Android 2021.12: Wear OS Beta!

Sorry, but back again…

This is a brand new watch as of yesterday so I’m still trying to figure it out.

I needed to do a factory reset on the watch due to a mobile network connection issue. So the mobile Wear OS app got removed.

I opened the HA app on the phone and told the app to re-install the Wear OS app on the watch. Which completed successfully.

After that I had two watch integrations in HA and the new watch sensors for the new integration weren’t showing up. So I deleted both integrations from HA and restarted HA. Then I removed the Wear OS app from the watch thinking I could just re-install it and start from scratch.

but here is now the problem…

now when I go to the HA mobile app and select to “manage wear OS app” the next page comes up and shows the watch name but the screen just has a constant “spinning” indicator and nothing else happens. So I can’t re-install the wear OS app on the watch.

I have restarted the watch and the phone and HA.

I have cleared all of the HA Mobile cache and app data and got all of that set back up again but I still get the constant spinning indicator in the HA mobile app when I go back to try to manage the wear OS app.

How can I reset things to try again and re-install the wear OS app on the watch?

to bump my last post directly above…

Is there any way to force the companion app on my phone to release the app on the android watch so that I can re-install the app there?

right now I just have a continuous “spinner” as it tries to connect to a wear os app on the watch that doesn’t exist any more.

I will remove the companion app on my phone and re-install it if I knew it would fix it but I really don’t want to start completely over with the phone app if I will just end up in the same place after I do.

Any suggestions?

you may need to start fresh with both apps to ensure you have a clean data slate: Troubleshooting | Home Assistant Companion Docs

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The suggestion to remove the apps and start completely over worked but…

While I was doing it I found some strange behavior that I can’t explain.

I originally cleared all the data/cache from the HA mobile app and removed the integration from HA.

Then I went thru the onboarding process again and things seemed to work ok on the mobile app end but the Wear OS config option kept doing it’s spinning thing and wouldn’t connect to the watch.

Then I thought i would start over completely and removed the mobile app data/cache and integration and then I uninstalled the mobile app completely (instead of just re-doing the onboarding stuff) and then re-installed the mobile app.

this is the strange part - after I had cleared the app cache and uninstalled the mobile app and then re-installed it, when I opened the app to go thru the onboarding process I didn’t meed to - everything was already there and set up and connected to my HA already.

I even did it again in case I screwed something up and that time I even restarted the phone before re-installing the app again. And the same thing happened - i didn’t need to do any on-boarding.

but if I left the app installed and just only wiped the data/cache then it forced me to do the onboarding steps again.

That seems completely backwards.

and where is it getting the onboarding info from if I delete the app and re-install it? And why doesn’t it get that same data if I just delete the data and not delete the app?


But after messing with all of that I eventually got the prompt to install the watch app again and everything is back to working correctly again.

Except for that C vs F strangeness from the bug report.

I don’t know if you saw that one or not but I added a bit of info to it that I missed earlier.

I happened to be looking at the history of the battery temp and the temp was actually reading correctly in F until about 9:40 this morning and then it suddenly went from reading F to reading in C and then stayed that way.

I have no idea why it would suddenly change it’s reporting like that.

like I said…strange.

Not strange at all, if you notice in the steps we call out what happens when you uninstall and reinstall. You trigger auto backup which does indeed restore the old token and anything else like bad data.

Except I had already cleared the app data before I did the uninstall. So the backup shouldn’t have saved the onboarding info since it was already cleared prior to uninstalling.

Unless it is restoring it from a long gone install prior to the last one?

where does that backup reside? If I need to clear something out on the next troubleshooting round (or just to be able to clean things up on the phone) it would be nice to know that location so I can delete it if needed.

And TBH, I’m not sure why there should be an auto backup and restore of the app data when uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

wouldn’t that normally be done if the user has an issue with the app and wants to completely start over from scratch? I wouldn’t think that most people typically uninstall and re-install apps they aren’t having any trouble with.

most (all?) users aren’t going to go to the android app developers documentation to start troubleshooting something that isn’t working correctly. the first inclination is simply to uninstall and re-install to see if it fixes the problem.

performing a backup negates the usefulness of that action in troubleshooting. Especially since the typical user (like me) has no idea that the auto backup is being performed.

That is not how androids auto back up works.

this is a default thing that all apps are included in and backup trigger about once a night

google drive (or now google one)

because thats how android works and the only reason you are hitting this issue is because you did not follow the steps and ignored the note about uninstall and reinstall. There is a reason why the steps say to follow them precisely, I dont know what else to tell you when you decide to do something else.


nobody told you to go to developer documentation, all I did was link you to internal troubleshooting steps and you decided to do extra steps against the recommendation. I cant help you if you dont want to follow the steps that have been laid out.

I dont htink you understand how the android feature works.

try giving this page a read

actually I did exactly as the docs you linked to said to do. It didn’t work. I kept getting the spinning indicator.

That’s why I thought that I should try to uninstall and re-install.

the note didn’t say anything at all about not uninstalling and re-installing.

It just said “Clear Storage or App data in Android app. Do not assume it is safe to uninstall and reinstall as that triggers auto-backup which we are trying to avoid here.”

It just says “don’t assume it’s safe”.

I read that to mean don’t uninstall/re-install until after the app data and cache had been cleared.

I had already done that and THEN assumed it was safe.

