Alexa can't find exposed devices

Tried it for 5 minutes, but didn’t seem to work.
Still pretty weird that you got it to work this way…

I’m using, which suggests something odd with your install though obviously you’re not alone.

Yeah had me stumped. I reinstalled a few times. The RPI3 is fresh out of the box. Both it and the Echo are on the same wifi network. Hopefully it stays connected.

And I only tried this after reading about someone else doing it that way, possibly on Reddit.

There seems to be quite a bit of it with several components at the moment. I did same as you, new Pi, new install and everything has just worked, others have done what sounds like exactly the same thing, configs look identical but for some reason nothing works. There has to be something fundamental going wrong for some people, just need to work out what the common link is!

hmm, is the ip adress fixed? i think in the emulated hue doc is written that it can get problems if the IP changes.

It is recommended to assign a static IP address to the computer running Home Assistant. This is because the Amazon Echo discovers devices by IP addresses, and if the IP changes, the Echo won’t be able to control it. This is easiest done from your router, see your router’s manual for details.

In my case it has a static IP.

I have a static ip as well

did anyone work this out ?? Missing Alexa …

Sadly, no.

I’m having a crack at Haaska, will let you know if I make it work

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I got Haaska working, I posted my results in this thread : Haaska Echo Error

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Thanks. I guess I’ll install Haaska soon.

Ok, it’s been a month now, has anyone found the solution? I have reinstalled Hassio, tried two different RPI3’s and two Sd cards. Yelled at Echo to discover and I’m getting sick of Her voice now.
Also, tried different variations of;
listen_port: 8300

I am able to see the devices listed and the xml. I’d rather not have to go back to Hassbian, but if it works…

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, as I want to get the system back online before the family and guests arrive for the holidays.

I’m not sure if I’m missing something people are trying to do but I just setup emulated hue the other day and have no issues getting her to see devices… here is my config (in reference to a specific device but I have no issues getting this to appear in my Alexa devices) TP-Link Smart Plug HS100 w/Alexa

Thank You Bartem for replying.

Yep, I have read several comments about doing this. I have tried both
expose_by_default: true
expose_by_default: false

then added just one light as exposed.

Alexa ONLY see’s the actual hue lights controlled via the hue hub.

Did anyone had any luck how to fix this? She cant find my devices.

Has it ever worked for you? At the bottom of the page is a troubleshooting section … going to the URL listed will at least give you an idea if the emulated hue is working and just not exposing devices or if it is not working at all.

Okay, so after having this problem again i found the solution, When you try to link home assistant to Alexa, When you log in to the make sure to have the first letter in lower case. Helped me 2 times now.

First letter of what?. I am having the same issue, but everything is all lower case.