Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

Thanks all, I’ll call them tomorrow :slight_smile: I wonder if the main module is software they can update… hopefully. If anything the problem seems to be getting worse, I’m getting disconnections two dozen times a day and automations aren’t working well.

Did you try setting the display to not go off?

Not yet. It’s not in a good place in our home to be on all the time, plus it would likely fail more quickly. I might try tomorrow while I’m home too see what happens.

I just dimmed mine to 40%, i found it annoying anyway to wake it up every time i had to

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What do they need to know when you call them? Just the ID number of the system?

that’s right. And best call between 10 and 4 as no one will return your call

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What time zone is Polyaire in? Looks like South Australia, which is 3h behind NZ.

I changed my Airtouch4 tablet’s Android settings to “never turn the display off”, yet it turns off anyway :confused:

My one is AEST.
To have the display never turn off go to settings → display → time out → never (pretty sure that is the path)

I set it just the same, it still turns off. Oh well.

I called Polyaire but their tech support guy was on the phone, so hopefully he will either just push the updates based on the message left for him, or he’ll call me back…

That’s weird.
Do you still have a screen lock?
It was recommended to me by support to remove it (known to cause crashes)

I don’t think I have a screen lock. When I hit the button on the front it never needs an unlock code or anything like that.

Did you have any luck?

TLDR: faulty console, will be replaced.

More detail: I left a message with my request as tech support was busy, they got back to me a couple of hours later. They said the logs they could access showed there was a problem with the WiFi, and to try a few things by changing a few settings on the console and on my router (turn of bluetooth, turn off band steering, try WiFi guest account). I already had those settings done, except the guest account as I need the Airtouch on the LAN. I think they’ve decided the console is faulty and needs to be replaced, and I think it might be under warranty. It’d be nice if it was updated to the newer version that can get updates, but if this fixes the WiFi and it works properly that’s fine. I think I have much more functionality using Home Assistant than any newer versions would get anyway.

They also told me the version of the Airtouch Console I have only supports the app up to version 1.3.3, 1.4.1 isn’t compatible. Also the main module is a hardware revision done because of global supply issues with semiconductors, it’s not better or worse it’s just implemented differently.

Leaving the screen on didn’t help either. I also noticed that Ethernet was enabled in Android settings even though I don’t think it supports Ethernet, so I turned that off. If I could get Ethernet in that would solve the problem

Good to know, I’ll try and call them this week to ask about a firmware update.

@mihailescu2m In case it’s another useful data point for you I’m getting the ‘Connection error in receiver!’ messages very frequently now with the latest version of HA and AirTouch4 integration.

They do a few things better than the 4 did and some of the new features that are coming out are very godd which Im curently using in mine before the updat is officially released.

I wonder what’s involved with an upgrade from Airtouch 4 to 5… probably not worthwhile. I’m getting a new Airtouch4 tablet soon, a slightly newer version apparently.

A friend of mine is looking at getting rid of his zoning system ( MyPlace/MyAir ) and moving to Airtouch, as the current one is really not working well for him and the vendor is hopeless. I’ve suggested Airtouch5 is worth waiting for. Having to change all the dampers makes it a bit of work.

I received my warranty replacement for my Airtouch4 tablet yesterday, and it turned out to be the Airtouch5 tablet with Android 11. This doesn’t give me Airtouch5, it’s still an Airtouch4, I suspect the brains of the system is the box sitting up in the ceiling. Part numbers: console 657254 RJ12 socket 657258.

The replacement was simple. Install a new bracket (same screw holes / size as the previous model), install the socket to the bracket, put the tablet in. The setup was simple, just a basic Android setup following instructions. I didn’t need to restore backups or anything like that, it all came back automatically. I joined it to my 5Ghz WiFi network, signed into the Google account, set the time, that’s about it. There’s a youtube video that the documentation links to that makes it easy.

It’s been almost 24 hours and since then I have not had one disconnect or connectivity related error. With the previous tablet I’d have had 15 - 20. It seems to have resolved the connectivity issues. If anyone else is getting many, many disconnects it might be that a replacement tablet could solve the problem for you.


Just found this integration and it’s working great, thank you so much for all your work.

Only thing I’d like is to be able to access the spill sensor - I can’t see it anywhere. I did notice a pull request which is to update the class of the spill sensor from battery, so I looked at the battery sensors - but they don’t seem to change at all after leaving them for a full day when I’d expect the spill zones to be used.

Is there any other config needed? Is anyone else using them?

I have a binary sensor such as binary_sensor.zone_spill_living for each room, from memory I didn’t need to do anything to make it available.

The spill sensors are indeed not added properly due to a minor bug in the code. See the post below how to fix the issue yourself.