Aladdin API changing

This worked for me as well… thanks @andyrak

Thanks so much! It’s silly but the ability to open/close my garage door was one of my favorite HA tasks. I have a zone based automation to open my door when I enter the zone if my door is closed. Man I missed having that.

Thanks so much for pointing to a temporary solution for this! Honestly I was afraid that Aladdin was pulling a MyQ on us but trying to act like they were updating their API until we all forgot about it.

Andy, thanks so much for your efforts on this. I installed it today and it works great. Here are some details of my Aladdin Connect: Model: ALDCM, IC: 2133A-ALDCM, MFG Date: 20211126D10206

Thank you! This worked great, really appreciate it!

Looks like there has been a pull request for the integration now.



Has anyone gotten this integration working since this pull request? Mine failed to authenticate when I tried it this morning.

Are you using the current integration? I don’t think it will work if you upgraded the app on your phone. The current integration uses the old API and the pull request is the official one that uses the new API.


Yep, got it figured out-- thanks!

One note: if I open the door via HA, then close it using my garage door opener or the wall control, it still shows open in HA. Hoping a future update will be able to poll the Aladdin service for open/closed status.

I think once the official integration is released it should. Is your door an actual wifi compatible system or are you using the retrofit kit they sell?


There was a bug preventing automations from being able to open/close/toggle the doors in the previous version; I’ve fixed it in the latest release, v0.2.2.

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Wow, I’ve missed this until now. Will this work if I have signed in from the mobile app and “updated to the new API?” Or whatever they were saying would happen if you log in?

I can confirm, it works great. You guys are awesome!

*Haha, and judging by the PR from Aladdin it looks like I found this just before they fixed the main integration.

As a hacky stop gap you can use

service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
data: {}
  entity_id: cover.main_garage_door

to reload the integration. This causes a status update.

I opened an issue on Github.

Here’s an automation that will get this updating. It requires something as a motion trigger. You even get “is closing” while it’s in process. Might have to play with the repeat qty, mine took about 25 seconds to get from the close request to “closed”.

alias: Temp - Update Garage Status on Motion
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.frigate_lorex_11_shop_2_motion
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - repeat:
      count: 7
        - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
          data: {}
              - cover.main_garage_door
        - delay:
            hours: 0
            minutes: 0
            seconds: 5
            milliseconds: 0
mode: single
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I’m seeing the same thing. I loaded the integration and logged in and saw the door was open which it was. My son came in and closed it but the status still showed it was open. I reloaded and then it changed to closed.

I just created an automation to run at the bottom of the hour to reload it.


Looks like the official integration will be in the June release.

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Sweet! I’ve been watching that PR hoping it would come in next month.

Just a heads up. Myself and someone else are having issues with the core integration after initial success. Might be worth hanging on to the HACS version for a bit.

EDIT - Genie got it fixed up. I guess there was some rate limiting going on that they adjusted for. :ok_hand:

Sad news but it looks like some of the code Genie uses isn’t open source liscensed correctly, so the new integration is out for 2024.7.0

It sounds like there’s potential for it to get rectified if Genie sorts it out. I hope so. They did put a lot of work into building it, so I’m hopeful.

Maybe we have to keep using this alternative for now… I’m gonna hang tight on updating core for a couple days before deciding.