As far as I know I don’t use that skill. I use Nabu Casa.
It’s not listed in my list of enabled skills.
EDIT: but Haaska is still listed there as an enabled skill. I’ll try disabling that and see if it comes back again. I completely forgot that was still there.
So, seeing that alexa works, it sounds like proactive events through nabucasa are giving you issues. I don’t know how to do any of this through nabu-casa and I assume a login/out via the app would fix it.
I’ve used NC since it was offered and haven’t had the alexa smart home configuration in HA or any external ports forwarded since then (several years now). That notification just popped up the first time a week or so ago. if it was related to haaska I would’ve thought it would have shown up long before now.
either way I’ve disabled the haaska skill in Amazon so I’ll just wait and see if the notification returns and go from there.
So, the proactive events are a different endpoint than normal alexa. The fact they happen randomly points to that IMO. In Alexa Smart Home Skill you have to enable that and configure it. In nabu casa it should already be configured.
It very well could be, but that message is basically telling you to re-auth on the alexa skill in your alexa app. Might be worth changing that error to make it more explicit
I hat the same notification from “Alexa Media Player” custom component.
Have you checked Configuration → Devices & Services when the notification appears?
I had to select Configure & re-enter the Second Factor OTP …this seems to be default if you are not using a OTP proxy which allows the custom component itself to generate OTP Tokens
Also, if you’re using long term access tokens, I recommend swapping over to a person with their own log in. I made “alexa” as a user in my system and have “her” log in via that. Now I have nice logs that tell me when we use voice control to do crap.
I do use AMP but the notification that the integration needs re-authorized has been different than the one I’m getting now (at least in the recent past - unless they changed the notification wording just recently ). I’ve never seen that notification before a couple of weeks ago.
And I very rarely get those notifications either anymore since I switched to the built-in 2FA. Now the integration just silently handles the re-auth itself.
That sounds like a good idea but I likely won’t do it since things are working and “if it’s not broke don’t fix it”