AliExpress SwitchBot - TZ3210 - TS0001

Hi Guys - I wanted to share my experience on the AliExpress SwitchBots - One function of the device I found the solution in community threads, the other I search for ages before trying to solve myself and came up with a solution

The device comes pre-configured as PUSH/PULL in one motion device. This worked great on my central heating, but not for light switches requiring a single PUSH or PULL

I discovered the following thread which helped me a lot but I thought I would summarise here.

To get your SwitchBot PUSHING or PULLING only you have to change the Mode Attribute. To do this.

Select your device - Hit the THREE DOTS next to Reconfigure
From CLUSTERS Select TuyaFingerbotCluster
Then below that. Attributes of selected Cluster = Select MODE
Then in the Value Field. Case sensitive. Enter this. FingerBotMode.SWITCH
Leave manufacturer Code

The device will then enter PUSH/PULL only mode

I then started investigating if it was possible to adjust the distance travelled by the arm. My reason for this was the default value PUSHED OK, but PULLED too far and the sticky tab would get pulled off. This is also adjustable. However, the values for this will depend on your single use case scenario.

Select your device - Hit the THREE DOTS next to Reconfigure
From CLUSTERS Select TuyaFingerbotCluster
Then below that. Attributes of selected Cluster =
Select = down_movement - This actually adjusted how far it pushes out - Default value 80
Select = up_movement - This is how far it pulls back - Default Value 0

Now it gets tricky
Down Movement you can set to arbitary values, 40,60,100 all worked for me
Up Movement has to be a positive value
But the values are based around a centre point of the two values. So you really just need to keep trying values to find what works for you
My values were 60 down and 20 up.

So enter your values, hit WRITE ATTRIBUTE and test what works for you

Really hope this helps someone in the future
Take care all


What is an AliExpress switchbot?

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One of these my friend, you can use it for 100 and 1 things
I use them to turn on many things that would normally require a manual switch by your finger . . . the most important being my Beer Fridge

Just sayin’, why would you turn OFF your beer fridge!

Your post was a bit confusing, because switchbot is a brand and has two integrations and


I hear ya. You need it cold 265 right :wink:

It has an integral light and when I enter the bar, a motion sensor turns on the integral light for me (push button on front of unit). I just don’t want it on 24x7 . . .

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