Android TV notifications - TvOverlay

I have been looking for a while now for a way to get doorbell/camera notifications on my TV. I had a setup that would change the TV source to show the nvr feed when a person was detected, but this would interrupt viewing.

I came across pipup and was planning on going this route but then at the last minute found TvOverlay. This is the GitHub:

I found this really easy to get setup, whereas I was kind of putting off pipup because of having to use adb commands etc that I am not really familiar with.

I’m really surprised there is no mention of tvoverlay in this community. All I could find were a few posts on reddit. I should say that I am not linked to this app in any way. I just found it really useful, easy to set up and it has great features. I hope it useful to someone else.

Well, there’s already a built-in integration for this

I don’t think the built in integration can display a video feed unless I’m wrong. Tvoverlay pops up a live feed rather than just an image.


I wrote an AndroidTV app that can display multiple cameras stream on your AndroidTV, and can pop up a live video stream that can be triggered by HA automation, although I have only tested it on a Google TV with Chromecast so your milage may very, but maybe give it a try:

Play Store link

Wiki for setting up

Configure overlay permission
Configure pop up notifications on the TV

I hope someone finds it useful

Tried to find this app on my chromecast and it wasn’t there. Not sure how i can get it on my tv to try but it looks pretty. When i try to download this on the play store directly, it says my devices aren’t compatible. I have all Chromecasts with Google TV

Here’s what i see. and my chromecast doesn’t find this at all.

Update 2

Is now available on the Play Store again

It’s stuck in Google’s review process - which has a Thanks Giving backlog, hopefully they’ll get around to it soon.

Thanks for the feedback, this is valuable. but it is also quite peculiar, I created a new account and tested and have the same result as you, however, looking at the Play Console Device catalog.

I will investigate further and push a new update once I have a solution.


I can see it on the play store via the web link, but on my Google TV it doesn’t come up when I search for it?

That probably means that your TV doesn’t fit the required criteria, is it running Android 12?

If you post the TV name and Model and Android OS version I can search like I show in the screenshot above.

Otherwise I will make the APK available on the Wiki Page and you can attempt to sideload it, but I doubt it will work as expected.

It’s a Hisense with Android OS 11, so yeah, that must be the issue.

I’d like to try the APK if you can. The TV is actually only a year old, so it’s a bit disappointing to learn it’s on an old version of Android OS.

Android TV 11 has been released at the end of 2020!

This can be a bummer (if that apk will not work for you) so next time you buy a device with some sort of software, you probably will be more cautious.

It’s a budget TV in my garage, I’m disappointed but not surprised.

I have made an APK available:
Release 114 (1.1.4)

However, I do not think you’ll be able to circumvent the minSdk = 31 (Android 12) requirement as it is coded into the manifest.

I am sorry about the TV and the fact that it is running an older version of the OS, but it doesn’t surprise me that the vendor hasn’t updated it :frowning:

It may not be what you want to hear, but maybe consider buying a stand alone Google Streamer - it will be updated regularly for a few years and it is what I would recommend. If you’re using the Google Home eco system then there are some benefits to running it.

I would love to try this but I am using Nvidia shield on android 11 and doesn’t look like it will get updated to 12.

Yeah I’m just realizing now that it’s not just my budget tv in my garage. My two Nvidia shields also cap out at android 11.

Is there a reason the app requires android 12? Can it not be made to work with android 11?

Just a quick update, I have made some fixes to the app and am able to start now looking at adding Android 11 (API 30) (R) support.

If you’re interested in being a tester for it, DM me, it would be quite helpful as I can only test using an Emulator as my device is on a newer OS version.

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I have just uploaded build 115 (1.1.5) that has Android 11 API 30 “R” Support :rocket:
It will be available for you to download and test shortly if you’re in the testing group - DM me to join.

An APK is available on the Wiki/Releases page.