Alexa State report Error

Hello Guys,
I already read other threads about this topic but I was not able to find a solution.

I have integrated on my HA istance the custom component alexa_media and Haaska component and everything is working fine but from home assistant log I always see this error:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.alexa.state_report] Error when sending ChangeReport to Alexa: INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXCEPTION: Access token is not valid.

All the component are working fine (media_player and the haaska) so I’m able to use Alexa as media player and expose the entities to Alexa and manage it… but I just want to resolve this error log… anyone was able to resolve this?

I have this same error. I think i have to delete something in the .storage > cloud file but I am not sure what I should delete. Usually deleting stuff and restarting HA solves a lot of problems with entities or tokens etc.

Have you fixed this?

No still persistent… you found any solution?

To compare notes, I see this in my log today. Just added a couple new alexa devices. Using nodered (newly now) and just recently reconnected my Alexa/Echo skill due to other errors. But seeing this now and wondering what’s misconfigured.

I had exactly this problem until I removed the following lines from my configuration (I don’t need proactive mode … I don’t think Haaska supports it?)

    client_id: !secret alexa_client_id
    client_secret: !secret alexa_client_secret

see also

Good luck!

I resolved with your tips… I have enabled Send Alexa Events unliked the skill on Amazon app and linked again… at the moment I don’t see the error in the HA logs… thanks

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