All Historical Data is gone since some versions

Since some versions, i have the problem, that all historical log data is gone - also all data from the energy dashboards.
Further, there are some errors with every restart occuring:


Log Entries:

> Logger: homeassistant.setup
> Quelle:
> Erstmals aufgetreten: 11:08:35 (5 Vorkommnisse)
> Zuletzt protokolliert: 11:08:38
> Setup failed for 'alias': Integration not found.
> Setup failed for 'action': Integration not found.
> Setup failed for 'trigger': Integration not found.
> Setup failed for 'mode': Integration not found.
> Setup failed for 'no_ip': Integration failed to initialize.

Logger: homeassistant.components.frontend
Quelle: components/frontend/
Integration: Home Assistant Frontend (Dokumentation, Probleme)
Erstmals aufgetreten: 11:08:34 (1 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 11:08:34

Please remove javascript_version from your frontend config. It is no longer supported

Maybe they are refering to each other?

Sys Info

Core 2024.8.2
Supervisor 2024.08.0
Operating System 13.1
Frontend 20240809.0

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4 rpi4-64

There seems to be also a corrupt DB file:

Im using standard DB (SQLite?!)

Hello Namxx,

Welcome to the forum. Let’s see if I can be of any assistance.

It sounds like you have a major problem with the database.
Based on that I’m going to predict that you have a ras-pi of one form or another using an SD card, further that the SD card has failed. All SD cards fail. Generally the cheaper they are the sooner they fail.

If this is the case, I would read this over and see if it helps you at all…
How to Troubleshoot Raspberry Pi Crashing.

If this is not the case, please share what your hardware is and what kind of install you are using.

My installation is quite new, I use it for 3-4 month maybe with a brand new Raspi and SD Card (Class 10)

Is there a way to check the SD card integrity out of HA?

Power Supply is done by RasPi 4 PoE Hat. RPi Power Status checker is “ok”
… but maybe i will switch to SSD if you think that it could be the SD… some other threat creators seems to have the same problems.