Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

Anybody else noticing that the set points in HomeAssistant don’t update when you control from the panel?

Mine do, certainly when the system is running anyway. I’ve noticed that when the system is off the ITC temperatures stop updating (potentially after some delay) until you perform some AT4 related action in HA and then everything seems to resync.

I have this exact same issue :-/

I am having also this issue :slight_smile: so I will have a look.
I’ve been working in the meantime on a nice mushroom card, see attached…

Living - shows ITC enabled with current and |-> target temperature
Robert - shows ITC enabled but zone disabled (with current temperature)
Master - shows ITC disabled, with damper set at 50% (with current temperature from ITC)
Alex - no ITC, shows zone status with damper status
ITC-enabled zones show colored icons with the AC state, not ITC will default to the A/C fan icon.

1 Like

Have been trying out mihailescu2m integration and am getting it lock up after an hour or two, all of the data freezes and any attempts to turn zones on/off or change temperatures just rubber band back to the frozen value. The only way I have found to get it back up and running is to reload the integration.

My log is just filling up with reconnecting errors once I try to interact with the system once frozen.

2022-06-22 09:30:21 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Error sending message! Retry in 5 seconds...

2022-06-22 09:30:26 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Error sending message! Retry in 5 seconds...

2022-06-22 09:30:31 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Error sending message! Retry in 5 seconds...

2022-06-22 09:30:36 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Error sending message! Retry in 5 seconds...

2022-06-22 09:30:41 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Error sending message! Retry in 5 seconds...

Any one else hit this problem?

I am also seeing some disconnection issues, however only with the server on my NAS.
When running the server on my laptop, I can’t reproduce them. So I suspect the issues coming either from some HomeAssistant framework, or different python versions. Annoying to debug…

Interestingly, just adding debug messages results in no more issues for me, but further testing is required …

I occasionally get the integration failing to connect on a HA restart, but once its connected its rock solid. I am running the whole Supervised HassOS (on a nuc).

I have pushed version 1.3, please update and see how it’s working.

After update, entity names will change so you will need to update your cards as well. I’ve added the entity type in the name, so instead of climate.<zone> and fan.<zone> the names are now climate.itc_<zone> and fan.damper_<zone>.
Integration name was also changed from AirTouch 4 to AirTouch 4 (PUSH) so it’s easier to distinguish.

I’ve also added lots of debug messages. If you are still having errors, let me know in the Github issues page with a paste from your log. Before, set the integration logging level to debug and enable the python debug messages in configuration.yaml, like this:

  default: info
    custom_components.polyaire: debug

Thanks for this integration, it’s super helpful and works well! Good to hear about connection improvements and more debug messages, I do get fairly regular errors where it disconnects / reconnects but one of the commands in my automation is lost.

One thing isn’t working quite the same, that’s using damper mode. Here’s the actions I’ve been using successfully in the past. When I run this with v1.3 it doesn’t change to ITC mode, if I manually switch to ITC mode in the Airtouch app it doesn’t change the current damper percentage.

  - service: fan.turn_on
      preset_mode: Damper
        - fan.guest
        - fan.master

  - service: fan.turn_on
      percentage: 25
        - fan.guest

Here’s some messages I’m getting in the logs. I haven’t work out what this correlates with, but it doesn’t appear immediately when I run the actions above.

2022-06-24 10:16:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 10:17:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 10:18:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!

I know there’s a new damper entity but I’m not sure how to get it into damper mode. This action doesn’t seem to do anything.

service: fan.turn_on
  percentage: 50
  entity_id: fan.damper_master

Can anyone help with damper mode in v1.3?

Replace “fan.guest” with “fan.damper_guest”, “fan.master” with “fan.damper_master” etc in the code you shared

1 Like

That worked, thanks :slight_smile:

Another question. The temperature reading for rooms seems to get “stuck” sometimes, not changing at all for an hour or two, even though I know that heating is turning on and off occasionally. I can see in the dashboard that the temperature stays the same for that time.

I use Apex Charts to visualise temperatures for the last 24 hours. This first screenshot was taken at 7:20pm and shows three rooms (blue, orange, and green lines) haven’t changed temperature at all since 6pm.

This screenshot was taken at 7:43pm same day, 23 minutes later. The blue and orange lines for the same time period now show the actual temperature changing, whereas the green is still flat. It’s 8:10pm now and it’s still flat. I’ll update the post in an hour or two if it changes.

