AI Shopping List

Hi, I’m looking to make an HA-integrated shopping list / to-do list that I can integrate with ChatGPT. Of course, I want the regular functionality of the to-do list that can be read/modified by voice command or by the Home Assistant dashboard. But I also want ChatGPT integration to sort the list by grocery aisle and translate back and forth between different languages.

I installed the OpenAI-Conversation add-on with the hopes to set it as my voice assistant and expose the Home Assistant To-Do List to control my shopping list. However, I was disappointed to find the voice assistant doesn’t have access to the items in the list, so it can’t do any sorting or translating.

After lots of Googling, I’m struggling to find inspiration on another path forward. I was just wondering if anyone here has experience with this, or maybe just some keywords I can add to my Google searches.


Describe what you mean by this? It does have access to the list and shopping list intents do work in 2025.1

(read: I have not added anything ‘special’ to my configuration to allow my LLM to ‘access’ a shopping list beyond exposing them)

But I’m VERY verbose in the prompt telling the LLM about what things are. The second image is a picture of the UI for a self hosted version of Mealie - that is driving the actual shopping list, integrated into HA as shopping (ToDo) lists and that picture was the direct result of the ask.

So what’s going on so we can figure it out?

The problem is that the assistant doesn’t have the ability to read the items already on the list



It does. But it needs help.

What I mean by that. You can’t just assume adding llm just knows how to do stuff with no context. It may see the intents but it may not know how to apply them

What have you added to your prompt to explain to the llm what each of your lists are and what they contain or are you running defaults?

Whats going on in your case is the intent to read the list exists (see image) but your llm hasn’t made the connection that that’s exactly what you asked.

In mine I combat that with nearly 8 pages (single space) of typewritten instructions and somewhere in there I explain to the ai that xyz are the shopping lists and they contain items, please use the standard intents to manage the including adding and removing items from the list.

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Interesting. How did you expose the list contents to Assist? I’m using the Anylist integration, which helpfully adds the list contents as attributes on the entity - but I can’t see how to expose those attributes to Assist. The only way I’ve managed to do it so far is to create a new Template sensor to read the attributes, and then add instructions to the prompt so that the llm knows to use a different entity to read the list contents. But this is not a satisfactory solution.

That’s just it. I did NOTHING special on that end.

The integration packing the ToDo list is Mealie.

I’m having the same issue… Using local to-do or shopping list and ollama api to a local ollama agent. The assistant will do a lot of things, even give the number of items like above, but is adamant it can’t read the contents. Asking to add to a list has resulted in a hallucination, admission of failure, or what I believe is a HA response that it failed to use the tool. Something similar is happening when I ask to set light brightness.

Other things, blinds, lights on/off, etc work fine. But, I’m struggling with lists and light brightness, so I’m not rolling it out to the family.

Edit: I’m running the default system prompt. I searched for hours but couldn’t find any documentation or working examples that seems to help with these. If you have them, sharing them would be helpful…

I´m afraid that in the entity what is exposed to LLM the content of the shopping list is missing. So LLM has no information what is included in shopping list.
Shared to LLM is only amount of items in shopping list.

My LLM can add the items to the shopping list but to get the items not. Those items are not exposed and need to be grabbed via an action.

action: todo.get_items
  entity_id: todo.shopping_list
  status: needs_action

And you get the following output:

    - summary: sugar
      uid: 170f5fef81be48a7b49701413739bb77
      status: needs_action
    - summary: paper
      uid: 88abaa27e4f54c90bd856b5488775a8c
      status: needs_action

The problem is to get this information out of the action so the LLM can access it. I tried automation to trigger the action expecting the data would be available for the LLM but without success.

I would also love to know how to grab that information.