Allow columns in Device Info - Settings to be resized or scale to screen width

It seems that when in the Settings>Devices & Services> Devices Tab> Pick a drive - the Device Info that are shown in columns do not size well to the page. When there are sliders for example the actual entity name is completely hidden from view making it hard to see what each parameter is.

I feel it should either scale better width wise, or handle the text better by wrapping it down so you can see all of it. Auto handling it would be best, but at least the option to adjust column width in settings here would be a start.

Additionally if the entity name is very long, when you click the entity to open up the popup for that entity the name can also be truncated vs wrapping the name so you can see it completely.

Please find the attached pictures for reference.

I will be linking two other posts in the forums to here to hopefully gain traction on this.


I second this but I think that solution should be increasing the width of the middle column rather than all three of them uniformly as that would just waste space too.


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I’d like the columns drag-resizeable please. If that’s not possible then have the entity-ID column wider at least as the full text rarely fits in