Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

Thanks @Brett.Grivell that worked, but need to put a 1 sec delay between the two actions. So that means 3 actions for each zone, so for my 6 zones means 18 actions in total.

I actually discovered I can achieve the same effect using two scenes activated my an automation. The first changes all zones to damper at once, the second changes them all too 100%. And a 1 second delay between activating each scene.


@Brett.Grivell I only just discovered the issue with the temp not updating, and that’s a good workaround!

You’re obviously more knowledgeable than me, so could I ask one other thing? I’m wanting to run an action based on the temperature in a zone, the triggers i’m trying don’t seem to be working. E.g. if temp in living room increases to 23 degrees, turn on cooling. The below trigger didn’t work:

platform: state
attribute: temperature
to: '23'


I struggle with this every time I try to do something new too. I tried to do what you’re doing but gave up as I couldn’t make it behave how I wanted. I don’t have the code any more, but it was basically looking to turn the system on if the temperature got above 24 or whatever I’d set it for. And I think that worked as long as HA was running at the moment that it went from less than or equal to 24 to greater than 24. Whereas I was wanting it to action at anytime if it was above 24. I understand now that that’s not how it’s supposed to behave but it still didn’t do what I wanted so I changed it.

Now I just trigger the Automation to run every 15 mins as I figured the temperature doesn’t change that quickly inside.

Automation code:

alias: AC Downstairs Cool (Auto)
description: ''
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /15
condition: []
  - service: script.ac_downstairs_set_cool_condition
mode: single

and it runs a Script that has conditions that let it run the actions or not

Script 1 code:

alias: Set AC Downstairs to Cool Conditions
  - delay: 5
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.ac_auto
    state: 'on'
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ not is_state("climate.d_stairs", "cool") }}'
  - condition: or
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{(state_attr("", "current_temperature") | float) >=
          (states.input_number.ac_down_max.state | float)}}
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{(state_attr("", "current_temperature") | float) >=
          (states.input_number.ac_down_max.state | float)}}
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{(state_attr("climate.lounge", "current_temperature") | float) >=
          (states.input_number.ac_down_max.state | float)}}
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{(state_attr("", "current_temperature") | float) >=
          (states.input_number.ac_down_max.state | float)}}
  - service: script.ac_downstairs_set_cool
mode: single

And finally, that calls a second Script that actually runs the actions.

Script 2 code:

alias: Set AC Downstairs To Cool
  - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
      hvac_mode: cool
      entity_id: climate.d_stairs
  - service: climate.set_fan_mode
      entity_id: climate.d_stairs
      fan_mode: low
  - service: climate.set_temperature
        - climate.lounge
      temperature: '{{states("input_number.ac_down_max") | int}}'
mode: single

To explain that code.
I have a variable input_boolean.ac_auto that I can use to turn HA’s automation of the AC system on or off if I want to have manual control over it for some reason. I also have some input_number variables for the upper and lower temperatures I want each of my two AC systems to trigger at as I got sick of adjusting the code and it also makes it easier to adjust all the zones temperatures at the same time.

Variable code (in the configuration.yaml):

    name: AC Auto

    name: Upstairs Min
    min: 16
    max: 32
    step: 1
    name: Upstairs Max
    min: 16
    max: 32
    step: 1
    name: Downstairs Min
    min: 16
    max: 32
    step: 1
    name: Downstairs Max
    min: 16
    max: 32
    step: 1

The reason I broke it into two Scripts was so that I can call the Actions with or without Conditions. Specifically, when the Automation runs every 15 mins, I want the Conditions to only allow it to running if it’s above the desired temperature, not already turned on and it’s in Auto mode. However, if I adjust the temperature sliders in HA, I want that to be immediately enforced irrespective of the conditions.

Automation for triggering on set temperature sliders being changed:

alias: AC Downstairs Cool (Manual)
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_number.ac_down_max
condition: []
  - service: script.ac_downstairs_set_cool
mode: single

My suggestion would be to use the GUI rather than the direct YAML and then if you can’t do what you need in the GUI take what you’ve already created and add the extra. i.e. the template stuff you’ll need to code.

The Developer Tools section in HA is very helpful too.

