Airtouch 5 Integration (Aus)

Hey all, is the official version out? Just had the Airtouch 5 installed.

not as yet!

also waiting on the official version to be released as well - hopefully we’ll see it soon : ) any eta?

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:cry: :cry: :sob: :sob: :sob:

also waiting hopefully - my system to be installed Wednesday

I was able to get the airtouch5 integration running by installing as a custom component.

steps I followed are:

  1. Download the home assistant file GitHub - home-assistant/core: Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. (code button)
  2. Unziped the file and copied \core-dev\homeassistant\components\airtouch4 to /root/config/custom_components/ of my home assistant
  3. Renamed the folder to airtouch5
  4. Edited the manifest.json and updated domain, name, requirements and version entries.

manifest.json i used

  "domain": "airtouch5",
  "name": "AirTouch 5",
  "codeowners": ["@LonePurpleWolf"],
  "config_flow": true,
  "documentation": "",
  "iot_class": "local_polling",
  "loggers": ["airtouch4pyapi"],
  "requirements": ["airtouch4pyapi==1.0.8"],
  "version": "1.1.0"
  1. Updated the
DOMAIN = "airtouch5"
  1. restarted home assistant
  2. Added the integration settings->devices and services add integration airtouch 5 (was not available after restart so I had to restart my web browser)
  3. Entered the IP address of my airtouch controller when prompted


final integration

Only been running for a short while and does not seem to be impacting anything else, I was able to control the zones, temperatures and functions using HA

Following official release I will remove custom component and add the offical integration so as to get any future updates.


Amazing thanks at least this gets us going until the official release.

Question: Is it normal to expect about a 30-45 second delay when receiving events from airtouch?

For example, turn off a Zone via the AirTouch app. It takes approximately 30-45 seconds for the to be updated in HA.

Is this normal? Does the add-on work by polling the AirTouch controller every X seconds for the state of all device? What is the polling frequency and is it configurable?

Also, does the add-on support open/close percentage % of each zone? If so what attribute is it in the entity?

This is amazing add-on thank you!

I was following your (very good) instructions and all was going well until Step 7 (adding the integration) (after restarting HA).

I have double-checked everything and am pretty sure I’ve got it right, but AirTouch 5 is not showing-up as an available integration. I am using Chrome, and closed and re-opened it - still no luck, did a ctrl-F5 refresh - also no luck.

any other ideas?



Ian, I have had a look and you appear to be doing the same as I did. I’m using a recent version of home assistant are you using an up to date version?

Download your full log and you should see something like this:
[homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration airtouch5 which has not been tested by Home Assistant

Otherwise check if there are any errors relating to airtouch5

ah - thnkyou. I always forget to look in the logs, and they often have usefull stuff to tell me - like this time.

I had missed the comma off the end of line 9 in manifest.json !

Thankyou for mentioning the “IP address when asked”, because it pops-up a window with no indication of what it is wanting!

All good - got it working (although I would loved to have power information (eg kW, kWh), but maybe it is just not there to be made available.

It’s definitely not there to be made available, unfortunately - the AirTouch API is really basic…

Thanks! this worked for me :slight_smile:
It is very basic, when the official integration is released will it be the same?

Is there an ETA for the official version. I’d rather wait if not too far off.

Thanks for the instructions - I have the integration working well with my AirTouch 5 system.

One question I have which is more of a general HA question, but still related to this - does anyone know how to extract the temperature of the zones into their own sensors? I have AirTouch temp sensors in each room, giving me 8 zones total. And with this integration, each room gets its own “Climate” sensor which displays the current temperature and provides controls for that zone. But I’d also just like a dumb temperature sensor to be displayed in HA for each room. Not sure if that makes sense?

I know what you mean. I have 2 sensors and would like to do the same. Make sure the answer is posted here (if the answer doesn’t come from here :slight_smile: )

Answering my own question… I created 8 of the following sensors to match the names of my rooms.

  - sensor:
    - name: "Main bedroom temperature"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.main', 'current_temperature') }}"

Excellent, I have got the same working (although written differently).
Next question - I’d like to just get the fan on/off state for each zone. When viewed in Developer Tools / States, I see:

Entity State Attributes fan_only lots of stuff

My question is, what sort of code do I use to extract the “fan_only” state ?
(Thanks to Stuart, I can successfully extract attributes - but don’t know how to extract the main state)

  • and I blundered-around until I solved my own question too:
        friendly_name: 'Family Room On/Off'
        value_template: "{{ states('climate.kitch_family') }}"

I’m interested in this too, but I’m curious to hear if your system works the same as mine at the moment… Each of my zones has a temperature sensor and there’s a damper in the ducting that controls the air flow to the zone. This means that each zone only reports “fan_only” or “off” as the modes of operation, and only the main heat-pump unit reports the actual mode of operation (e.g. heat, cool, auto, etc). But if the zone was turned on when the heat-pump was turned off, then the zone continues to report “fan_only” instead of “off”. So to get the true operation state of a zone, I need to combine both the state of the main heat-pump unit with the state of the zone - I can’t just rely on the state of the zone to determine if the heat-pump is actually on or not.

Wondering if I need to create a bunch more template sensors so I can better report on the actual operation of a zone…?

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The zones should just read a simple zone on or zone off, I don’t know why these integrations show as fan on as it isn’t correct and misleading.

The zones and the main unit are two seperate things.
The zones can always be turned on and off independently of what the main system is doing.

I would be adding a additional icon to each zone that changes colour when the main system itself is on.
This makes it clear to see that the zone is on but the system is off.

Things do get a little bit more complicated with the new Airtouch 5 sensors as they can also be used to start stop the main unit if they are configured that way.
Besides the sensors controlling the dampers they are used to determine when the main system will start and stop if they are setup properly.

The Airtouch should be set to use the controller sensor as economy or auto, I’d check this as most installers just leave it at AC which does not offer the best control of the system and functionality of the sensors.

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