Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta!

Mine shows the value.

    widget_type: input_slider
    entity: input_slider.bedroom_brightness
    title: Test Slider
    increment: 1
    units: units

Wouldn’t it be easier to just format the sensor in HA? Then there wouldn’t be all that extra overhead added on the dash side.

Not working for me.

    widget_type: input_slider
    value_style: "font-size: 100%;"
    entity: input_slider.dsp1hp_black
    title: dsp1hp black
    increment: 1
    units: units

Then I have to figure out how to do templates in HA. :joy:

Try commenting out the value style and see if it shows then. Let me know - I’m checking in to see how you make out.

I know. Been there. Will help you if I can though!

Here’s an answer to your Last Boot sensor; check this thread:

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I’ll see if I can get that into beta 2.

Not sure what I have done wrong. Can anyone help? This is what I get when starting.

2017-03-11 10:22:25.257715 INFO AppDaemon Version 2.0.0beta1 starting
2017-03-11 10:22:30.580364 WARNING ‘elevation’ directive is deprecated, please remove
2017-03-11 10:22:30.581240 WARNING ‘latitude’ directive is deprecated, please remove
2017-03-11 10:22:30.584547 WARNING ‘longitude’ directive is deprecated, please remove
2017-03-11 10:22:30.584941 WARNING ‘time_zone’ directive is deprecated, please remove
2017-03-11 10:22:31.006635 INFO Got initial state
2017-03-11 10:22:31.009030 INFO Loading Module: /home/debian/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/apps/
2017-03-11 10:22:31.012906 INFO Loading Object hello_world using class HelloWorld from module hello
2017-03-11 10:22:31.156960 INFO hello_world: Hello from AppDaemon
2017-03-11 10:22:31.161112 INFO hello_world: You are now ready to run Apps!
2017-03-11 10:22:31.162055 INFO App initialization complete
2017-03-11 10:22:31.288667 INFO Connected to Home Assistant 0.39.3

I’m guessing your appdaemon.cfg file looks a bit like this:

ha_url =
ha_key =
logfile = STDOUT
errorfile = STDERR
threads = 10
latitude = 50.7274
longitude = 6.8762
elevation = 21.82
time_zone = Europe/Dublin

dash_dir = /home/hass/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/dashboards

dash_url =

# Apps
module = hello
class = HelloWorld

If it does, change it so it looks like this:

#latitude = 50.7274
#longitude = 6.8762
#elevation = 21.82
#time_zone = Europe/Dublin

And make sure your dash_dir, and dash_url lines are before the # Apps section, as in the example above.

That should do it.

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@aimc - should consider removing those in the next update since they are deprecated anyway.

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Thanks. Working great. Now I can have fun. lol


Here’s my latest try at a Portrait mode for the R Pi touchscreen.

The settings that worked for me:

title: R Pi Portrait Panel
widget_dimensions: [118, 118]
widget_margins: [7, 7]
columns: 5

I resized the images I liked to 640 x 1138, and found most of them via

It’s such a pleasure using this new way of doing things :slight_smile:

I’m starting to feel sorry for the main HA view.

There wouldn’t, by any chance, be a clever person working on how to change the background to a poster of currently playing Kodi file?


Not yet but it’s certainly possible - adding to list :slight_smile:

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Glad you think so - me too! I just rebuilt a load of my dashboards and it was pretty easy using the new layout vs HADashboard v1.

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Yes, I removed them already, they will no longer be there in beta 2.

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This now officially IS in beta2 :slight_smile:

Wonderful!!! Thanks

@aimc @rpitera in regards to the JS not loading on reload widget or page refresh…I am not losing my mind, I figured it out. Guessing you both have “dash_force_compile = 1” in your .cfg file. I didn’t and that is why things were not working on refresh/reload. With it added all works as expected. I can now put my javascript for dummies book back on the bookshelf :relieved:

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You’re absolutely right. Nice find and I’m glad you got that mystery solved.

Thanks, you and me both! Called my insurance company to check my mental health coverage options… Thanks to both for testing things and letting me know it really was something local to my install/setup.

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