Ajax alarm system

Hello, is anyone here using this integration?

is made by Dmitry Berezovsky and is using the UARTBridge.

I would like to buy this interface, it is not very expensive, around 20 euros but I would like to know if anyone has tried this before. I don’t have much programming knowledge, but considering that there is something done for smoke sensors, I assume that for the rest of the sensors the procedure is the same, except that other identification codes are involved.


Looks interesting! The UARTBridge basically works as a custom Ajax Hub replacement to communicate with the Ajax devices via Jeweller, but you have to code everything yourself. This could be very powerful and all sensors could potentially be forwarded to HA for motion detection events and everything. A group of skilled devs could probably build a perfect HA security system using this but it will require a lot of work. If you do not have a lot of programming knowledge I would not bother though.

I looked at buying that one as well when I got my Ajax system, but I really dislike having to do stuff with hardware and for me the alarm is one of those systems where I do not want to be dependant on HA for it to work, so I like the current SIA approach, although setting could be nice as well, which this does bring in!

I understand perfectly and I totally agree, but I have 25 ajax sensors, why not take advantage of all this data for other automations? I don’t think that compromises the alarm system in any way.

True, if you combine a hub and a uart bridge, but I think @fireon was envisioning running all the logic inside HA rather than a hub.

I don’t even think you can, from what I understand uart bridge is made just for that, the interconnection with other smart systems, in the idea of using sensors to command a light, etc.
From what I found, it looks like you’re adding it to a hub, like any other ajax device, by scanning a qr code

No, you cannot add a UARTbridge to an Ajax Hub. The product page is not very clear about this but that is what I have learned. It functions as a stand alone hub and communicates with the sensors on protocol level which you have to handle in your code somehow. Protocol documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1My0iAjZrig5aIq9D1LeddCMkquKD1K7p/view

I think you misunderstood, or so I hope :slight_smile: otherwise the qr code doesn’t make sense anymore and I also don’t see anything about the authentication mode.

I am sure I haven’t :slight_smile:

Some users in a Facebook group here in Sweden tried this a couple of years ago and were surprised that you could not add the UARTbridge to a hub and that it would act as a separate hub.

But hey, I would love to be wrong.

The official Ajax UARTbridge manual is a hint though. There is no mention of how you add it to a hub. That information is present in all other manuals for regular Ajax devices.

I sent an email to Ajax.System today, I’m waiting for the answer

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Hello, today I received the answer from Ajax, it seems that I was wrong :frowning:
Below you have my discussion with the support team, I want to thank them, they were very helpful.

Dear Client,
We’ve received your request. Thanks for contacting us!

Unfortunately, Ajax detectors cannot be connected to both Ajax Hub and Ajax uartBridge – they would be connected only to the last paired central unit.

I understand, thanks for the quick response. But is there another solution to make this communication possible? between AjaxHUB and a smart system?

The only way for you is to use SIA protocol – Hub would send all the events to your Smart Home system, but it isn’t possible to receive the data about devices’ temperature.
Unfortunately, we don’t provide the public API.

I understand, I already use the SIA protocol but at this moment I can only read if the location is armed or not. Is it possible to read the status of a door sensor, if it is closed or open?

What events are sent through the SIA protocol?

If you want DoorProtect sensor sends events even if the system is not armed then then you should enable the feature “Always active” in the DoorProtect settings. Then the detector will remain active, even when the Hub is disarmed.

Send you the file with the SIA codes that use Ajax system SIA/Contact-ID Codes - Google Sheets

Thanks for sharing @Virgil_Popa it is such a shame they keep their API secret and only allow other companies to use it. I think you could indeed set the doorprotect sensors in a seperate zone and then use the triggered value in HA for an automation, but I’m not sure how that would work when you do have the regular alarm set, did anybody try that?

Hi :slight_smile:
Glad to see that SIA extension is available.

Any others improvements will come ?

Can I ask have you ever figured out how to connect ATS1000-IP/1500-IP alarm to home assistant? :slight_smile:

I still use a modified version of ‘Utcar’ see my Github; https://github.com/sanderpleijers/utcar

I build a custom docker container with the code. It basically translates the commands send from the Alarm panel to MQTT. You will need to modify the alarm config though. If you need more details just message me.

I never got Eduard’s plugin working i’m afraid… :frowning: There is a difference in the (x)SIA messages.

Have you tried the latest, because I’ve spent quite a bit of time on the parsing to extend it, and it also now works with HA events which means you could put automations on any of the codes that come in!

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I tried it just now, but still the same. Nothing in the logging, or in HA events. The ATS software still shows me this when i start a ‘test call’ (unsure what this does);

So it seems as if the ATS system wants to do a handshake or something.

I’ve had this intergration running perfectly for about a month, however it’s now stopped receiving the alarm status?? The heartbeat from the alarm is still showing as Ping’ing but no state updates with the alarm state showing unavailable? Anyone else experiencing those??

Which version of the component are you using?

Just updated to 3.11 with no difference. It clearly is still communicating with the Alarm as Ajax still sees the connection.