Thanks @Brett.Grivell it’ll take me a bit to get my head around that, but I’ll give it a go!

Hi all - I’m relatively new to HA and not as technical as most here but have muddled my way through a few things so far and am loving it.

I have a AirTouch 4 with 7 zones and am trying to achieve exactly what @BeardyBrah has with sliders to adjust vents in each zone.

I added the @mihailescu2m repo via HACS and then added the AirTouch integration and gave it my Tablet IP and it discovered the AC unit and the zones and their names. But I have 8 climate entities (the system and each zone) and no fan entities. That doesn’t seem right?

My top card seems to be almost working… I can start and stop the system but I have no idea where the Currently temp comes from or why I have N/A on the right hand side?

I’m not sure what I might have done wrong? Any help here greatly appreciated!

The entity from “ac_0” seems incorrect to match your setup would be my assumption from the limited information provided.

What information is provided when you the view the climate entity from developer tools?

I deleted the integrations and started from fresh - not sure what I did wrong last time but all looks good now. Entity is climate.daikin and I have fan entities as well. Now to have a play with it all.

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Hi Mate, I install alot of Airtouch 4 systems and alot are not setup properly to begin with which causes alot of control issues. ID be happy to help you out.

What are some of the main things to look for?
I’ve got mine (at face value) working great but want to be sure. Only issue is sometimes the integration in HA won’t respond/gets stuck

It really is a lot of detail to go over in a message but I do help people Australia wide with setting these up better and they seem to work way better every time I have. Unfortunately a lot of installers around have no idea about what they are even installing!

If you send me a pm I can give you my number and if you would like to to call sometime I can go through and fix somethings up and explain what some other things are actually meant to be doing.

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If you didn’t know, The indoor fan will run continuously in cooling mode.
The spill opens when the total opening % of the on groups/zones is less than 90%

Spills I don’t like to use as you will get times where it lets conditioned air into the spill zone when you don’t want it to, I prefer to use a bypass damper which works much better.

Anyone else getting the occasional message when clicking on any of the lovelace controls driving the AirTouch4 integration?
Failed to call service climate/turn_on. ‘AirTouchGroup’ object has no attribute ‘PowerState’

@mihailescu2m , using your control for Airtouch 4 which is amazing thankyou! - however I cant seem to get what I need from certain fan entities - Most are working fine and giving me speed of fan , damper percentages and all that , however some rooms are not giving me that - I get just the preset modes damper and ITC and nothing else.

Anybody else had this issue / know how to fix it ?

Hi, my AirTouch 4 integration is giving each zone as “climate” and not “fan” and is reading the temperate as 154.7 deg C. Anyone have any ideas how to change these zone from climate to fan so that I can control the dampeners? I have deleted my aircon and tried to reinstall it, but it has done the same. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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I had one ITC glitch briefly yesterday to 154.7 degrees as well. Never seen that happen before. I restarted HA and it was fine after that but I wonder what caused it.

The same thing has now happened several times, although only with one sensor. My kitchen really wasn’t that hot… Any suggestions welcome.

Guys - using this in HA and loving it - thanks for all the work.

I want to be able to push the values out through MQTT to my Node Red instance to enable other home automation actions to happen.

I have the MQTT side setup fine - just trying to work out the template values to get the current temperature sent - can anyone give me a hint on this

Here is what the Developer tools is showing me

But am having trouble with the following in the template to try and work out the correct syntax

Anyone give me a hint on this one ?


Yeah - I’m getting this when I try to turn off a zone, but it’s inconsistent at best

OK got a bit further on this one now

I want to run this every minute to publish the values from my ITCs in each room to MQTT

To do so - edit the automations.yaml

    platform: time_pattern
    minutes: '/1'
    seconds: 00
     - service: mqtt.publish
         topic: /HomeAssistant/Airtouch/Temperature/Camryn
         payload_template: '{{states.climate.camryn.attributes.current_temperature}}'

Still trying to work out now how to publish for each of the ITCs (rather than just a single as above) - would like each value published to a seperate MQTT Topic - but can not suss out yet how to do that one


Has anyone figured out a way to use third-party temp sensors for each room (ie: aqara zigbee) as the genuine Polyair ITC sensors are $149 AUD each!