Airtouch 5 Integration (Aus)

Mine doesn’t look that good, this is an automation turning it on to heat up the house twice during the night.
This is whole house power load, just the peaks are the AC/AirTouch.

Will give an update are chatting with smitco

I have so many questions after replacing my old ducted gas heater with an Airtouch 5 controlled “Panasonic S-160PE3R Ducted Single Phase Reverse Cycle (High Static) R32 System with Air Purifier 16KW COOL 18KW HEAT”.

The biggest one relates to temperature regulation across all zones, specifically as it relates to Spill zones. I understand why the system needs a Spill zone, but I’m unimpressed with how this works in reality.

The spill zones become very hot or cold depending on what mode the system is in, particularly when the other zones are near or have reached target temperatures.

  • Why can’t the system simply ease/turn off instead of dumping excess heat/cold into the spill zone?
  • Should the operating mode be set to Auto mode instead of Heat/Cool to make this work as I expect?
  • Why doesn’t the system simply turn off when all target temperatures are reached, and then automatically turn back on when the temperature starts to deviate again? This was how my old gas system worked. The new system seems to just keep running and dumping excess pressure into the spill zones while maintaining set point temperatures in the other zones. This seems oddly wasteful.

The installer initially set the main living area to be the spill zone, but I had to change it to a little-used zone because we were always too hot or cold in that living area. It seems that designating a zone as a spill zone means it will never be held at any comfortable set point temperature.

Is there something off with the install or am I missing something?

Please call me, will message you

Hi, Just got Airtouch5 installed with a mitsubishi PUZ-ZM125YKA. Completely new to this.

I see nothing is official yet, is anyone actually working on an official release? I would prefer to avoid trying to play with code if possible. But the thread is a year old so maybe nothing is being worked on?

I’m also confused with Airtouch5. I have 5 zones + 1 constant.
If I set the temp, the zones will keep changing their own %. Why?
Eg I have 2 bedrooms on. They are set to 50%. Why wouldn’t they be 100%?

Also as above, after the rooms reach temp, the compressor doesn’t shut down completely so the house keeps getting heated slowly. The rooms shut to a low flow, there’s a spill set downstairs. Why is this?

Hi mate, please give me a call about this, I will message my number or message me as your profile is hidden

Big thanks to smitco for taking me through how the unit should actually work.
My system doesn’t have a bypass set up, will be getting the installer back to install one.

I’ve done some packet captures and taken a look through the current HA integration, and I can sort of understand why it would cause the unit to get upset. (The lockups I’ve been seeing)
I’m planning to work on improving it or making a new one to replace it in the next few weeks when I have the time. Will update in here as I go.

(For any devs following along - the AT5 protocol looks like you should just make one TCP connection to it, the AT5 will stream you state changes and you can perform queries and make updates using that one connection, but in my capture there are 6 long running tcp connections, plus the integration does 4 new connections every minute to poll for things that it should already be receiving, or at least be able to poll off the existing connection. Moving all of these on to a single connection will hopefully make the unit happy)


I have the same issue. I think the spill zone will not turn off until the main return air duct hits the temperature that your hottest zone is set at.

Very frustrating as my return is in the hallway (coolest part of my house) and the closest duct I have near it is my lounge room which an hit 4-5 degrees hotter via the spill,

I have mine set to economy mode which has seemed to help over auto which would basically never shut off

Maybe @smitcoracing can confirm this?

For systems using a spill zone the control sensor should be set to “economy”. Systems which have a bypass installed should be set to “Auto”

Economy will follow and jump between room sensors until the set points are reached, when the spill opens the sensor in that room will then decide when the systems outdoor should stop.

Auto will follow the sensors in the same way expect when the setpoints are reached the Airtouch will revert back to the sensor inside the air conditioning unit itself.

When using economy it is important to know that some brands of units need to have the factory wall controller fitted and settings changed to tell the system that its temperature is controlled by a wall controller.
If this isn’t done the system itself won’t respond properly still although the Airtouch has been set to economy.

This again is why a bypass is the best way to do things as you change no wall controller settings, you have no spill zones, the system starts and stops quicker, the home is more comfortable, lower running costs etc.


Interesting, our control sensor is set to “AC”. I don’t have a bypass installed, instead we have nominated 2 zones as the spill zones. We also don’t have the factory wall controller installed - we only have the AirTouch5 console to control the system. We have a 16kw Fujitsu heatpump (Artg54lhtc) controlled by the AirTouch5 with 8 zones. Based on that info, would you still recommend changing it to Economy?

