Airtouch 5 Integration (Aus)

Hey I think I have this issue, all zones are set to 24c and haven’t beet changed in the last 24h, but in that same period, the spill has hit 18c - how can I fix this?

My guess is probably the same, Daikin control not connected and settings changed and have you confirmed your control sensor in settings is set to either economy or auto if using a bypass.

I belive I have the same issue with my new Fujitsu Airtouch system, all zones get to the correct temp and then the spill zone keeps cooling until I manually turn it off when it is several degrees cooler than the setpoint.

Does a Fuijitsu system require the same step with a controller be done as the Daikin?

Thanks for the help, very underwhelmed by the air touch.

My Fujitsu doesn’t do that, but I have a bypass zone not a spill zone. The air conditioning company explained before I bought the Fuj/AirTouch system why that would be much better than a spill zone.

The Fujitsu stuff does require the same setup steps as the Daikin.

Thanks. My installers didnt, but the spill zone should work fine as its the area with the most windows and last to cool down to temp anyway… As long as the AC stops cooling at some point lol.

Thanks. I will have to get the installers back out. I keep getting told interesting things when I talk to them about it. I shared a screen shot of the spill zone being 3 degrees under the set point of 23 and they told me the system isn’t designed to do a little bit of cooling and that it would work fine if I had it set to 21. Then I sent them a screen shot of it on auto, Air Touch and I expected it to be heating (air touch controls orange instead of blue) but the AC was cooling and they told me you cant use Auto in a house its only designed for offices.

You can set the temp to what you want and it will work fine but if they haven’t connected a Fujitsu control to the system the Airtouch is sending information that the Fujitsu system isn’t looking at because uts still making decisions from its own return air temp sensor.

Auto mode I don’t recommend people use as it will switch between heating and cooling in its own and not usually required for homes. It also has a bigger swing between when it will stop and start.

With spill zones, you have to keep in mind the spill zone when open will run until the spill room reaches the coldest setpoint of the on zones on cooling and opposite on heating.

If living is the spill and set for 24 but you have another room on set to 20 degrees the spill will cool to 20 degrees.

I finally got around to updating my home assistant and deleting the custom_components install of the airtouch integration and installing it properly in the GUI.

Now it seems I don’t have entities for the battery level of the buttons / temp sensors in the rooms, or the damper levels. Are they not available any more or is there a way to get those back?

The built-in integration currently only supports climate entities. The Home Assistant code contribution policies only allow a single entity type per pull request. I don’t think any further pull requests have been submitted to add the other features yet.

If you want the battery and damper sensors you will need to install a custom integration. There are two options available: the custom version of the built-in integration which needs to be installed manually, or the integration I developed which can be installed via HACS (see links in previous posts).

would you all recommend airtouch5 with Mitsubishi ducted reverse (20kw)? according to this thread airtouch5 works well with HA?

thank you

I’ve been happy with the AirTouch 5 (controlling a Panasonic AC in my case). As long as it has been set up properly by the installers (which unfortunately often seems to not be the case) the system works well to maintain temperatures within zones and has a good API which supports feature rich integrations.

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I agree - same here (AirTouch 5 and Panasonic AC). With ITC sensors in my 4 critcal zones, it maintains them to +/- 0.5 degrees.

Ditto, with Fujitsu AC.

Hi there,
I recently changed my Router which updated my IP address’s. so i uninstalled /re-installed the Polyaire integration. The Issue i am having now is the integration only fines 2 entities now - the AC and Toshiba. Previously i used to have all the zones/dampers etc. populate.
Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

Are you using the built-in integration?
That integration only creates climate entities. If you want damper entities you need to use one of the custom integrations mentioned earlier in this thread.

I manually setup the custom components from the github downloads but still not having any luck

Ok so this is a strange one. I setup up the custom component with the latest version 0.7.0 and no rooms populate but when i install the custom component from version 0.1.0 all the rooms populate.
I worked my way through the updates and up to version 0.3.0 seem to work and discover all entities but V 0.4.0 onwards does not.

v0.4.0 had a few changes. The only one that I can think might impact this would be related to the area name lookup. The integration tries to look up the names of existing areas to use in the suggested areas. Earlier versions just used the zone name directly, but that resulted in Home Assistant always creating new areas if the zone names didn’t match your area names.

Do you use areas in Home Assistant?

Are there any errors in the logs? If not, could you try enabling debug logging for the integration and send through the logs (private message is ok if you prefer)? I can take a look and see if anything stands out.

You can enable debug logging from the integration page before you set it up by following this link:

I do use rooms but not areas. i re-attempted 7.0 with debugging on i get 3 errors in the logs i will post the 4 individually