Ajax alarm system

Finally had some time to setup it up. Thanks for the good guide and relevant links!

It works like a charm now!

You are welcome, glad you found it if use.

So with jeedom you can actually see the state per sensor like doorsensor is open/close? Also when alarm is off? I would like to see that If i open my front door, lights goes on.

I understand using Jeedom Ajax plugin ā†’ MQTT ā†’ HA but does Jeedom also see the state per sensor?

Yes you are right. Only motion detector doesnt work. But for door sensor it works well.
Yes jeedom has the sensor state and you can configure each sensor to send a mqtt message.

Also you can activate or disable the alarm

You can have multiple triggers there. Something like

  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: sia_event_8124_ABCDEF
          code: 'BA'
          message: '1' # This is the device number
      - platform: event
        event_type: sia_event_8124_ABCDEF
          code: 'BR'
          message: '1' # This is the device number
      - name: UtgangsdĆør_ajax
        device_class: door
        state: "{{ trigger.event.data.code == 'BA' }}"


how to arm and disarm the alarm (AJAX-Jeedom) through HA ? Have you got the YAML code

@stban1983 @eavanvalkenburg
in case the jeedom can operate ajaxā€¦ then it should be possible to implement also in HA, right?

that is right, but the way Ajax has that setup means you need a single ā€œinstallerā€ key shared over all users, so Iā€™m investigating whether we can do that through Nabu Casa (since that canā€™t be in the codebase).

@eavanvalkenburg is that issue to have that one key shared over all users? by user you mean HA users? Is there a way to get that key?

I meant jeedom can also access specific sensors etcā€¦ so basically all that jeedom can do should be able to replicate in HA right?

Not so much an issue, but indeed one key shared across all HA users (this setup by them is focused on companies managing alarms for multiple customers, that company gets a key from Ajax to use for all their customers, but getting that key requires a organisation, so we canā€™t just create a key per user some way). Jeedom has that as well AFAIK. Once we have that we can access a lot through the Ajax api (indeed similar to what Jeedom can do), only downside then is that from what I saw quickly it is through a cloud service, not local devices.

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Yes, i create a MQTT-Alarm and modify some MQTT message:

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "ajax/alarmstate"
    command_topic: "ajax/alarm/set"
    payload_disarm: "DISARMED"
    payload_arm_home: "NIGHT_MODE"
    payload_arm_away: "ARMED"
    code: !secret code
    code_arm_required: false

and for automations:

- alias: changer mqtt payload armed_night
  - platform: mqtt
    payload: '"NIGHT_MODE"'
    topic: ajax/alarm/state
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: "ajax/alarmstate"
        payload: "armed_night"

- alias: changer mqtt payload armed_away
  - platform: mqtt
    payload: '"ARMED"'
    topic: ajax/alarm/state
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: "ajax/alarmstate"
        payload: "armed_away"

Hi thank your these information. How do you share datas (set alarm) between Jeedom and Mqtt for example trough JMQTT :slight_smile:

I noticed that every 60 secondes or so, the power sensor timestamp is updated while the state of the sensor is steadily set to On (the logbook does not show any change as well). In my particular case, there is a side effect: at the time the timestamp changes it fires an event that triggers a rest command, hence unwanted network traffic. Is this side effect expected or could it be improved? Thank you

That is caused by the ping interval set in both the alarm and the integration, so there are two ways to deal with this, you could adapt the trigger is the automation to only fire when the state actually changes (and not when the attribute changes) or increase the ping interval so that this occurs less often.

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Thank you, I did as advised (added two to: conditions, one for off one for on). This removed the unnecessary traffic.

i have 5 zones inside ajax, and within HA SIA i put 5 zonesā€¦ as part of the configā€¦

I am not able to get a correct state of alarmā€¦

it shows unavailableā€¦ even when i pressed night modeā€¦ it shows it correctly then it got changedā€¦

when i Disarm it show directly unavailableā€¦
no clue

what is the ping interval in your integration and alarm? Going unavailable happens when there hasnā€™t been a RP message on zone0 or a message for that zone in the ping interval set in HA.

@eavanvalkenburg hello, its 24h

I have the same behavior after the last update HA core.