Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

Thanks Marian, that sounds promising.

Question - if you turn off a zone using the ITC wall control, do you see it get updated in HA right away? Mine don’t at all.

Observation - nothing to do wth your integration but might be of interest, I’ve noticed the ITC temperature sensors get a bit less granular below about 15 degrees.

@spry-salt clearly you can support cold better than I do :slight_smile: I don’t really have much data under 15…

But thanks to your question and the quick reply from Polyaire, I managed to find the issue… Let me know after updating to 1.3.2 (coming in a few minutes) if you can see the zone updated in HA after turning off from the wall…

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It only gets that cold in the spare room, with the door shut :smile:

Thank you so much! Your update to 1.3.2 has worked a treat. Turning a zone on or off at an ITC wall control, and on the tablet, updates in HA right away! I’ve been able to switch off my NodeRed routine that tweaked a temperature control every couple of minutes just to keep things updated.

I’ll keep an eye on the main sensor reading and the zone readings and see how they go over time.

Thank you again, it’s a highlight for my day!

The day got better:

Update version 1.4 is available, with battery sensor and damper value available in ITC mode.


With the latest update, it seems to be working on my end as well, will keep an eye out.
Really appreciate your support of this! Thanks mate.

By the way the mushroom cards look awesome. From your first screenshot, with the bigger card that controls the operation and setpoint, how does one install that? Is it already available or is it yet to be released?

@mihailescu2m would you be opposed to me making a pull request to Home-Assistant with these updates?

I am very aware that you guys have put in a lot of effort, i just want to make sure its in the main branch!

@echo_Mark the bigger card in the first screenshot is “simple thermostat” card. The slider cards for damper control there are custom cards that have low probability of being accepted in mushroom so I created these template cards that won’t break if there’s a mushroom update. There’s an official mushroom thermostat card in the works, might be in the next release.

@doublebishop I am testing now another change, getting back to the original “pure sniffing” approach which seems to work now. 1.4.0 released now makes a new AC status request every time there’s a zone update, which keeps AC temperature even more in sync than the console, at the cost of slightly more traffic. Not sure if I want to keep this behaviour…

Thanks for the updates! I’ve installed 1.4.0 and it seems to be working fine so far - but I’ve just done the update. I would personally prefer more traffic and more accurate status reporting, it’s not like it’s going to overload HA even on the lowliest hardware.

@mihailescu2m With your Mushroom card will it show the damper percentage when it’s in ITC mode? That would be awesome. I’ve never used Mushroom, I’ll see if I can give it a go later tonight.

In your card what’s the difference between the lower middle symbol (the rectangle with the wavy lines) between being white or orange?

Wavy lines is damper, thermometer is ITC
White damper => itc mode, thermometer should not be white
Orange damper => damper mode, AC is heating
Blue wavy lines when damper mode is cooling, gray when idle (zone on, ac off)

Ill hold off then! Thanks for all your help so far!!!

@doublebishop how do you make the pull request? The official integration was done by LonePurpleWolf and is a completely different codebase.

I’ve installed Mushroom Cards from here, plus the “stack in card” extension that was required from here (which is no longer supported), but my new dashboard doesn’t look like the nice rounded version you have. The power buttons works as expected, clicking on the fan and temperature icons brings up the somewhat ugly standard controls, and long pressing does change from ITC / damper modes.

How do I make it look nicer like yours?! Once I work that out I’ll read the code a bit better and see if I can get the damper percentage showing in ITC mode.




  - title: Home
      - type: custom:stack-in-card
          - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
            entity: fan.damper_living
            hold_action: None
            primary: Living
            secondary: |
              {% if state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode") == "ITC" %}
                {% set state = state_attr("climate.itc_living", "hvac_action") | capitalize %}
                {% set target = state_attr("climate.itc_living", "temperature") | round %}
                {% set text = "to " + target | lower + "°C" if state != "Idle" and state != "Off" %} 
              {% else %}
                {% set state = states("fan.damper_living") | capitalize %}
                {% set target = state_attr("fan.damper_living", "percentage") %}
                {% set text = "at " + target | lower + "%" if state != "Off" %}
              {% endif %}
              {{ state }} {{ text }}
            icon: >
              {%- set icons = {
                "heating": "mdi:fire",
                "cooling": "mdi:snowflake",
                "drying": "mdi:water-percent",
                "idle": "mdi:air-conditioner",
                "off": "mdi:power"} -%}
              {{ icons[state_attr("climate.itc_living", "hvac_action")|lower] |
              default("mdi:autorenew") }}
            icon_color: >
              {%- set colors = {
                "heating": "#ff8100",
                "cooling": "#2b9af9",
                "drying": "#efbd07",
                "idle": "#8a8a8a",
                "off": "disabled"} -%}
              {{ colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living", "hvac_action")|lower] |
              default("#8a8a8a") }}
              style: |
                :host {
                  height: 84px;
          - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
            alignment: center
              - type: template
                entity: climate.itc_living
                content: >-
                  {{ state_attr("climate.itc_living", "current_temperature")
                tap_action: None
                hold_action: None
                  style: |-
                    ha-card {
                      top: -16px;
              - type: template
                entity: fan.damper_living
                icon: mdi:air-filter
                icon_color: >
                  {%- set colors = {
                    "heating": "#ff8100",
                    "cooling": "#2b9af9",
                    "drying": "#efbd07",
                    "idle": "#8a8a8a",
                    "off": "disabled"} -%}
                  {{ colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living",
                  "hvac_action")|lower] | default("#8a8a8a") if
                  state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode") != "ITC" }}
                  action: more-info
                  action: call-service
                  service: fan.set_preset_mode
                    entity_id: fan.damper_living
                    preset_mode: Damper
                  style: >
                    {%- set colors = {
                      "heating": "255, 129, 0",
                      "cooling": "43, 154, 249",
                      "drying": "239, 189, 7",
                      "idle": "138, 138, 138",
                      "off": "138, 138, 138"} -%}
                    {% set color = colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living",
                    "hvac_action")|lower] | default("138, 138, 138") if
                    state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode") != "ITC" else
                    "var(--rgb-state-disabled)" %}

