Ajax alarm system

This is the error.

Please move to the preview version, it is much improved for both the package and the component, click “Reinstall” in HACS and choose the v0.4 latest beta, and let me know if that fixes it.

Still not working, it’s bizarre, this is the error in debugger -

2021-03-08 09:46:51 DEBUG (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.aio.sia_server] Incoming line: CC6A0036"SIA-DCS"4719L0#BBB[#BBB|Nri1/JC4]_09:47:02,03-08-2021

2021-03-08 09:46:51 DEBUG (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.base_sia_server] Parsed event: Content: #BBB|Nri1/JC4]_09:47:02,03-08-2021, Zone (ri): 1, Code: JC, Message: 4, Concerns: None, Type: None, Description: None, Account: BBB, Receiver: None, Prefix: L0, Timestamp: 2021-03-08 09:47:02, Length: 0036, Sequence: 4719, CRC: CC6A, Calc CRC: CC6A, Message type: None, Encrypted Content: None, Full Message: "SIA-DCS"4719L0#BBB[#BBB|Nri1/JC4]_09:47:02,03-08-2021..

2021-03-08 09:46:51 WARNING (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.base_sia_server] Code not found, replying with DUH to account: BBB

It is correct insofar that there is not JC as a valid code in my package, so could be a new code that Ajax adopted, they have done that before, I’ll check!

Has anyone managed to integrate a Bentel Absoluta Security System in Home Assistant?

It is not in the latest MalevichOS 2.10 list ( SIA Codes, OS Malevich 2.8/2.9/2.10 - Google Sheets).

Any idea what it should mean?

1 Like

Found a different reference to a list of codes and it was on there, putting it into the package now!

Does this help anymore?

2021-03-08 09:49:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.aio.sia_server] Incoming line: DE050039"SIA-DCS"4719L0#BBB[#BBB|Nri0/RP0000]_09:49:23,03-08-2021

2021-03-08 09:49:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.base_sia_server] Parsed event: Content: #BBB|Nri0/RP0000]_09:49:23,03-08-2021, Zone (ri): 0, Code: RP, Message: 0000, Concerns: Unused, Type: Automatic Test, Description: Automatic communication test report, Account: BBB, Receiver: None, Prefix: L0, Timestamp: 2021-03-08 09:49:23, Length: 0039, Sequence: 4719, CRC: DE05, Calc CRC: DE05, Message type: Automatic Test, Encrypted Content: None, Full Message: "SIA-DCS"4719L0#BBB[#BBB|Nri0/RP0000]_09:49:23,03-08-2021..

2021-03-08 09:49:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.aio.sia_server] Incoming line: 55B80036"SIA-DCS"4720L0#BBB[#BBB|Nri1/JC4]_09:49:24,03-08-2021

2021-03-08 09:49:13 DEBUG (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.base_sia_server] Parsed event: Content: #BBB|Nri1/JC4]_09:49:24,03-08-2021, Zone (ri): 1, Code: JC, Message: 4, Concerns: None, Type: None, Description: None, Account: BBB, Receiver: None, Prefix: L0, Timestamp: 2021-03-08 09:49:24, Length: 0036, Sequence: 4720, CRC: 55B8, Calc CRC: 55B8, Message type: None, Encrypted Content: None, Full Message: "SIA-DCS"4720L0#BBB[#BBB|Nri1/JC4]_09:49:24,03-08-2021..

2021-03-08 09:49:13 WARNING (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.base_sia_server] Code not found, replying with DUH to account: BBB

The JC events are just strange the RP still works, JC has to do with restoring from this: “Too many unsuccessful attempts have been made to enter a user ID” so not sure what is going on with your system…

Thanks, what would the User ID be??

It is now back working, uninstalled, removed files and restarted and readded, hopefully it was a weird glitch!!

Did you eventually manage to connect your Bentel Absoluta System to Home assistant?

