2017-04-16 07:52:41.330991 INFO hello_world: Hello from AppDaemon
2017-04-16 07:52:41.335123 INFO hello_world: You are now ready to run Apps!
2017-04-16 07:52:41.335498 INFO App initialization complete
2017-04-16 07:52:41.433894 WARNING Disconnected from Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds
commands directly not. but editing files is very easy with it.
just find the file and double click.
i also love it because you can see the filerights and manipulate them very easy.
For anybodys refrence…my network runs two ddns servers…my pi runs on one of the them…even thou i can access my pi directly with sith ssl to its ip…I had to use the ddns for the url path for the connection to work…
Now for next project it says You dashboard has errors and you have no dashboard
Problably me…I thought oct based ip would be better …direct path…I work IT but its old scholl can bus and tcp to serial and such…I have got to figure this stuff out …two days to a webserver up…LOL