Alexa Announce Feature - Text to Speach via Alexa now a possability?

I saw that option but was worried it would notify other devices that were given as gifts and still under my account or Firetv’s that probably don’t need to be used.

Just tried, but same voice telling
Unfortunately I cannot find the answer to the question

I tried also
./ -e speak:This_is_a_test!

without -d "ALL"or -d "mydevice"

and I get as reply

setting default device to:
Echo di Vittorio

that is correct, but again no TTS

That was my concern too. I can confirm it only sent to my echo’s. None of the fire tvs. If you have other echo’s under your account that you don’t wish to send to then you might consider creating another group with
-m : delete multiroom and/or create new multiroom containing devices
Or just creating a notify group within homeassistant.

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Awesome thanks! I’ll have different things tonight to see how how everything is working.

How are you liking this TTS via Alexa?

So far so good. The cookie expiration has me a bit concerned. I hope someone will discover a way to auto renew them without doing the cookie extension copy/paste every x amount of days.

I was having the same issue for days. I decided to load up Firefox instead of Chrome and export the cookie then the script started working correctly.

I’ve been trying to get the automation part of this completed all day and still haven’t been able to get it to work. Below is how I currently have things setup. When I trigger the automation nothing happens. No logs no TTS notifications no nothing…

Command Line Notify:

- name: Office
  platform: command_line
  command: ssh -l admin "/volume1/docker/homeassistant/ -d 'Office'"


- id: garage_door_open_voice
  alias: 'Garage Door Open'
  initial_state: false
  hide_entity: False
    - platform: state
      entity_id: cover.garage_door_opener
      to: open
    - service:
        message: "Hello, this is a test"

You have set initial_state: false, which means the automation is disabled. It should be true.

Also, in the trigger, you need to: 'open' (in quotes).

I’d have to agree just make notify groups in HA way easier…

I first tested out the service to see if the wrapper and shell script worked.
Can do this using the Front-end Service “notify.Office” and filled in the JSON data:

{ “message”:“Hello, this is a test”

A little off-topic, is there an easy way to make Alexa to play a short chime or ringtone before speaking with this script?

the only way i can think of is starting a playlist and stop it after a few seconds.

That’s exactly what I try to avoid, oh well.
Thanks, anyway.

Assume you want this to catch your attention so you don’t miss any of the message? In which case you could achieve the same effect by just adding a few unimportant words at the beginning, along the lines of ”listen up, …”

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Yes, I have be using my android tabs around the house for announcement with a chime, sort of like that and use to it now. Guess I’ll keep sending the chime/ringtone to the tabs before the text to Alexa (voice is definitely louder and clearier on Alexa).

Has anyone been able to get this to still work after a reboot of entire system? I keep having to do the captcha from alexa.login whenever i reboot

this is what i did. saved the cookie.txt in /home/user. Then added the following to config.

  reset_alexacookie: ssh -l hass 192.168.1.XXX "sudo cp ~/.cookies.txt /tmp/.alexa.cookie && sudo chmod 777 /tmp/.alexa.cookie && ~/docker/homeassistant/assistant_components/alexa_notify/ -a"

    alias: reset_alexacookie
    - service: shell_command.reset_alexacookie

    - id: alexa_restart
      alias: alexa restart
        platform: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.nuc_uptime_min
        above: 1
      - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.reset_alexacookie
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can you please tell me how to do this in Hassio?

i think i did everything else.

i can see HA call the service, but get Command failed: /config/ -d ‘LivingRoom’

@Corey_Maxim, apologies I dont use
cant you do sudo chmod +x?

I can, is that all i have to do?