Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta!

like i wrote it here works.

i think its the place where you did place the directory
the dir conf is no base dir from the server. assets is the base dir.

Hey Bit-River,
Which weather component are you using? I have been looking around for something like that.

No, you would either need to force a reload in the browser, or have some Javascript running to pick up the new file and apply it - wouldn’t be hard to do though.

You can do this by adding a meta refresh tag in the head includes section in variables.yaml for the skin.

I was thinking it could be a separate flag. dash_force_compile = 1 would force everything, dash_force_compile = 2 would do just the JS. But I am sure that @aimc has a better idea. Maybe even to move the force compile argument to the dash level.

That’s the weather widget built into Dash.

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Looks like he has modded it a bit though …

In honor of the new Beta 2 Thread

I am closing this thread - we can continue discussions in the new thread.

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Yes, it looks like he removed the rain and humidity and changed the title on Apparent Temp.