Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

Hi Mate, I install alot of Airtouch 4 systems and alot are not setup properly to begin with which causes alot of control issues. ID be happy to help you out.

What are some of the main things to look for?
I’ve got mine (at face value) working great but want to be sure. Only issue is sometimes the integration in HA won’t respond/gets stuck

It really is a lot of detail to go over in a message but I do help people Australia wide with setting these up better and they seem to work way better every time I have. Unfortunately a lot of installers around have no idea about what they are even installing!

If you send me a pm I can give you my number and if you would like to to call sometime I can go through and fix somethings up and explain what some other things are actually meant to be doing.

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If you didn’t know, The indoor fan will run continuously in cooling mode.
The spill opens when the total opening % of the on groups/zones is less than 90%

Spills I don’t like to use as you will get times where it lets conditioned air into the spill zone when you don’t want it to, I prefer to use a bypass damper which works much better.

Anyone else getting the occasional message when clicking on any of the lovelace controls driving the AirTouch4 integration?
Failed to call service climate/turn_on. ‘AirTouchGroup’ object has no attribute ‘PowerState’

@mihailescu2m , using your control for Airtouch 4 which is amazing thankyou! - however I cant seem to get what I need from certain fan entities - Most are working fine and giving me speed of fan , damper percentages and all that , however some rooms are not giving me that - I get just the preset modes damper and ITC and nothing else.

Anybody else had this issue / know how to fix it ?

Hi, my AirTouch 4 integration is giving each zone as “climate” and not “fan” and is reading the temperate as 154.7 deg C. Anyone have any ideas how to change these zone from climate to fan so that I can control the dampeners? I have deleted my aircon and tried to reinstall it, but it has done the same. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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I had one ITC glitch briefly yesterday to 154.7 degrees as well. Never seen that happen before. I restarted HA and it was fine after that but I wonder what caused it.

The same thing has now happened several times, although only with one sensor. My kitchen really wasn’t that hot… Any suggestions welcome.

Guys - using this in HA and loving it - thanks for all the work.

I want to be able to push the values out through MQTT to my Node Red instance to enable other home automation actions to happen.

I have the MQTT side setup fine - just trying to work out the template values to get the current temperature sent - can anyone give me a hint on this

Here is what the Developer tools is showing me

But am having trouble with the following in the template to try and work out the correct syntax

Anyone give me a hint on this one ?


Yeah - I’m getting this when I try to turn off a zone, but it’s inconsistent at best

OK got a bit further on this one now

I want to run this every minute to publish the values from my ITCs in each room to MQTT

To do so - edit the automations.yaml

    platform: time_pattern
    minutes: '/1'
    seconds: 00
     - service: mqtt.publish
         topic: /HomeAssistant/Airtouch/Temperature/Camryn
         payload_template: '{{states.climate.camryn.attributes.current_temperature}}'

Still trying to work out now how to publish for each of the ITCs (rather than just a single as above) - would like each value published to a seperate MQTT Topic - but can not suss out yet how to do that one


Has anyone figured out a way to use third-party temp sensors for each room (ie: aqara zigbee) as the genuine Polyair ITC sensors are $149 AUD each!


I have a separate automation pushing to MQTT for each area using a state change as the trigger. I don’t like doing it this way but don’t know if there is any other?!!

- id: '1612621011144'
  alias: Airtouch 2 MQTT - Kitchen
  description: ''
  - platform: state
    attribute: current_temperature
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.from_state and\n   trigger.to_state.attributes.current_temperature\
      \ !=\n   trigger.from_state.attributes.current_temperature }}\n"
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: cbus/write/0/0/1/measurement
      payload_template: '{{ state_attr('''', ''current_temperature'')
  mode: single


Thanks Timbo - what i ended up doing was setting up an automation and having the values pushed every minute to my MQTT broker and then consumed by NR

I have setup a trigger node so if i do not get any values for 5 minutes then i raise an alarm to let me know something might be wrong.

Once i have them to NR i have been sending them through the Smooth node and taking a rolling 10 minute average


I used to use the XIaomi temp and humidity sensors in each room for monitoring temperatures from my hydronic heating system - once we got Airtouch and the zone dampers for each room it made more sense to use the ITCs.

I guess you could use the Xiaomi like i did (I ran Tasmota on an ESP32 to gather their data - but you could just as easily use ESPhome) - you would then need a way to command the dampers to open and close to keep within the temperature requirements for each room.


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Yep I use the Xiaomi sensors which connect to an ESP32 running ESPhome. They work great. I have seven of them. I haven’t automated much based on them yet. I’ve only gone so far as to activate a scene if my sons bedroom is hotter than a certain temp in the evening. That scene then cools his room down for bedtime. It’s useful as we live downstairs with big sliding doors and windows open so remain quite cool compared to the upstairs bedrooms. Plan on doing more automating in the future when I have some spare time.

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Does anyone know if the AirTouch API makes available the power consumption of the system?

Also, I saw some super work by @tonymyatt in integrating AirTouch 3 where he also exposes the battery levels of the ITCs. Does anyone know if that could be added to the AirTouch 4 integration?

Looking at the protocol spec for the AirTouch4, there does not appear to be any allowance for reporting power consumption to the client. Partly I suspect is that only some AC manufactures (Daikin the only one I know of) that make that data available.

I also had a look at the Group status message, and it seems to report a battery status of normal or low. So conceivably it could be exposed to HA either as an attribute on the zone, or as a seperate binary_sensor per zone. Unfortunately not something I personally have time to look into, but it is there in the API.

I’ve just migrated my HA install from SD card to SSD and it went smooth as silk except for the Airtouch integration. It was not working and this has happened several times before after a HA restart so I disabled the Integration and tried to Enable it but it does not enable. There are no error messages - it just does nothing. Is there somewhere else I can look for logs? Any ideas?