                    ha-card {
                      top: -16px;
                      --chip-background: rgba({{color}}, 0.2);
                      --text-color: rgb({{color}});
              - type: template
                entity: climate.itc_living
                icon: mdi:thermometer
                icon_color: >
                  {%- set colors = {
                    "heating": "#ff8100",
                    "cooling": "#2b9af9",
                    "drying": "#efbd07",
                    "idle": "#8a8a8a",
                    "off": "disabled"} -%}
                  {{ colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living",
                  "hvac_action")|lower] | default("#8a8a8a") if
                  state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode") == "ITC" }}
                  action: more-info
                  action: call-service
                  service: fan.set_preset_mode
                    entity_id: fan.damper_living
                    preset_mode: ITC
                  style: >
                    {%- set colors = {
                      "heating": "255, 129, 0",
                      "cooling": "43, 154, 249",
                      "drying": "239, 189, 7",
                      "idle": "138, 138, 138",
                      "off": "138, 138, 138"} -%}
                    {% set color = colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living",
                    "hvac_action")|lower] | default("138, 138, 138") if
                    state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode") == "ITC" else
                    "var(--rgb-state-disabled)" %}

                    ha-card {
                      top: -16px;
                      --chip-background: rgba({{color}}, 0.2);
                      --text-color: rgb({{color}});

Mushroom themes

Edit: card_mod, stack in card, mushroom and mushroom themes, all available in HACS I think. Then select mushroom theme in your user menu.
Horizontal stack is also useful (with vertical stack or grid) to arrange them nicely.

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Ah I got it now, thanks. For some reason mine is wider than yours and doesn’t look quite as good, but it’s pretty good :slight_smile: I’ll have a play with it over the next week or so to see what I can learn / do. Of course by then you’ll be up to version 2.3 of the integration and everything will have changed :wink:


Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 7.44.30 pm

Change to display both damper % and target temp in ITC mode:

    secondary: |
      {% if state_attr("fan.damper_robert", "preset_mode") == "ITC" %}
        {% set old_state = state_attr("climate.itc_robert", "hvac_action") | capitalize %}
        {% set state = state_attr("fan.damper_robert", "percentage") | lower + "%" if old_state != "Off" else "Off" %}
        {% set target = state_attr("climate.itc_robert", "temperature") | round %}
        {% set text = "to " + target | lower + "°C" if state != "Idle" and state != "Off" %} 
      {% else %}
        {% set state = states("fan.damper_robert") | capitalize %}
        {% set target = state_attr("fan.damper_robert", "percentage") %}
        {% set text = "at " + target | lower + "%" if state != "Off" %}
      {% endif %}
      {{ state }} {{ text }}
1 Like

Yours is wider because I have 2 of them in a horizontal stack.
Also I am not sure why the chips are so low, try playing with the top: -16px; setting.

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas…

If its a totally new codebase… probably would need to be a totally new integration, rather than a an update… though you could call it ‘refactoring’?

I dont know the full process of a new integration, only how to do updates… its relatively straight forward process, though to be totally honest i have only had minor amendments get integrated.

I’ve let the latest version run all night on its own without a NodeRed task tweaking a zone temperature every few minutes to keep things updated. It seems like it mostly worked but there’s an anomaly on the charts for all the zones, see below. What do you think? Looks like zones stopped updating and were only kicked back into action by target temperature changes.

Thank you for the example card, its exactly what i’ve been trying to do (unsuccessfully) myself. But do the colors/icons change as soon as there is a state change for you??

For some reason for me if the state changes in the background (eg a different card/view or directly on the airtouch panel) the state/text display changes almost immediately, but the colors and the icons dont change and less I toggle them directly.

Not sure if its a system problem, or a card-mod problem, or just the way its works…