There was a bug preventing automations from being able to open/close/toggle the doors in the previous version; I’ve fixed it in the latest release, v0.2.2.
Wow, I’ve missed this until now. Will this work if I have signed in from the mobile app and “updated to the new API?” Or whatever they were saying would happen if you log in?
I can confirm, it works great. You guys are awesome!
*Haha, and judging by the PR from Aladdin it looks like I found this just before they fixed the main integration.
As a hacky stop gap you can use
service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
data: {}
entity_id: cover.main_garage_door
to reload the integration. This causes a status update.
I opened an issue on Github.
Here’s an automation that will get this updating. It requires something as a motion trigger. You even get “is closing” while it’s in process. Might have to play with the repeat qty, mine took about 25 seconds to get from the close request to “closed”.
alias: Temp - Update Garage Status on Motion
description: ""
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.frigate_lorex_11_shop_2_motion
to: "on"
condition: []
- repeat:
count: 7
- service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
data: {}
- cover.main_garage_door
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 5
milliseconds: 0
mode: single
I’m seeing the same thing. I loaded the integration and logged in and saw the door was open which it was. My son came in and closed it but the status still showed it was open. I reloaded and then it changed to closed.
I just created an automation to run at the bottom of the hour to reload it.
Sweet! I’ve been watching that PR hoping it would come in next month.
Just a heads up. Myself and someone else are having issues with the core integration after initial success. Might be worth hanging on to the HACS version for a bit.
EDIT - Genie got it fixed up. I guess there was some rate limiting going on that they adjusted for.
Sad news but it looks like some of the code Genie uses isn’t open source liscensed correctly, so the new integration is out for 2024.7.0
It sounds like there’s potential for it to get rectified if Genie sorts it out. I hope so. They did put a lot of work into building it, so I’m hopeful.
Maybe we have to keep using this alternative for now… I’m gonna hang tight on updating core for a couple days before deciding.
On the container version copying this directory from 2024.6.2
and adding a bogus version to /config/custom_components/aladdin_connect/manifest.json
"domain": "aladdin_connect",
"name": "Aladdin Connect",
"codeowners": ["@swcloudgenie"],
"config_flow": true,
"dependencies": ["application_credentials"],
"documentation": "",
"iot_class": "cloud_polling",
"requirements": ["genie-partner-sdk==1.0.2"],
"version": "0.0.1"
is working on my 2024.7.0 container and will just keep following genie-partner-sdk if it’s license updates.
That’s awesome news!
Can you help me understand what you worked out?
By “container version”, do you mean the home bridge based version linked above?
So install that and then copy in the files from 2024.6.2?
When the official release came out I thought it was worth a try to just wedge it in as a custom_component since it did work in 2024.07.b0. It only complained about the version missing from manifest.json. I didn’t configure it from scratch, but my old aladdin connect integration showed up after restarting the 2024.7.0 container.
Yep, I pulled down the homeassistant/home-assistant:2024.6.2 container where it was working and made a copy of the diredctory.
Yep, afterwards I put the aladdin_connect backup copy from 2024.6.2 in the custom_components of my 2024.7.0 container. Getting the state and open / close the garage worked for me.
Awesome, thank you for the details. I’ll dig into this so that I can move forward to 2024.7.x soon.
I emailed with one of the Aladdin Devs. He said they are working to change the license for the SDK to an OSI friendly license.
I don’t see the folks working on the free 1st party integration as the problem here. From all the commits and issue comments I read, the HA team seemed to have taken a scorched earth approach to what seems to be a small misunderstanding. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
We are currently working on getting this license changed to an OSI-approved license so that we can bring back the integration. Unfortunately, I do not have a timeline yet, but we are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it.
As I read it, it is not a small misunderstanding. It is stupid mistake by Aladdin at best.
What they are trying to protect is nothing original or worthy of protection.
See Relicense under an OSI approved license · Issue #2 · Genie-Garage/aladdin-python-sdk · GitHub which presents the situation well. And add you can see, genie/Aladdin haven’t responded.
Basically they say they are developing a library because they want a home assistant integration, but they won’t allow home assistant to distribute the library.
My guess is the Aladdin dev team is all about making it happen, but with a big corp there are processes that aren’t as simple as “doing the right thing”, and it’s got to move through the process. Moving something through legal takes work. The HA team definitely made it clear that the license needed to be fixed early on, but maybe it didn’t get the necessary attention early on. Although HA had let it slide they had to hold the feet to the fire otherwise it didn’t seem to be moving forward in an appropriate timeline.
Understandably, HA wouldn’t want to be facilitating breaches of licensing, so it has to come out until it is rectified. …as much of a bummer as that is, it needs to be licensed correctly which is on Aladdin.
Edit - my guess is that maybe the team and legal / whomever is involved isn’t historically familiar with open source, and thought the way it was set up was good enough… HA is legit enough to be vetting those details and making sure it’s done right.
Do we have any visibility into Aladdin process to know when it’s supposed to be fixed? It SUCKS so bad to loose the integration like that!
Can we add pressure on them by hitting their customer support?
Well they haven’t responded on the GitHub issue I linked to earlier. Maybe that gives insight?
Received this today 9 July.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for any inconvenience. Our team has been focused on working through an upgrade of your phone App that will improve performance. We apologize for the inconvenience we did not write the original Home Assistant API and it was not supported by Genie. We will advise when the new API will be available once we are closer.
Our number is 1-866-599-4995, and our hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8 AM- 7 PM CST, Saturday 9 AM- 5 PM CST. Please visit our website at We thank you for your time and appreciate your patience.
Thank you,
Customer Support Quality Support
The Genie Company/Overhead Door Corporation
Aladdin Connect: 1-866-599-4995
OHD Anywhere: 1-888-901-2750