Alexa Media Player

I get it. As soon as you said you had the same problem, it could only have been coincidence that it happened during my changes to my scripts. I thought I broke it and backed out all my changes.

The odd thing was that I am building a new HA on a pi4 with the latest release (104 I think) and it worked! So I figured it was something I did to the old one. I just tried the new one and it has the same problem now.

Now I just have to remember all my changes.

From the sound of what Alexa says, it sounds like one of the developers left out a " or two - or something, and the string that’s built now includes part of the code. ( sounds like a code segment).

I hope they fix it soon because my whole HA instance relies on voice communication and responses. It sounds like hell. Yikes!

Thanks for the heads up and info.

Update: 8:50PM EST - simon says works so I tried my script again and it appears to be fixed!

Thank you, thank you, thank you… I thought I was going a bit nuts there…
(yes, it’s happening to me also)

This statement does not work:

- wait_template: "{{ is_state('states.sensor.last_alexa.state', 'stop') }}"

Apparently, the alexa.state does not seem to ever be in ‘stop’. I’ve seen playing, paused, idle, but not stop. I was hoping to delay a script while the last alexa finished playing my tts message.

Does anyone know if it changes state when playing a tts message or how to find out what it is?


I’ve just uploaded a video tutorial, you may find some interesting TTS Tips

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Hello everyone,

Alexa works is indicated within HA with the help of media player alexa

I’m sending a message to Alexa ECHO and I’m working fine, but I’m not having a tablet, I have a tablet installed in Alexa,

Attaching an example

------ work whit echo only ----

------ And if I just change the device between the tablet is not working, ECHO is working fine—

------ If I change from data_template to data only I can send a simple message in just one sentence and a tablet works –


alias: test


- service: notify.alexa_media



- media_player.yuval_s_echo


type: tts

message: ' Good Morning, John. The temperature inside is currently {{ states("sensor.0x00158d00047b5284_temperature")

}} degrees, and the heating is currently

{% if is_state("", "off") -%} turned off. {%- else -%} set to

{{ states("sensor.0x00158d00047b5284_temperature") }} degrees. {%- endif %}

The temperature outside is currently {{ states("sensor.0x00158d00047b5284_temperature")

}} degrees.' 

I’m having a problem… and I thin its associated with this integration…
Alexa Media Player not Configuring

I am trying to figure out how to take a sensor that contains text and have Alexa tell me what the sensor currently contains. In this case it’s the state of my post office mail coming today. I have both the Amexa Meida Player setup with TTS support though haven’t seen if it works still for a while and also a Lambda function for getting Alexa to turn things on and off. Is there a way thru the media player add on to output on the asked Alexa what’s in the sensor? So like “Alexa, what mail is coming today?” And she would response back with the sensor.mail_summary contents.

I did just like you [BitViper], the settings but I do not understand why get as products like Echo works properly and in products like Tablet only “broadcast” of one sentence works

Authentication has stopped working. Initially, gone is the captcha replaced by an OTP. When the OTP received via email from Amazon and entered as requested, it simply asks for it again and again. Authentication fails. Rebooted, captcha was back, it failed repeatedly and locked me out with a message about forgot password screen being detected.

Uninstalled, reinstalled integration. Went through the setup process again, captcha included. Sent link to phone to approve, which I did but the screen in HA Integration just sat there and could not be dismissed with the submit button after a lot of time waiting. Using the X to close the window caused the integration setup to fail.


I tried several times.

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I am stuck too. Cannot get past this screen. Running v2.10.4

Enable 2FA with Amazon as a work around.

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The new auth methods do not work. Integration is now broken.

Still not working?

After setting up proxy, it didn’t work, and then it worked (without intervention) after about 8 hrs. Now it’s constantly expiring every 2 days. I’ll get a 2FA code in text message in the middle of the night, by morning it is of course expired. This was setup on the proxy method, yet I’m still getting 2fA required, proxy no longer works at all for that matter 2FA doesn’t either.

I keep getting this:

Relogin required after 2 days, 20:09:44.990745 and 24406 api calls

Now, when I attempt to reauthenticate it complains of a password problem, which is inaccurate for sure.

So nope, still not working, reliably.

No one else is experiencing this problem?

Notification that I needed to re-auth. Did so, integration has no visible signs of not working, but no announcements are getting through. Again.

Restart after reauth if you’re having issues. Also, because you seem to be getting upset, I’d like to remind you that Alexa Media Player uses an unofficial amazon api. This API does not have proper auth proces, so this is what we are left with. These reauth issues will never go away unless amazon adds something to it. You are essentially logining into it as a person, not as a computer. This is why it has to be done so frequently. You can reduce the frequency by implementing the built in auth app. Outside of that, there’s nothing more that can be done.

I did reboot. And a full shutdown and restart. And I have the auth method described in your link. Certainly I am frustrated, it’s extremely unreliable since the auth was changed a couple updates ago, I do understand the unofficial nature of all of it. It’s hard to believe I am the only user suffering this issue, but I’m getting no responses, so I guess I must be.

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Well, for one, this may not be the right place to ask for help with a custom integration. You should try asking through the issue tracker on the github page.

After I setup the built in auth app, I haven’t had to reauth in about 6 months… until yesterday. Also, keep in mind that sometimes, amazon has the “choose the 8 pictures that are tractors” bs. When that happens, it won’t log in. You have to log into your account and get through that via amazons website. Then you can get through the auth on the integration.

Yes, I got the Re-authentication message as well yesterday and it usually works again by following the steps. This time it was a pain in the arse and each time I input the ota code, another new discovery alexa box appears in the integration section. I tried and tried, reboot a few times and finally got rid of those repeat new discovered integration but I am left with this error still. My 4 alexa are working it seems despite this failed setup message. Leaving it like this.
