AirTouch 2 Plus

Hi all,

It would be great if Home Assistant could control The polyaire Airtouch 2 plus

There is an api available .


Hi thought I would give this a bump since it’s been a while since I posted this.

A little ot but I guess there isn’t many people who want this integrated into home assistant.

Would anyone be able to show me how to do basic control with the API ? I.e with node red or something.

Did you ever get sorted with this ?

Unfortunately not, @Redndh was going to have a look but they haven’t posted back

I wish there was an integration for AirTouch2 plus in homeassistant feels like one of the things that is missing for me :frowning:

Giving this thread another bump. Keen for this integration!

I’ve started working on a Node RED flow to sit between the AirTouch 2+ and Home Assistant. I’ll be using MQTT so I can use the existing climate control.

So far it only updates with the current status, but I’ll be working on getting to at least basic functionality.

There’s also a quick configuration block to bring this in as a climate card.

All the information that’s needed to fully develop this is in the Polyaire document in ozczecho’s repository.

I’m capturing stats from my Growatt inverter and looking to have Home Assistant attempt to keep the AC power usage below my solar budget, hopfully saving on importing power. I might move it all to python as a native integration at the end, depending on how well Node RED works.

wow so excited. I uploaded the api to ozczecho repo 2 yrs ago, So happy someone is making an integration.

As an update, I have started work on sending commands (hasn’t been pushed to repo) and I’m creating the packet correctly, but its having no effect.

I haven’t had a chance to come back to it again yet. Still on my radar.


Hi, just figured I’d put it out there that I kinda finished my ‘original’ airtouch2 integration and I’ve set my sights on supporting this one (airtouch2+) by implementing the spec linked in the OP. It’s going to take me a while because I’m busy with work+life and I also don’t have an airtouch2+ to test it on. I’m trying to be thorough and rigorous with unit testing (meaning it will take even longer) and once I get the fundamentals done I’ll post again asking for people to test it :slight_smile: .


@bignacho I have an AirTouch 2+ and am familiar with software development. I’d love to help test it and contribute in any other way that the community would deem valuable.


Me too, on both job and having an AirTouch 2+


I’ve just created a Swift package to communicate with an AirTouch 2+ unit.

I’m hoping someone else can somehow leverage this into working for Home Assistant, but I’m not yet sure of the best way to bridge this code with Home Assistant.


I’ll see if I can figure out how to build and run it to test. What languages does HA support for plugins?

You’ve beaten me to implementing the spec - nice work. My python library is almost done I’ll post the code soon with a test python script for someone with the system to test.

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So I’ve pushed an experimental at2plus branch to my github: GitHub - nathanvdh/airtouch2-python at at2-plus-support

It requires Python >= 3.10 due to some new syntax for type checking that I’m using.
I’ve made a simple test program that should print out the state of your aircon(s) as it updates.

It’d be great if someone could test it out.
First run pip install -e . from the project root (location of pyproject.toml)
Then run the test_programs/ script from the source directory. Let me know how it goes (I have no expectation for it to work at first…) by replying to this issue: Support airtouch2+ · Issue #6 · nathanvdh/airtouch2-python · GitHub

Usual speel about no warranty provided or liability for damages, I am not responsible if stuff catches fire, explodes or the world ends.


I have uploaded a newer version of the api hopefully it helps

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Great to see movement on this! Especially leveraging existing Python, or other languages. I’ll try give them a test.

My Node-RED flow was never really going to be a slick solution, but these have potential.

I’m still going to try finish it anyway, as it’ll be useful as a proof-of-concept ‘lite’ solution. I haven’t done much bitwise stuff before so takes a bit to build momentum when I can get time amongst life, work and family.

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I’ve made a first attempt at an integration now. Don’t expect it to work well, I would be grateful for people to test it and report any issues here: Airtouch 2+ support · Issue #8 · nathanvdh/homeassistant-airtouch2 · GitHub.

If you add my airtouch2 repo to HACS and enable the ‘show beta versions’ box you should see it as at2plus.beta.1. The integration should appear in the list as ‘airtouch2plus’.

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Might just be me however when I install your beta version (at2plus.beta.1) I still only see airtouch2 in the integrations (not airtouch2plus)?

Ah HACS integration repos can only have 1 integration per repo. I thought I could have them both in the same repo but apparently not: Integrations | HACS

Okay just made a separate repo - try using this: GitHub - nathanvdh/homeassistant-airtouch2plus: Custom component integration for Polyaire Airtouch 2+, you will need to enable ‘show beta versions’.