Has anyone else seen anything similar?

Here’s the logs for the period.

2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Living: auto>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Living: on>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Master: on>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: auto>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC GreenLine: auto>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper GreenLine: on>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Guest: off>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Guest: off>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 18:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------

2022-06-24 19:18:16 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:18:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:21:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:23:14 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
... (multiple lines with same message removed)
2022-06-24 19:26:56 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:27:17 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
... (multiple lines with same message removed)
2022-06-24 19:32:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:29 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Living: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Living: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Master: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC GreenLine: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper GreenLine: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Guest: off>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Guest: off>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC GreenLine: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper GreenLine: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:34 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC GreenLine: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper GreenLine: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:35 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC GreenLine: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper GreenLine: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC GreenLine: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper GreenLine: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Master: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Master: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Master: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Master: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:38 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:32:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:32:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-24 19:32:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Master: on>>
2022-06-24 19:32:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: auto>>
2022-06-24 19:32:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-24 19:32:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-24 19:32:39 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
... (multiple lines with same message removed)
2022-06-24 19:38:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-24 19:38:41 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-24 19:38:49 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
... (multiple lines with same message removed)
2022-06-24 19:43:49 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!

Wow this rocks!

I’m getting this exact same problem and the same “Message received with unknown header!” logs.

Mine doesn’t recover from this without intervention.

Unknown header is not an issue, they are messages sent that are not decoded (like login messages from the internet/app, or messages with timer and other settings).
The logs are starting 7:20ish when it was working, the flat line is from a period when it was “disconnected” at 6ish.

I will send today an update that fixes some more rare cases when integration doesn’t start on HA restarting, but I’m not sure it will fix this issue as well.

I will let v1.3.1 out and see how it works for a few days, then I can try something else if this issue still occurs.

1 Like

Really appreciate the additional release, that was quick!

I’ve updated the logs in my post above with the logs from about 6pm. Basically everything was updated at 6pm, then there were no more updates until they occurred at 7.32pm. After that there were no more updates until 7.50pm, and that’s where I stopped the detailed logs.

I keep detailed logs to a minimum to reduce wear on the SD card for my R.Pi4, but I’ll turn them back on for a few days to provide more info if you like?

As expected the 1.3.1 release while appreciated hasn’t resulted in more reliable connectivity for me. My home WiFi seems reliable, extended ping tests show my R.Pi4 can always contact the Airtouch4. I’m happy to help with any diagnostics, I’m an ex Java developer and can read Python code fine but I’m not so proficient at writing it.

This screenshot taken at 10:27 shows the system thinks none of the temperatures in the house have changed in a couple of hours.

Once I went into a different screen and triggered a temperature change two of the three temperatures updated - the orange line (master bedroom) hasn’t changed. Once I changed the master bedroom temperature it updated the graph within about 20 seconds.

Here’s the logs that show there were no temperature updates received in that time.

2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Living: on>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Living: auto>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: off>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 1 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Master: off>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Guest: off>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Guest: off>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC GreenLine: off>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper GreenLine: off>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-26 08:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-26 08:00:18 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-26 08:05:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
(removed lots of expected / unknown header lines)
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Living: on>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Living: auto>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC GreenLine: off>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper GreenLine: off>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 2 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ----- start callbacks -----
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity Damper Guest: off>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 3 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Guest: off>>
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] ------ end callbacks ------
2022-06-26 10:35:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-26 10:35:04 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!
2022-06-26 10:35:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with unknown header!

First of all, thank you for this integration.
I too am having issues since updating a day or two ago - basically HA doesn’t see any changes if done on the unit itself, or the current temperature sensor changes. But it can control the unit. I presume this is because it’s now supposed to be local push as opposed to HA polling?
I wonder if there’s a connectivity issue -my AC is on an isolated VLAN, while HA is in the servers VLAN. Though of course I have opened traffic from the AC to HA, so it can technically see it, it’s whether PUSH works across VLANS? Or its something else?

Also see Sensors not updated automatically when changes are made on wall controllers · Issue #5 · mihailescu2m/hass-airtouch4-platform · GitHub

Can you tell me if you are running HA on a raspberry pi?
I am running it on my NAS and don’t have this issue…