All TCL Roku Entities Have Become Unavailable

ISSUE / PROBLEM: All 6 of my TCL Roku TVs recently became unavailable (see screenshot). Two were still working this morning, until I updated them from v14.0.4.12221 to v14.1.4.7709 (see attached photo). Then they also became unresponsive.

QUESTION: I’m suspecting a roku update broke the API interface. Is anyone aware of this as an issue, or having similar problems?

+1 TLC and 1 regular roku… and 1 is fine. I’ll look at it to see if not updated

Confirmed integration not working with HA
TLC model H104X

Also not working
Roku Box 4670X

I’ll log issue on HA Github

Trying this…

Yes! This worked. Thank you @paulcusick3! :slight_smile:

Hi Dean,

This isn’t the problem, is it?
Roku TV stopped communicating with HA.
Roku Integration errors.