Roku TV stopped communicating with HA

I have three Roku TVs in my house. They are all assigned to use static IP addresses. For the past year or so, HA has been able to control them fine (turn on and off, pause and I pause etc). Last week the one in my living room stopped communicating with HA for some reason. HA just showed it as “unavailable”.

I finally decided to completely remove it from HA and add it back in again. But when I attempt to add it back in again, all I get is “Failed to connect”. I know I’m using the correct IP address and the Roku IS CONNECTED to the network because it’s able to stream from the Internet.

The other two TVs are working with HA fine. I’m at a loss here as to an explanation. Any suggestions?

Try this it fixed my harmony remote when it stopped a week or two ago.

If you’re experiencing issues with a third-party remote on your Roku device, we would like to share a potential workaround that may help resolve the issue.

Please check that this setting is enabled on your Roku device. It may have been inadvertently reset during a recent Roku update.

Here are some suggestions for actions you might consider:

  1. Use the directional pad on your Roku TV remote to scroll down and select Settings
  2. Navigate to System > Advanced system settings
  3. Select Control by mobile apps
  4. Select from the following settings based on the level of access you need:
  • Limited - Control by mobile apps is restricted to text input, app launches and accessing your activity within the app itself. The app can only control devices that are part of your Wi-Fi network
  • Enabled - Your Roku device can always be controlled by mobile apps, but it will only respond to commands from devices that are connected to the same local network
  • Permissive - Any device within and outside your network could potentially send all commands to your Roku device

Hello Doni49,

I think this might be your problem…
Roku integration problems.

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Thanks guys. That fixed it.

If one of the suggestions listed solves your problem, please consider clicking the solution button to close the thread. (even your own…)

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Thank you! This fixed the same issue for me.

And for me! Thank you! :slight_smile:

Ran into this same problem earlier this week thanks for the help :+1:t5:

This happened to me too. Fine for years then some kind of software update and BAM! no more Home Assistant connectivity. Why do people have to dick around with stuff they don’t own.


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