Airtouch 5 Integration (Aus)

Don’t see this happen too often but I would say you need to speak to tech support or the engineer I deal with.

He is able to access the system to see when it has or hasn’t been connected and go from that.

If it continues to be a issue they may just replace the tablet.

I just realised - the master temperature setting doesn’t seem to be returned by the integration - seems like a strange omission (unless I’m looking in the wrong spot). Has anyone found it ?

Question for anyone else running with the custom integration to support their Airtouch 5. Have any of you had issues with your zone motors not opening when the unit is turned on?

I’m just trying to eradicate all possible causes for the issue, but I am experiencing problems with a couple of my zones not opening in the morning unless I manually turn them on and off and fiddle with the percentage a couple of times to “wake” them up.

I don’t think it’s the airtouch4pyapi as it doesn’t even seem to support zone percentage, but figured I should ask.

Do you have temperature sensors for each of your zones?

no, just on a couple of them

Are the zones you’re talking about the ones that have the sensors?

The zones can take a little bit to open up at times depending how close to the set point they are.

It could just be integration taking time to make things happen with the Airtouch system itself too.

sorry - I think I answered the question you directed at Kaldek !
(ignore my response and wait for Kaldek to respond)

I have had my first instance of the AirTouch 5 losing WiFi (after 2.5 months). I couldn’t ping the IP address on the home network, and the app showed a line through the globe symbol (indicating internet loss). Restarting the app did not fix the problem, but a restart of the tablet did.

Mine still loses WiFi. I’ve done a lot of fiddling with WiFi settings and it appears to be more stable on the 5GHz frequency for some reason. But it still drops off from time to time. Toggling WiFi on and off is usually enough to fix it on the tablet.

Yep, each zone has its own sensor. Issue happened again today. I even made a video of the problem.

Basically two of my zones (Study and Theatre) seem to jam stuck closed even when the controller commands them open. I can force them open using the percentage controls though, and then they come good. It’s bizarre.

Hi mate, could you please give me a call as it may be easier to help you.

I’ll inbox my number.

Is there a way to modify the min and max set points and the step between them? In home assistant it is allowing 18-32º but the AirTouch app actually allowed 16-30º. Also the home assistant controls have 0.5º increments but AirTouch seems to always use whole numbers.

Thanks for the great instructions. It all went well until I put in the IP of the tablet and I had an error “unknown error occurred”!

This is a dumb question, but am I right in saying that the IP address should be that of the Tablet? i.e the tablet is the controller and there isn’t another controller somewhere in the system.

Went through the process again and it worked!!! I must have got something wrong the first time! Many thanks.

A little off topic but, has anyone monitored their power usage since having the airtouch5 installed?

When we have the unit enabled (heating rooms) even when everything is up to temperature the power usage is still really high.

Is this expected or has something gone wrong with our install? Our local installer hasn’t been able to figure anything out…

For those using the integration - do you find your unit locks up occasionally? I wake up in the morning and the unit has frozen during the night, it seems to happen more often when controlling the unit with the integration. I need to reboot the android tablet to fix it.


Last question first: Yes, my tablet kept locking-up. I complained to my installer, who went back to AirTouch and they “got into” my tablet remotely I think, and things improved. Sometime later, it was still locking-up occasionally (but less frequently). I went back to my installer again, and I think the same thing happened, and I haven’t had a problem since (many weeks now). (I have never let-on that I am reading data from it - otherwise they would just blame that of course.)

I have never tried to change any setting in via the integration - is it possible ?

First question (power usage). Yes, I monitor the AC power usage in real-time. When we switch it on, the power shoots-up to over 2kW. When it reaches the temperature setpoint, the compressor cuts-out and the power drops back to about 600W just running the fan - until the compressor needs to run again. The attached file (hopefully) shows this (we turned it off at the end).

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@Danzel I will PM you my number, I can probably help you alot with this.

@steerage250 I will PM you my number, I can probably help you alot with this.

If anyone ever has issues with systems are unsure why things do what they do then please just message me and I will provide my number so that we can speak about all more in detail.

I’m happy to help and the better the name this product has in the public eye the easier it is for me to sell it to my customer over the options which are not as good as what the Airtouch is.

Unfortunately, From doing hundreds of installs and helping on installs with others and doing warranty work for Airtouch themselves I have seen many faults.

99% of all issues with any of these systems is installer based or customers having to set them up because the installer didn’t do it, didn’t understand the way they work or they design systems in a very old way that is not relevant to how these should work and it throws out the algorithms.

Every install I do I never hear back from people and they are nothing but happy with the systems when we return for regular maintenance.

True product warranty is very rare but does happen.

Does anyone know how to get the integration to refresh the names of zones etc? For example, after I got the integration going, I re-numbered a couple of zones (including changing damper wiring) to get the commonly used 6 zones onto the main screen of the AirTouch panel. However, the sensor name in the intregration did not pickup the change of names. Now I’ve moved an ITC sensor, and the same is happening.
Do I have to completely rmove the integration and start again ?