Airtouch 5 Integration (Aus)

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: helpers/
integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 20:10:04 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:10:04

Error while setting up airtouch platform for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 356, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.shield(awaitable)
File “/config/custom_components/airtouch/”, line 54, in async_setup_entry
zone_device = ac_device.zone_device(airtouch_zone)
File “/config/custom_components/airtouch/”, line 170, in zone_device
return ZoneDevice(
File “/config/custom_components/airtouch/”, line 127, in init
File “/config/custom_components/airtouch/”, line 48, in init
File “/config/custom_components/airtouch/”, line 70, in _register_device
self._device_info[“suggested_area”] = self._find_area(suggested_area)
File “/config/custom_components/airtouch/”, line 82, in _find_area
normalized_name = area_registry.normalize_area_name(name)
AttributeError: module ‘homeassistant.helpers.area_registry’ has no attribute ‘normalize_area_name’. Did you mean: ‘normalize_name’?

Thanks for the logs. Looks like this is caused by an unannounced breaking change in Home Assistant 2024.4. I’ve released v0.7.1 of the integration which should be compatible with the latest Home Assistant. Let me know how it goes.

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Hi Mate,
It looks to be working again.

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Thanks, really appreciate it. If the spill zone works the way you have described it will be perfect once fixed.

I had trouble getting the Electrician to understand the issue and your descriptions helped. But then he told me the Fujitsu units come configured correctly from the factory so those steps aren’t required, says he set up 100s like that. I then got put in contact with the Victorian Air Touch support person and he is going to have a chat with the electrician as the steps are required.

So hopefully I am finally getting traction towards getting this fixed. Then I can look into home assistant automation to handle the switching between Heating and Cooling since the air touch cant handle that with its “programs”.

That’s good, the setting definitely need to be changed.
Like many installers they don’t care or are too lazy to do it.

What do you mean with switching between heating and cooling?? The programs allows switching of modes etc

Im 6 months into my Airtouch 5 /Daiken experience and the spill/bypass function on my system is clearly wrong. Im about the throw the unit away as the zoning fuctionality is useless. Any time i try to heat up one or two rooms, i end end heating the entire house (the spill vents are in the living space). HELP please

Have messaged you, please call me.

My installer also put my spill zone in the main living area. Luckily I had a little-used room (with the door always open) right near the return air grill, so I made that the spill zone.

I feel like my AirTouch with my Panasonic aircon isn’t going well sometimes one room forgets to close its vent causing the whole room to cool to 16 degrees. well, when I first moved into my house the AirTouch tab crashes the app so there was no aircon for weeks until that tablet on the wall gotten replaced as AirTouch doesn’t supply there apk to reinstall the app no issues so far without the aircon over cooling a room. sometimes not all the time just turning off the zone off and on fixes everything tills it occurs again

That’s sounds like a damper issue, the control itself has no issues but you can have issues with the zone/dampers not closing properly.

The 1st generation tablets had a very fussy rear connection which caused a lot of problems with crashes or other strange issues. They have resolved this now with a newer style connection which gets rid of these issues.

Is this the case if you have a bypass? I have a Daikin system with a spill zone and we are struggling to keep the room that it’s spilling to at a decent temp, even with all rooms set to same temp. I think I’ve seen you mention elsewhere a bypass is the better solution compared to a spill zone? Should I speak with my installer about adding a bypass or?


Hi Mark,

Definitely try get a bypass in if you can, they are 100% the best thing to add to systems and make your system a lot more efficient and more comfortable.

Your welcome to call me anytime on 0447770989 if you do have any questions about your setup.

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Hi, using 0.71
just in the last couple of days I’ve notice something strange. When I do half degree changes it no longer responds all the time.
If I do a full 1° change and then go back down half a degree then it follows on

so for example I’ve got a bunch of zones and I change them all by half a degree up and then I reload the page and it is back to what it was before

it’s not always reproducible so I’m not sure at the moment what’s going on

The Airtouch doesn’t use .5 degree increments at this stage, I think it’s a feature that may come out in an update soon.

I did see something similar early on during my testing but I was never able to reproduce it and haven’t seen it since. The API supports 0.1 degree adjustments, but the tablet and official app only allow 1 degree increments as mentioned by @smitcoracing.

If it’s more reliable, you can just switch the home assistant integration to 1 degree increments via the options section on the main integration page.

Let me know if you work out steps to reproduce and I can take a look to see if there’s anything broken on the integration side. However, my guess is that the AirTouch itself is just not really ready for the smaller increments even though it is in the API.

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To me it has been working in the last month or so I’ve been using the integration…
I can tell it works because I’ve got a control panel on the left where I set things and then the right side reflects the changes immediately.

at least I think I’ve only noticed that in the last week

The integrations have always moved .5 of a degree but the control itself can only do 1 degree movements.
I have always had the setpoints in home assistant move back with the AT4 and AT5

Once the Airtouch is upgraded to .5 increments then it will work.

I think they designed it with possibility of moving .1 increments but haven’t moved in that direction and probably won’t as it’s not necessary for people to move at .1.

.5 will come out for sure however.

Just wanted to share my experience here. First off big shoutout to @smitcoracing who was incredibly helpful and even walked me through this over the phone. Helped me make some tweaks which helped. Another massive shoutout to Anton from Polyaire in Adelaide who came out to change some configurations. Now the system is working the way I expect within the limitations of my house design.

For context I have a 4 bedroom house with a double brick old structure and then a living room with a mezzanine where the two main vents are located. As you can imagine hot air coming out of those vents in winter really really struggles to get down to the main area. I’ve resorted to putting a pedestal van on a switch to turn on when the living room vents are active but also have a ceiling fan on summer mode (not smart controlled, yet) to turn on and push air down. No issues in summer where the cold air naturally falls.

My house was set up with a random spill vent in the hallway which would haemorrhage conditioned air in a hallway (freezing in summer, baking in winter). @smitcoracing identified that the At5 had no idea what this vent was doing and Anton had me adjust the fins so that it pointed directly back to the return air (I don’t have a bypass duct)

The system seems more reliable now especially since changing the system to have the Mitsubishi system sending air from the correct spot (installer had configured it to sense from outdoor inverter so it was always on)

My only question now:
I want to move away from the polyaire app and only use HA for control.

I cannot figure out how to get the automation to set the fan mode to auto for example if someone changes the app manually to low/high. There doesn’t appear to be a fan mode setting? I’m referring to the main unit not individual rooms. I’ve for sensors in every room. I use to have the fan set to a preset speed as @smitcoracing suggested and this worked at first but with the tweaks the polyaire tech made when he came out, auto seems to work a little better for these freezing Adelaide winters…

Assuming you are using the custom integration, if your AirTouch was set up with an auto mode, it should be available in the fan mode list of the main AC climate entity.

You can set it via an automation by choosing the “set fan mode” service and manually typing in auto:

Auto fan speed won’t be shown on the zones. The integration uses fan on, off, and turbo to indicate the state of each zone.