Ajax alarm system

That helped a lot, however still strugeling with the settings, In the documents the full configuration is mentioned. I did not get all the options in the config flow. How and where do I put them? Eg. The zone name?

  port:  port
    - name: hubname
      account: account
      encryption_key: password
      ping_interval: pinginterval
        - zone: 1
          name: zonename
           - alarm
           - moisture
           - smoke

Hi @Markus69 the config does not happen in yaml anymore, just in a config flow, so indeed go to integrations and add it from there, after adding the component through HACS, the config above will do nothing. Zonenames are not editable anymore, I will check the docs to see if those are still up to date.

Hi Eduard,
First thanks for all the good work, much appreciated. Under HACS Integrations SIA --> information there is a link to a page mentioning as I understand now old information. That’s what got me confused. It is working now so again thanks!!

Good catch, just updated the info page!

I got this working. But I have one major issue. When the esp+remote is connected to power i cant restart home assistant. It doesnt start up. But when i unplug the esp+remote it works as it should. I am using wemos d1 mini.

So what could be the problem?

That is really strange. Should have something to do with the MQTT server but I cannot understand why HA doesn’t ignore that integration after a while/timeout. Or if there are other manual entities failing due to the switch not being set up properly through MQTT. Do you have retain set on or off in the MQTT config?

It isnt specified any retain value in the config. So i guess i have whats standard.

But why mqtt? Its the esp hardware with esp home installed that seems to be the problem.

Oh then I don’t know. I am using a sketch on my Wemos D1 Mini that connects to my MQTT server addon that is integrated into home assistant. Like this setup: https://bitbucket.org/iesus_sonesson/d1-ajax-mqtt/src/master/

Never had any problems.

i tried the mqtt way instead… But how do i get it into HASS now?

Take a look at my post here: Ajax alarm system

I had this for a few things, and found the following fixed it for me. SIA v2

My alarm (Eaton Scantronic/Cooper Security) has following options


Will this component allow me to trigger automation when the alarm goes off?

Yes, it reflects the state of your alarm, but you can’t update it, since your alarm sends a message to the SIA server if something changes, it is reflected in HA very quickly.

Hi! I’m having a bit of issue understanding how the installation of eavanvalkenburg custom component works… I’m running regular Home Assistant (not Hass.io) through docker. Not sure how the config flow thing works…

  1. Click install. <-- where do I find install?
  2. The latest version is only available through a config flow.
  3. After clicking the add button in the Integration pane, you full in the below fields.

Also, what is the status of getting Ajax in as an integration?


@Freland, you need to enable HACS and then you will be able to search for and install SIA (that is the click install) and then go to regular Integrations in HA and click add.

I’ve had my Ajax-home assistant (Docker with 0.116.3) setup working without any problems for a while now (thanks @eavanvalkenburg !). However, that last 2 days (in the middle of the night, 05:16 and 04:32) the alarm status in home assistant has switched over to “Armed Away” without the status in Ajax being changed. I’ve checked the logs in Home assistant but nothing strange there. Any ideas why?

I am not using @eavanvalkenburg’s integration but I have noticed that the Ajax alarm very often sends an unknown encrypted message and sometimes cuts the SIA connection during the night. Most often around 0400-0430. I also get a broken pipe error in the log. Since it happens every now and then I guess there is something going on. Maybe an update check or a scheduled reset or something. I do not have any problems with wrong statuses though.

Also haven’t seen this before, and mine still works fine and I don’t see any messages, so please turn on logging for the component to see what’s going on! @Freland

Stupid question perhaps, but how do I turn on logging for the specific component?

Added the instructions to the readme here: eavanvalkenburg/sia: SIA alarm systems integration into Home Assistant (github.com)