And it also says that the uninstall triggers a backup. Which by that point I had already cleared the app data and thought that a new backup (if indeed triggered by the uninstallation) would overwrite any previous backup with a backup that had the onboarding data removed. I can’t see how I would have thought otherwise.

You are the one who is making an assumption that I didn’t follow the directions when I clearly laid out above that I didn’t uninstall the app until after I first tried to just do the onboarding process and it didn’t work.

Only then did I try to uninstall the app.

Sorry that I didn’t understand that all apps are backed up by android every day. Not being an android developer I’m not sure how we are all supposed to know the intricate inner workings of things like that.

I don’t ever remember setting up auto backups but I may have at some point long ago.

but thanks for letting me know where the back up is stored. I now just have to try to figure out how to remove it if needed.

And my opinion still stands that it doesn’t make sense to backup app data from an app that was manually uninstalled. My misunderstanding was that it isn’t the HA app that is doing the backup but Android.

Sorry for my misunderstanding.

I think you are failing to understand the technical competence of the average android/HA user. Even me.

I’ve uninstalled/re-installed apps before and have never noticed this type of behavior from them.

Sorry, I misspoke when I said developer docs. My bad.

again, you are making that assumption without reading what I wrote in that post above…

I clearly followed the steps until that ended up not working.

then I improvised.


I’m trying to figure out why you are being so aggressive in your responses here.

I’m not the one being crappy at all. I’m just pointing out some things that might be/were confusing to me/others in hopes to try to understand more of what’s going on for the next time and maybe help whoever maintains them to fix the docs so they are more clear.

Anyway, I’ve already thanked you for your help above and I ended up getting it working so I’ll just thank you again, say that I’m sorry for the consternation I seem to have caused you and leave it here.

Does the HA wear OS app support notification commands?

I’ve only tried to set the watch volume to vibrate so far but I get these errors:

2022-04-03 22:32:19 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.script.websocket_api_script] websocket_api script: Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 1: Device not connected to local push notifications
2022-04-03 22:32:19 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [140397538627536] Error handling message: Device not connected to local push notifications

Here is the service call:

service: notify.mobile_app_my_watch_app
  title: "vibrate"
  message: "command_ringer_mode"

It works fine for the phone ringer but I can’t get it to work on the watch and I get those errors above.

The watch is connected to my phone and it has a standalone data connection, as well.

No information at all? :man_shrugging:

even a “no” would be useful if not supported…

no it does not have any notifications, what you currently see is forwarded from the phone to the watch as part of Wear OS and not anything to do with our app. The commands only process on the phone.

your post was a day old, you should try to have more patience next time :wink:

Yeah, sorry for sounding pushy.

I wasn’t sure if it was lost in the din or not. Should have used better wording.

And thanks for the info.

Are notification commands for controlling wear OS devices on the roadmap or will that never be possible?

Or is there another way of controlling the volume level/ringer on the wear OS device that I am unaware of?

Should be doable but as of now the wear OS app just doesnt support notifications, once it does I am sure some of the features should work.


I really like the wear os app thank you. On the docu I find the complications info but on mine minimal pixel watchface I can not find it.

Any hints?

Complications is a beta feature, make sure you join the google play store beta. If you are already on the beta, try a stock watch face to confirm complications work if they do then it might be an issue with the watch face you are using.

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Works great thank you

I have this up and running now with my new Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 3 GPS Wear OS watch. I wasn’t so sure buying a new smart watch to get Home Assistant integration was worth it but I am kind of liking it now despite the low battery life of ~3 days vs my old Honor Magic Watch lasting ~2 weeks. What’s that saying? Boys and their toys? Or in this case I guess it’s more like tech nerds and their gadgets!

Newest automation:

alias: TicWatch Pro 3 Alerts
description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.ticwatch_pro_3_gps_battery
    below: '11'
    id: Battery
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.ticwatch_bluetooth
    id: BT
    to: 'off'
condition: []
  - service: media_player.volume_set
      volume_level: 0.5
      entity_id: media_player.this_device
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: Battery
          - service: notify.alexa_media_this_device
              message: Time to charge your watch
                type: tts
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: BT
          - service: notify.alexa_media_this_device
              message: Your watch is disconnected from bluetooth
                type: tts
    default: []
mode: single

The BT triggered alert is based on binary_sensor:

  - name: "TicWatch Bluetooth"
    unique_id: phone_connected_to_ticwatch
    device_class: connectivity
    state: >-
     {{ (state_attr('sensor.vog_l04_bluetooth_connection','connected_paired_devices') != None) and ('30:95:E3:DE:21:52' in state_attr('sensor.vog_l04_bluetooth_connection','connected_paired_devices'))}}
    icon: >
     {% if (state_attr('sensor.vog_l04_bluetooth_connection','connected_paired_devices') != None) and ('30:95:E3:DE:21:52' in state_attr('sensor.vog_l04_bluetooth_connection','connected_paired_devices')) %}
     mdi:bluetooth-connect {% else %} mdi:bluetooth-off {% endif %}

I have this sensor for the watch battery but it has not updated in over 2 hours…


It says 85% but the watch and Wear OS show 78%…


Is that a new watch ? Pleased about it? I’m also looking for a new one , I still have an old galaxy S3 , but battery is dead, also runs still old Tizen, useless

I wanted to buy maybe google watch instead

Much better than the 12 hours I get from my Fossil Gen 5!

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