand why my UI doesn’t seem to work and pop up the values in the Zwave config section so I could try to do the changes there like you do.

Shouldn’t this be node_id 3 based on your log data?

I’m getting a lot more log data when I press the button, perhaps due to the Basic setting I have?

2018-04-17 18:09:03.620 Info, Node033, Received SwitchBinary report from node 33: level=On
2018-04-17 18:09:03.620 Detail, Node033, Refreshed Value: old value=true, new value=true, type=bool
2018-04-17 18:09:03.620 Detail, Node033, Changes to this value are not verified
2018-04-17 18:09:03.620 Detail, Node033,   Expected reply and command class was received
2018-04-17 18:09:03.620 Detail, Node033,   Message transaction complete
2018-04-17 18:09:03.620 Detail,
2018-04-17 18:09:03.620 Detail, Node033, Removing current message
2018-04-17 18:09:03.620 Detail, Node033, Notification: ValueChanged

I have two switches at node 2 and node 3 I’ve been applying the changes to sorry, so copied the log from the other. I did try the basic setting out too… Makes it hard when I can’t confirm I’ve changed the setting as (a) my UI problem I mentioned and (b) using the services and issuing a print_config_parameter I can see any output appearing in the z-wave or homeassistant log file…

I don’t suppose you know if you (on your home assistant) issue a services, print_config_parameter, with {“node_id”:“2”,“parameter”:“80”} data, do you see a response somewhere? (in z-wave or home assistant log)

Unfortunately I actually get error messages anytime I try to use the services method for zwave config LOL. The control panel has always worked for me so I’ve never bothered trying to troubleshoot it. Sorry!

saw this :slight_smile:

updated homeassistant with latest release that just came out and everything good now. Fixed the zwave configuration UI and I could set parameter 80 to “basic” and then the manual change of the zwave switch got reflected in homeassistant!

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Thank you for posting this!

Man, this helped out so much. Thanks for posting this. It saved me from having to contact support and it fixed the problem with not getting a reading.