Should never be set to ac that’s the default lol.
You shouldn’t need two spill zones, just one of the more common zones and never bedrooms.

You don’t have to install the Fujitsu controller, it just needs to be connected to the system so some settings can be changed, then removed and the Airtouch gateway connected.

This should have all been done by the installer and it shows you in the installation manual how to do this and what settings to change.

Should be set to economy if you have temperature sensors for all the zones, if you don’t and the tablet is in one of the spill areas it should be set to console 1

If you don’t have sensors then you should buy them as this is the main and most important feature to add to the Airtouch.

An initial version of the new integration is ready for testing!


In your home assistant config directory create a directory custom_components if it doesn’t exist.

(If you have the previous integration installed, move/delete the existing airtouch5 folder from there.)

Extract the file in to there, so you end up with custom_components/airtouch5/manifest.json (and a bunch of other files in the airtouch5 folder)

Restart home assistant.

If you didn’t already have the previous integration installed, add it - Settings, Devices, Add Integration, AirTouch 5.

It will take a bit to load the first time as it downloads the communication library.

I’ve added a few new things:

  • AC has binary sensors for bypass, spill, turbo.
  • Zones have binary sensors for spill and battery low
  • Zones have a cover entity that represents how open the damper is. (I haven’t enabled controlling dampers)
  • Zones can have turbo enabled (This is a preset, when you set the preset to turbo it’ll enable the zone to turbo. Changing preset turbo → none will change the zone down to just on. Changing operation to off will turn off the zone (and set preset to none). This is a bit clunky but it is how HA seem to want it to work)
  • Zones change target temperature 1 degree at a time (Before it would do 0.5, but I don’t think that actually worked. Doing 1 degree at a time matches the app anyway)
  • You can set the target temperature for the AC unit (I don’t think you should actually do this, the airtouch device does this automatically)
  • Updates are received “local push”, HA should know as soon as something changes in the app

Some weird things I’ve noticed:
I have a zone that is off, but the API is telling me the damper is 100% open.
My AC always says it is on turbo

Things I’d like to hear:

  • If the integration breaks or something doesn’t work.
  • Is your AC always showing turbo is running?
  • Any weird things you notice
  • Does your airtouch device keep locking up (It shouldn’t now hopefully :sweat_smile:)
  • If the integration works.

When we’re happy with the integration I’ll submit it for inclusion in HA.
Thanks for testing :slight_smile:

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I have done as you said (created a new folder \\config\custom_integrations\airtouch5 and unzipped the file into it, and restarted HA) - but there is no AirTouch5 integration available in Settings/Integrations/+ Add Integration.
My old installation was in config\custom_components\airtouch5. I moved the folder into my new custom_integrations folder, and deleted the contents before unzipping the new stuff.
After restarting and not being able to see an AirTouch5 integration available for selection, I deleted the old integration from HA and restarted and tried again - that didn’t help (but now I have nothing!)

Thank you for confirming and the quick response!
How do i know if my main air con unit has been set correctly to bypass the main system? I have a Toshiba rav-sp1404at-a2

Ah crap sorry I’m an idiot.
The folder should be custom_components like it was before, the new one should go in the same place the old one was.
Will update my instructions.

ahh - that certainy helped :slight_smile:

After I installed the old AirTouch4 app (suitably tweaked for AirTouch5 as described earlier in this thread), I physically swapped 2 zones over (as in swapped over the wiring for the dampers up in the ceiling and re-named the zones in the AirTouch unit). The new names for the zones never flowed through into HA. I was hoping a fresh install would fix this - but no - the names on the sensor.ac_blabla are still the original names (ie the 2 zones still with the original names).
How do I fix this?

Similarly, I shifted the ITC (temperature sensor) that was next to the AirTouch controller into another room, and it does not appear in the Devices list as sensor.zone_name_temperature.
There other similar problems.
Is there a way to completely erase all history and do an install completely from scratch, so all the current zone names in the AirTouch console are used?

I’m guessing a bit here, I haven’t tried this.
Do a backup of your database.
Remove the integration (settings > devices)
Open the (settings > devices > entities) list, select them, hit [REMOVE SELECTED]
Add the integration again.

What are the “_spill” and “_battery” binary sensors for each zone?
Does the “_spill” just indicate it has been flagged as a spill zone (doesn’t seem to be the case) - or that the zone is actively spilling?
Is the “_battery” a battery low indication for an ITC for that zone (if fitted) ?

Spill means that zone is actively being spilled in to (should match the s icon in AirTouch).
Battery is low battery for temperature sensor I believe