Announcement: HADasboard beta4 - Release Candidate!

That in itself speaks volumes. If NGINX was truly that easy to set up, you wouldn’t fear doing it.

Firstly thanks for all your hard work @aimc !

I’m trying to modify some widgets and it doesn’t seem like anything I do is getting picked up. To force the issue I completely deleted the entire widgets folder and everything kept working. Is there a bad reference somewhere? Is it possibly looking at a web based copy of the source? Or is there some super cache that I can’t get past?

I have the force compile flag on.

It’s weird, only changes that I make to the config.yaml get picked up. Everything else is ignored.

Thanks for all the hard work on this. Just installed in docker (using image off dockerhub mezz64/appdaemon:dashdev). Took literally just a couple minutes to manually update to the .yaml config version. Finally turned off my old v1 and will just run this for both automations and dashboard!


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Figured it out. Not sure if this is my fault or by design, but apparently after moving to beta4 using the above instructions, appdaemon is now using /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/appdaemon/widgets instead of my local folder as it used to… I’d rather not have to dig so deep to tweak the widgets if possible. Haven’t found a way to point the app to a different directory yet…


Ok, Its working great
I made a skin for my tablet, pure css, no texture.
Clean and classy.
It fit perfectly on a hd screen with a 6x4 grid and a widget_dimensions: [133, 123]
I load it with the WallPanel app at a zoom level off 150%


It’s fitting also great on my Plasma KDE5 desktop on a side screen, loaded in a webslice applet


Is it wrong to be aroused by a screen shot? Asking for a friend.


i dont say it was easy. (or difficult either) but anything that is working is very important. :wink:
i am not the only one to keep happy. lets say i start playing around for 2 hours and disturbing the lights or tv with that.
no problem if it brings an advantage afterwards, but if it is only to make others (to my wife unknown people) happy that breaks away a part of the WAL (wife acceptance level) :wink:

I’m not supporting editing widgets yet for that very reason - when I add that in it will be via a local directory that overrides or adds to the built in widgets, the same way that custom skins do, I’m just not here yet.

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There are about 100 posts here - I have no idea what the original question was :frowning:

there is a problem for some people with connecting to HA. connection keeps losing after the connection is eshtablished.
i know we have had those problems before but i dont recollect what that was about.

What do you mean, I don’t understand ?

It means he liked it :wink:


the above posts

Is Hadashboard suited for a smartphone (5.7 inch screen)?

So seems, that cert_verify option doesn’t work for WS. Was able to launch only using SSE type. Not a huge issue but worth mentioning in first post

Ok, now I see - I have a pull request to merge for WS - I have been waiting until after the beta so this should be addressed soon.

I don’t see why not - you have control over the placement and size of widgets so you should be able to get it to look good - focus more on the correct aspect ratio rather than shrinking the widgets themselves and let the browser do the scaling.

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Any chance that RSS widget depends on cert issue as well? Tried even with one you’ve provided in example documentation – no luck.
I have following in the appdaemon config

   - feed:
       target: cnn
   rss_update: 600

and widget with same entity name

  widget_type: rss
  title: CNN
  entity: cnn
  interval: 5

And I can see a lot of following errors in console:

dashboard.js:175 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'cnn' of undefined
    at baserss.WidgetBase.on_ha_data (
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at a.webSocket.onmessage (
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (
    at WebSocket.h.onmessage (

P.S. Thank you for your efforts with new dashboard.