Amcrest video doorbell AD110 initial impressions

SmartHome app server link

I was replacing the microSD this afternoon, now the SmartHome app won’t even log in, gives a message when logging in: Unknown condition, please try again!

My TinyCam and HA are getting doorbell stream just fine even with the app server issue.
Hope to save other time on wondering what happened.

The Aug 28 AD110 firmware build was re-released yesterday. It’s now identified as version 20200828 (yyyymmdd) instead of 200208 (yymmdd). I assume whatever the reason for it being recalled last month was corrected.

@ghvader - let us know if the problem you had with motion detection not working in 200208 is fixed in this “new” release. Early reports on the Amcrest support forum aren’t looking good though.

For now, I’m sticking with 200702.

must not be rolled out to everyone yet, mine doesn’t show an update.
thanks for the heads up @GaryOkie I will keep you informed when it shows up.

Hmm, I see now from other reports that if you already installed the original 200828 that the 20200828 firmware update isn’t being offered at this time, if at all. Apparently, only those with 200702 or earlier are seeing the update notice.

How odd. Whatever the issue was, it was serious enough to cause it to be recalled, but not serious enough to update existing AD110’s that had the original 200828?

latest update was an odd one for me, 2pm updated, fine until dusk and IR came on, 45mins of reboots then… nothing since, 3 days now without a drop in connection. no more excessive notifications now either with the new radar zone layout

anyone used this to listen for button press?

never used node red so have no idea how it works


So i just installed that palette, plugged in the IP of my doorbell and the admin password, restarted NR and set up a simple test.

Pressed the doorbell button and NR completely freaked out with “HTTPError: Response code 400 (Bad Request)” from the direct path to the debug node, but then did indeed save the JPBG from the “Save Snapshot” path.

Then it repeated over and over and over and over until I finally had to disable that first node and redploy to get it to stop. Don’t know what that was all about, but no bueno.

Ah, it is hammering away with “Pulse” events. Filtered those out, trying to figure out what specific events to actually act on, the documentation is pretty non existant.

Setting “Use Raw Codes” seems to fix the 400 errors

Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 6.16.49 PM

** after a few more minutes of tinkering **

This doorbell is a complete piece of sh-t. I think because of the super chatty connection to NR it has locked me out, as I’m now getting “HTTPError: Response code 401 (Unauthorized)” from these nodes

I know that my doorbell doesn’t like to allow the app to work when Blue Iris is pulling an RTSP feed from it, it just times out when i try to “live view” from the application on my phone. Amcrest offered to replace it if i took out this current one, shipped it back, and then they would ship a new one… Zero confidence that would solve anything, it’s just garbage.

There can be quite a lot of event code chatter from the AD110, but it can be easily filtered if the application is subscribing to specific events. I can’t help with Node-Red confgs, but I am familiar with the specific event codes to look for on both motion and doorbell presses.

There are also other methods to reliably interface the doorbell with HA to trigger on motion/button press. I am using SmartHome+Tasker to communicate push notification events to HA via REST. There is also code available to read these events and use MQTT to trigger automations in HA. Lastly, there is a PR in the works to update the HA Amcrest integration to expand its capability to create event sensors for the doorbell push and any other desired Dahua/Amcrest event.


oh, i like the sound of this… i’m after doing some stuff in Node-RED when the button is pressed. I currently have no way of doing this.

The HA Amcrest integration is dependent on the python-amcrest library for event processing. You can follow the recent work that has been done to expand that library to support doorbell events (including the AD110 and Dahua DB11) in this python-amcrest issues thread on Github.

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Gary - do you know anyone who has downloaded/dumped the 200702 firmware?

Sorry - as far as I know, there isn’t any way to install a firmware binary outside of the SmartHome app even if you could manage to find one. No one has a firmware binary of any version that I have heard.

EDIT: @ghvader - I received a reply from Amcrest Support that admitted the Motion Detection UI changes in 200828 were unintentional and that a new version will be released this week correcting that!

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awesome… glad to hear that… thanks so much for the update.

Oh that’s great news, I just installed one of these and was setting it up and the motion detection UI seems nigh useless to me, certainly doesn’t stop it from triggering whenever a car goes by even set as low as I can slide it. I’m guessing they haven’t pushed that out yet? Mine updated to 200828 when I first installed it.

@MYeager1967 you mentioned on github you made a docker container that has a script to capture these events to MQTT in HA style; I didn’t want to ask on github since it’s off topic but could you share that? I wouldn’t mind going that route at least temporarily until the HA integration gets updated to support UI config and these additional events (hoping they get the floodlights working too, I want one of those but I’m not planning to get it until I know I can control the lights via HA)

@youareme7 - How do you want to run it? Easiest way is in a docker container but you might be able to run it as a native python script or service. I’ve got it set up to read a conf file but you could easily hard code in the values you need. is where the code is. The basics of it aren’t mine, many in this group were involved in piecing it together. If you want the docker image, it’s myeager1967/camera-events. I don’t have latest at the moment but I believe it’s 0.1.1

Thanks for the response! I run supervised and mess with docker on the host using Portainer since I’m not very familiar with docker so I’ll try testing it out that way to see if I can get it going

EDIT: so as I said I’m not super familiar with docker but I couldn’t pull that container (i found it on the registry though) it has an error response from dameon: manifest unknown when I tried

docker pull myeager1967/camera-events

I couldn’t get it to pull using portainer either, I don’t know why that doesn’t work for all I know it could be me but I don’t have a ton of time right now to investigate; maybe later, thanks for sharing in any case.

@GaryOkie I was just about to post their definition of “this week” was different than mine.
before i posted, i figured I’d check 1 more time and sure enough there was a firmware update (version 20200922) I installed it, rebooted the door bell and still same stupid zone look under motion detection. I was not pleased. so i figure, I’ll factory reset it and see if it helps. before I did that, i deleted the device in the app, scanned the bar code to add it back, checked and woohoo… motion is back the way it was. it even still showed my previous settings for what i wanted detected. either way. update seems solid, but people need to remove/re-add the device to get it back.


I saw your comment (thanks, I probably wouldn’t have known the new firmware was up for another week lol) and thought I’d try a different way, I just cleared the app data on my phone (android) and logged in again after I had updated the firmware to 20200922 and I have the good motion detection back as well, I didn’t need to delete the device or anything from the app.


@youareme7 good tip. I didn’t think about clearing data/cache of the app. I was about to look elsewhere, so I’m glad this is finally fixed.

I’ve tried repeatedly to get an update from Amcrest on the status of the overdue “later this week” firmware but have not received any reply. So thanks for posting the update is here now!

And it really is great that the MD block grid UI is back. I believe the UI menus are XML-based that get changed dynamically so it makes sense that clearing the app data cache is one way the UI can be “restored”.

I’m away from home this week so will not update till next week. Let us know if the motion detection has improved or any other fixes or quirks you discover.