Amcrest Doorbell AD110 API/Local Only

I agree the doorbell leaves a lot to be desired including capable low temperature functionality. I do not however, have the delay you reported.

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Are you using it via dchesteron project?

Nice one! Could you please explain how
to do that. What do you mean by “BI”?

I also think most of the problems are likely caused by the Amcrest App. But if you don’t use the app, how do you communicate with the doorbell if you are not at home, for example?

I think BI is CCTV setting software name. (Blue Iris) You can check the link ‘Fully Offline Video Doorbell for Home Assistant - Amcrest AD110’

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Of course haha!!

I have a similar setup. Instead of using “BI” I am using Synology Surveillance Station.

But still, I don’t understand how to talk to the person in my door using this method. I can understand this is an “one way” setup to watch, record and notify videos from the doorbell. Right?

So… I have managed to configure Synology Surveillance Station full integration with this doorbell. So now I have two way audio properly set up. Since it is a cloudless setup I don’t have any delays anymore. Perfect!


Oh~~ Can you please share how to set it up?^^

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It is really simple.

You just have to add a new camera. In the settings you have to choose amcrest > ad110 and insert your IP Address.

Then it will be automatically added to you SSS.

When you open the camera view you can choose for a mic icon in the lower taskbar (it is kinda hidden so you will probably have to roll the bar to the right or left)

So, when you speak via the surveillance app of Synology it works well? If that can this is really cool because there are so many people that looks for this configuration. Speak to the AD110 will not work with BlueIris or other surveillance app…

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Exactly. It works pretty well :smiley:

So this is very cool… And how speedly can you open the app to speak with that someone, is it speedly than the original amcrest app?

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You reached the point haha!

I dont like the Amcrest App. It is slow and full of bugs and incompatibilities.

But at the same time all my Synology apps are slow too. All of them, including Surveillance Station can take more than 30 seconds to login. I don’t know if this happens because I have an old (and slow) Synology drive. I was planning to upgrade it to a Ds720+

ok, maybe the better thing is to speak via HA to the CAM then when this is available on a day…

It would be perfect. I am waiting for this day to come!

Thank you for this information. Have it working well. One thing to note is that with the rest sensor, scan_interval is 30 seconds by default. Reduced it to 3 seconds and works almost immediately with my sonos speaker playing an mp3 through HA. Other tips very helpful too, including turning off “phone home” features. Thanks again.

  - platform: rest
    username: !secret amcrest_username
    password: !secret amcrest_pw
    authentication: digest
    name: Amcrest Doorbell Count Sensor
    scan_interval: 3
    value_template: >

FYI I have surveillance station, but I use unofficial Dauha integration GitHub - rroller/dahua: Dahua Camera and Doorbell Home Assistant Integration for the AD110 (available in HACS)

It exposes the Button press as a sensor along with the motion detection in the camera. It will also let you do things like toggle the light / infrared mode etc.

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This has been pretty unreliable in my case. The “CallID” parameter sometimes changes to the same value as before when a button is pressed, so the automation doesn’t trigger.

Also it turns out the default Amcrest integration already provides doorbell events:

alias: Gate Doorbell
description: ''
  - platform: event
    event_type: state_changed
      entity_id: sensor.gate_doorbell
        - unavailable
        - unavailable
  - platform: event
    event_type: amcrest
      event: CallNoAnswered
        action: Start
condition: []
  - service: camera.snapshot
      filename: /media/hassio-cameradoorbell.jpg
      entity_id: camera.doorbell
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Ding-dong!
        image: /media/local/hassio-cameradoorbell.jpg
      message: Somebody rang the doorbell
  - service: media_player.volume_set
      volume_level: 0.8
      entity_id: media_player.speaker_upstairs
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: >-
      media_content_type: music
      announce: true
      entity_id: media_player.speaker_upstairs
mode: single

This has been pretty unreliable in my case. The “CallID” parameter sometimes changes to the same value as before when a button is pressed, so the automation doesn’t trigger.

This is addressed in my initial post. However for me it still triggers the automation.

There are “better” means of achieving the same goal at this point in time however with that said, I would like to state that this exact same automation and setup is still working for me without any issues. This is of course the same firmware on the doorbell camera that came with it with no updates.

Thanks for sharing this. I setup my AD410 with the Amcrest app and set it up with Home Assistant (and Scrypted). Afterwards, I blocked it from the internet via a firewall rule and used the steps provided in the original post. For what it’s worth, after using the following to stop the ring light from blinking:


It’s been 7 days and it still hasn’t reverted back. I have an automation setup just in case it does but I was expecting it to revert back after a few days but to my surprise, it has not.

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The Dahua integration in HACS just gives you all the camera feeds, a switch to control the ring light and a sensor for the doorbell press… No funky events to capture. Also clearly indicates when it has lost contact with the doorbell if it happens. I prefer it over the amcrest integration, or amcrest2mqtt (also very good).

I found the command to get rid of the logo if anyone needs this:

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