making dashboards is very easy.
but you cant expect to create advanced custommade dashboards without any efford.
designing dashboards is like designing websites.
there are programs that give you the option to create a decent website very easy, but you cannnot expect those programs to give you the option to create award winning websites.
even when it is possible to give in the coordinates to place the widgets, there will Always be a lot of difficulties.
how to group things, where to place groups, which colors to use, which fonts to use, which widgetsizes to use, etc. etc.
but there will be more and more great skins to choose from.
so even for the people that dont want to spend hours after hours there will be very nice dashboards.
edit: that all said i think that creating widgetgroups will be possible in the future more easy.
I am ready to specd hours for this … but my wife not well… your explanation is absolutely understandable!. I totally agree. The only problem is see is, that the real fine tuning is made in widget itself how log did u take to create your widget? I will copy your stuff and play around … but this means also that i need new Dasboard for new skins, if I want to adapt widgets to my personal needs. No problem but very complicated atm Anyway… you guys make an awesome effort for the community and thanks thanks thanks for sharing with us
Is someone here working actually seriously on LCARS imotation?
with something like the grouping i do a lot in widgets.
but if you look above i showed 3 skins with the same dashboard.
and i can even use the same widget groups again in another dashboard and shuffle them around.
a widget is made ver quick.
i make my widgets like this:
i can reuse that widget in every dashboard just by putting in sensor.huiskamer_4_1
only if i want to use a different widget for the same entity i create a second widget for it.(just diplicating and editing the widget)
the last LCARS i made is quite easy.
i only did put in 4 widgets, but you can put in as many as you like.
same issue as @Mister-Espria & @cannfoddr . I’m using docker, standard config and i get the following error
2017-03-22 21:37:28.156393 WARNING Unexpected error in dashboard thread
2017-03-22 21:37:28.157177 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-03-22 21:37:28.163351 WARNING Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/appdaemon/", line 241, in run_dash
handler = app.make_handler()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 224, in make_handler
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 110, in _set_loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/asyncio/", line 626, in get_event_loop
return get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/asyncio/", line 572, in get_event_loop
% threading.current_thread().name)
RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'Thread-1'.
making an LCARS like this for switches and input_booleans only is doable with a skin at this moment.
using sensors in it is going to be difficult for this moment, because we have titles Always on top of the value.
unless i find a way to lose the titles without editing the widgets.
Yes, seeing the work Rene has been doing, I see a lot of potential in widget groups and want to figure out a way of making that config easier at some point.
you already use some kind of grouping, by creating reusable layout parts.
but right now you only created the option to use them as 1 or more rows, splitting the dash in vertical parts.
all you have to do is find a way to implement them as group in another way.
in theory there is a possibility to use grouping right now.
if i use multiple iframes and i open other dashes in those iframes you have grouping.
maybe i will experiment a bit with that
After a little research I believe that this is die to a bug and or limitations in certain versions of Python. related to the way I have structured the dashboard code. I had planned a refactor in this area anyway that should fix the problem but I will give it higher priority and get it into the next beat for testing.
thats no problem, but it takes up space.
if i like widgets with a height of 50 (like in the LCARS) the sensorvalue is shown outside the widget, and inside it is just empty titlespace.
i think in the future we need smaller parts. seperate titles (label is already there) and seperate widgets with only sensorvalue or only the icon.
but thats for after beta.
i know those things are easy to create, we just need to think about naming them.
Understood - One thing that will help is I am planning on having the widgets automatically center the items of interest (e.g. sensor value) now they use a fixed offset. This will give more flexibility.
EDIT: And just to be clear, I won;t rest until we can get a perfect LCARS dashboard using HADashboard and make it easy to create ! At the same time I want that to be just an option and have lots of other cool looks too. I like the idea of Home Assistant coming with an LCARS interface out of the box
place to widgets side by side, 1 with title and 1 without title, that would look ugly.
and i dont know if it would be less easy or more easy to override that placement on widgetlevel or at devicelevel.
if you are so much wanting an LCARS, ill help you create a LCARS dash.