Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)


Thanks @sam2 for pointing up a bug :slight_smile:
Update to v.1.4.2 and it will work.


@mihailescu2m Thanks for the updates. Overnight (before applying your latest update) there was a stretch of no updates which you can see in this graph from 2100-0230. I applied both your updates from overnight at about 0700 this morning but there are still stretches of no sensor updates happening (e.g. about 0900-1030 and 1200-1230. Any ideas? Should I keep ‘pinging’ the AirTouch with a tweak to a target temperature every 10 mins or so?

Thanks for the updates, I’ve just installed 1.4.2 now. manifest.json should probably be updated from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2.

I’m playing with mushroom cards, mine are coming out as below. I think you’re doing something subtle with formatting to get three “mushroom-template-card” cards together looking like a single entity - I’ll have to have a look when have time to look in detail. The ones you provided work fine, I’m just wanting to do tweaks like making the font a bit bigger so I can see them without glasses :slight_smile:


@tomwaldnz i am putting 2 if them in a horizontal stack…

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card

Overnight none of the ITCs updated. The lines on the graphs are all flat until the heating started this morning.

@spry-salt Finally I am getting this issue, and now I understand why I was not getting it before: I also had the homekit plugin installed, which was asking for updates every 5 mins.
Waiting for a response from polyaire, I believe this behaviour (console not sending temperature updates) came about a firmware upgrade at some point in time.

That’s a relief, thought it must just be me!

Still occasionally getting the following error:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4
Source: custom_components/polyaire/ 
Integration: AirTouch 4 (PUSH) (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 19:19:06 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 19:19:06

Connection error in receiver!

Does AirTouch indicate when the AC switches to the Bypass zone if that exists?

If the bypass zone is configured as a spill zone then yes. There’s a spill flag that, I can probably add it as a sensor. There is also a timer-set flag and turbo flag if people are interested.

I debugged yesterday the messages from AT4 with a Polyaire engineer and indeed, there are no messages being sent when temperature changes. Hopefully this will be fixed in a future firmware upgrade, I will add a little polling until then.

Been busy updating the HomeKit integration in the meantime, basically rewriting it …

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You are a star, thank you so much for the work you’re doing on this. Please let me know if I can help with further testing.

I think any additional sensors you provide based on data coming from the AirTouch will be useful to someone so I’d vote for them if they’re not too much work for you to implement.

Glad to see this page.

I have done something similar with Mushroom cards, temperatures are from my zigbee sensors.

I would ideally prefer to be able to manually input the desired temperature for each zone :frowning: which I still can’t figure out.

I’ve published v.1.4.3 with fixes for temp updates, plus added the spill and turbo sensors.


Thanks Marian :slight_smile: I’ve installed it and will report back in a couple of days, but so far so good :slight_smile:

I saw a connection error today in the logs. Not sure if it’s a problem or not, but I’m getting one or two of these per day. See the link “2022-07-06 16:00:00 ERROR” (stars added by me)

2022-07-06 13:35:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-07-06 13:35:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received is AC message!
2022-07-06 13:35:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchACStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC ChildRoom: auto>>
2022-07-06 13:35:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchACStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Guest: off>>
2022-07-06 13:35:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchACStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Master: auto>>
2022-07-06 13:35:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchACStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Living: auto>>
2022-07-06 13:35:42 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchACStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity AC Daikin: heat>>
2022-07-06 16:00:00 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Connection error in receiver! ****
2022-07-06 16:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message receiver lost connection, trying to reconnect...
2022-07-06 16:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] (Re)connecting...
2022-07-06 16:00:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] open socket connection to the airtouch...
2022-07-06 16:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] (Re)connected!
2022-07-06 16:00:00 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message receiver task (re)started...
2022-07-06 16:00:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received with expected header!
2022-07-06 16:00:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4] Message received is group message!
2022-07-06 16:00:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.polyaire.protocol] Updated AirTouchGroupStatus 0 status, calling: <bound method Entity.async_write_ha_state of <Entity ITC Living: auto>>

Anyone had any issues with the latest version? Can I close the github issues?

Just the “Connection error in receiver!” I posted about above. Otherwise it seems good :slight_smile:

I only see two errors but both occur whenever I restart HA:

`Logger: homeassistant.components.binary_sensor
Source: helpers/
Integration: Binary sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 1:44:11 PM (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:44:11 PM

Platform polyaire does not generate unique IDs. ID polyaire_itc_battery_3 already exists - ignoring binary_sensor.itc_lowbattery_dining
Platform polyaire does not generate unique IDs. ID polyaire_itc_battery_4 already exists - ignoring binary_sensor.itc_lowbattery_lounge
Platform polyaire does not generate unique IDs. ID polyaire_itc_battery_5 already exists - ignoring binary_sensor.itc_lowbattery_green
Platform polyaire does not generate unique IDs. ID polyaire_itc_battery_6 already exists - ignoring binary_sensor.itc_lowbattery_blue`

Followed by:

`This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.polyaire.airtouch4
Source: custom_components/polyaire/
Integration: AirTouch 4 (PUSH) (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 1:44:11 PM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:47:56 PM

Connection error in receiver!`

My AC has a dedicated ‘bypass’ duct fitted. To see if that’s reflected in the updated integration I set the target temperatures of all zones to below the actual temperatures. The AirTouch tablet shows ‘Bypass’ as the current zone but I don’t think the integration reflects that. Am I missing something really obvious?

Thanks again Marian for this great integration.

@spry-salt there is no Bypass in the public API, only spill… if bypass isn’t shown by the spill sensor, then there isn’t anything else I can do.

connection errors can be ignored i guess as long as reconnection is successful

as for the unique ids … it seems that it tries to add the sensors multiple times … and ignoring the copies.
can HA see the sensors ok?