Android app

Lets face it, it has the larger market share. I personally have issues
with Apple security, and ethics. So I will not be using that. It would
be great to see it on a real phone though.


In Chrome for Android, couldn’t you tap in the menu and choose “Add to Home Screen?” What would be the reason for having an Android application? Integration with Google Now?

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Agree with GraysonPeddie. The web app in android looks and feel exactly like an app. I don’t see any reason to create an app for this.

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Push Notification?

I think “add to homescreen” is more than sufficient but I was considering a native app for push notification.
Would native app provide some benefit beyond what is available from using NM, MQTT or Pushbullet (for example)?

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I really think that Home Assistant should be able to push notifications to Android smartphones and tablets without any external application needed.

Maybe this web page can help?

@balloob Mentioned he wanted to get notifications working using service workers. :cat:
So I believe that is/will be worked on. :smile_cat:

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It would be nice to have widgets that can be customized to toggle a switch, trigger a scene, or display sensor states right on the android screen. Instead of having to launch home assistant and navigate to the tab where it is located. This would obviously be for items you use frequently and need to get to quickly. I know that this can be accomplished through something like tasker, but lets face it…it isn’t very user friendly. I’m not sure if this would require HA to be it’s own app, or maybe just a widget pack for android that interfaces with HA.


I’ll point out that Home Assistant supports HTML5 push notifications as of 0.27 in both Firefox and Chrome for desktop and Android. More info.

Switch, scene you can use http shortcut, needed sensor

It would be also nice to have fully voice controlled APP for Android TV.

talk about an old feature request, the android app has been around for a bit now, I think we can probably close this request?

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