Amcrest Doorbell AD110 API/Local Only

Guys I`ve been using AD110 for more than 2 years with HA and amcrest2mqtt docker, no issue at all.

Some time ago the doorbell stopped makinf door bell sound when I press the button. There is no sound outside comming from the doorbell and no sound from the mechanical bell inside.

I have tried to factory reset the bell but did not help.

any idea? I did send some commands from internet some time ago in attempt to block some pihole calls, do not remember what and where. Maybe not related.

Is there some command for factory reset? any idea what could be the issue?

Do you have something like frigate or go2rtc connecting to the rtsp stream? If so it’s likely connected to the backchannel, which is enabled by default, and will prevent the doorbell button from making sounds like you mentioned. You can disable it by adding #backchannel=0 to the end of the connection. E.g., rtsp://<user>:<pass>@<ip>:<port>/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0#backchannel=0.

I don’t recall the specifics, but backchannel is used in running two-way audio from the doorbell and go2rtc will trigger it to become active, even if you’re not actively using it from the stream.

@CodingSquirrel thank you very much, I do have frigate and go2rtc setup for the bell in frigate. Let me disable it later today and come back . great info! I would never find out that it could be go2rtc

@CodingSquirrel it works now! Thank you very much , amazing. I would never look into go2rtc.

We have working door bell after 3 months :slight_smile:

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