Hoping there are some MQTT experts on here. I’m trying to use the Space Control with a Wemos D1 Lite described above by a few others. The coding doesn’t account for logging on to the MQTT server. Can anyone suggest where to add the MQTT login details?

include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>

#define  ARM_ZONE2     D1
#define  DISARM_ZONE2  D5
#define  DISARM_ZONE1  D2
#define  ARM_ZONE1     D6
#define  NIGHT         D7

WiFiClient   espClient;
PubSubClient mqtt(espClient);
const char* ssid     = "YOUR_WIFI_SSID";
const char* password = "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD";
const char* host     = "YOUR_MQTT_BROKER_IP";

void setup() {
  //built in led on because it looks good

  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  mqtt.setServer(host, 1883);

void reconnect() {
  while (!mqtt.connected()) {
    Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
    String clientId = "ESP8266Client-";
    clientId += String(random(0xffff), HEX);
    // if (mqtt.connect(clientId.c_str())) {
    if (mqtt.connect(clientId.c_str(), "mqtt", "RANDOM_20_CHARACTER_ID")) {
    } else {
      Serial.print("failed, rc=");
      Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds");
  Serial.println("MQTT Connected.");

void loop() {
  if (!mqtt.connected()) {

void callback(
  char* topic,
  byte* payload,
  unsigned int length
) {
  Serial.print("Message arrived [");
  Serial.print("] ");
  String msg = "";
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    msg = msg+(char)payload[i];

  if (strcmp(topic, "ajax/alarm") == 0 && msg == "arm_zone1") {
  } else if (strcmp(topic, "ajax/alarm") == 0 && msg == "disarm_zone1") {
  } else if (strcmp(topic, "ajax/alarm") == 0 && msg == "arm_zone2") {
  } else if (strcmp(topic, "ajax/alarm") == 0 && msg == "disarm_zone2") {
  } else if (strcmp(topic, "ajax/alarm") == 0 && msg == "night") {

void pressButton(int buttonId) {
  pinMode(buttonId, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(buttonId, LOW);
  pinMode(buttonId, INPUT);
  Serial.println(" SENT SIGNAL");

Hi @eavanvalkenburg,

Since your latest update (Beta branch), see there : https://github.com/eavanvalkenburg/sia/releases/tag/v0.4.0-beta.1
You’ve implemented an event which can be triggered by HA with all SIA codes.

Can you provide me an example on HA for an event on SIA based Ajax System like using Nodered ?

Thank you.

Not sure what you mean @Drealine. The sia event is received and a ha event is created with several of the info fields from the sia event, in this file you can see the mapping: custom_components/sia/hub.py. How to use the ha event in nodered isnt something I’ve done, so can’t help you there, but should be possible!

Ok, thank you @eavanvalkenburg, it work! I can see the event which is in the format : “sia_event_‘siaport’_‘siaaccount’” on Ajax.

Codes are ok using armed/disarmed mode.

Just a question, it’s not possible to have the description of the event ? Like in this GDocs : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-N-RZVS8IiwM5zuw2u4gt8Bx_5xo_JOwuagHJgSJxUw/edit#gid=2144546461 “Event description”.

It would be great to have that for filtering the event using keyword like “door”, etc…

Sure, I’ll see how I can add more info on the event, I’ve been mostly working on the package for sia, so might take some time, with the custom component you could just add fields yourself be editing the hub file in the folder of your instance

Ok, I see.

Like the doc, it seems that the description can pass arguments like device and room.
You’ve see this also ? Example : low battery, [device] in [room]

What am I missing here? Please help!

In the Ajax app
Protocol: SIA Protocol
Object number (Account?): ACAB
Connect on demand: On
IP Address:
Port: 8120

I installed the SIA Integration via HACS. I put in “ACAB” as account (“Object number” in the app) and the port 8120 which I choose.

In the app is says
Monitoring Station: Connected

But I get “Unknown” for all the added entities, like below:

I get below WARNING in the log:

2021-03-24 22:08:21 WARNING (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.aio.sia_server] Last event: Content: #ACAB|Nri0/RP0000]_21:08:10,03-24-2021, Zone (ri): 0, Code: RP, Message: 0000, Concerns: Unused, Type: Automatic Test, Description: Automatic communication test report, Account: ACAB, Receiver: None, Prefix: L0, Timestamp: 2021-03-24 21:08:10, Length: 003B, Sequence: 0375, CRC: 76BD, Calc CRC: 76BD, Message type: Automatic Test, Encrypted Content: None, Full Message: "SIA-DCS"0375L0#ACAB[#ACAB|Nri0/RP0000]_21:08:10,03-24-2021., gave error in user function: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'disabled'.

Anyone else with the same issue?

Thanks in advance.

I’ll need to check that message, but overall it looks ok, because sia is a passive protocol, it only sends a message when something happened, other than the RP one, so arm and disarm your alarm to see what happens then! Also are you running the 4… Beta version, if not please do, is much better, just have to finalize some things before making that the main!