Anki Vector

Has anybody integrated Anki Vector into HA?


Thinking of trying :wink:


Please do!
There’s other threads on here using a custom IDE but not sure if anyone has got it functioning yet.

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Guess I’ll give it a try, if I can manage to get a hole thru, during the upcoming weekend :slight_smile:
Would be nice if it was doable (which I think from the initial looks of it)

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It is absolutely doable :wink:
Gave it a shot last night, the official Python SDK library isn’t suitable for Home Assistant, so I’ll customize it to fit.
But have managed to do TTS and drive on/off charger.

So an custom_component will be coming :slight_smile:


Amazing :clap:
Howich work is involved with the SDK?

My guess is that there will be quite alot of work involved with the SDK package, to make it fully compatible with Home Assistant.

But absolutely doable, and I will take it on. Just have to finish the current component I’m working on :slight_smile:


This is awesome news, thankyou!

Not the easiest of tasks :smiley:

Initial communications work, have 3 entities and a few services (including a speak service)
But batteling with Home Assistant keeping complaining about blocking calls.


HI Malene,
how much of the SDK could be used with HA? I had a play around with it last night the 3d mapping and remote control are absolutely awesome.

I’m really new to Vector, I’m having a bit of a hard time with escapepod not relaying intents back to vector, i actually thought my unit was broken, however the SDK works like a dream and has got me excited about my vector again!!

Im really looking forward to see what can be done in HA!!



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Actually most is needed. But I have to release it as a modified version, to comply with Home Assistant requirements.

It’s a work in progress, and it will take some time until all functions are available in HA :slight_smile:


It’s a tough nut to crack.
Turns out the SDK isn’t happy with the latest Vector firmware, along with not being compatible with the Python version used by Home Assistant

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Crap - now I just started to get the hang of that wacky way the SDK works - and the HA moves to Python 3.10, which absolutely breaks everything for the SDK (SDK is noted to work up until Python 3.6/3.7 so it was already somewhat of a battle)

So now I need to rebuild the SDK with compability for Python 3.10. “Minor” setback - but I will succeed.
I like a good challenge :smiley:


Whaaa this isn’t a minor setback!
I saw HA was upgrading the Python version but didn’t think it would impact the SDK… silly of me Haa.

Great work though and the community thanks you for it!

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Now this is an interesting one… Great job @BlackChart!

Where exactly are we with this?
I’m not much of a helper but keen to try on my vector.

Good luck :slight_smile:

Similar issue with the above with using AppDaemon to integrate Vector with HA since python was updated to 3.10

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Going slowly. The SDK is, at best, really unstable :confused: It’s a battle getting it to run on Python 3.10.


Project will be halted for now. Moving away from having DDL connected Vectors, and the SDK can’t be used with EscapePod robots at the moment.

DDL is trying to monopolize the robot companion market, this I neither can nor will support which is why I’m moving my bots to the OpenSource Wire-Pod.

Will try my best to make them work thru Wire-Pod thou, but as mentioned the SDK isn’t working with EscapePod/Wire-Pod unless you are doing some firmware-flashing back and forth.

Sorry guys :frowning: Blame DDL.


This has been a HUGE effort though, community appreciates it.
Thank you.