Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta3!

I used “$ sudo pip3 install .” and it worked for me.
Be sure to include a SPACE and a PERIOD after “install”

$ pip3 install daemonize
$ pip3 install configparser
$ pip3 install astral
$ pip3 install ‘requests>=2.6.0’
$ pip3 install sseclient
$ pip3 install websocket-client
$ pip3 install async
$ pip3 install ‘aiohttp>=2.0.5’
$ pip3 install Jinja2==2.9.5
$ pip3 install aiohttp_jinja2
$ pip3 install pyScss
$ pip3 install pyyaml
$ pip3 install voluptuous

all of these need space and . ?

then space again?

I tend to mess things up. I guess its the good lords way of teaching me…Any body know what is causing these errors

pi@HA:~/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon $ python3 -m appdaemon.appdaemon -c /conf/appdaemon.cfg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 170, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", mod_spec)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 85, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/appdaemon/", line 24, in <module>
    import appdaemon.homeassistant as ha
  File "/home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/appdaemon/", line 8, in <module>
    from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
ImportError: cannot import name 'InsecureRequestWarning'

Just use the following including the period.

sudo pip3 install .

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Instructions Here:

All Documentation Here:

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Since updating to the latest beta I’ve had a Javascript Alert error pop up on my dashes in all of the browsers I use on both tablets and pc’s. It is a popup that simply says “Error getting state, check Java Console for details.”

So if I visit It looks like this.

Now if I go to http://debbie:5050/Kitchen2 which is the same thing it looks fine and I get no popup and everything works but only if I use the PC to view, on tablet it still errors.

It worked before the latest updates to both home-assistant and the appdaemon beta but doesn’t now.

I have tried using docker versions of both hass and appdaemon, (docker is completely new to me) as well as regular installs. I feel like it is probably something I have done wrong as I recently migrated from a Pi AIO install to an old PC on which I installed debian - also something completely new to me. Before I blow it away and do a complete OS install does anyone have any ideas for me? Do I need to enable some sort of permissions? Install dependencies that the AIO takes care of? Or is it even possibly my router or network?

Everything else is working fine.

if you have an error on your tablets and not on the pc i would seek the problem in the browser.
what browser do you use at the pc and what on the tablets?

maybe a chaching problem? did you clear the cache?

Error occurs on both PCs and Tablets.

Error occurs in chrome, waterfox and firefox on PCs. On the tablet I’m using @quadportnick 's Homedash™ App.

It occurs on a completely fresh tablet OS that has never had any page loaded before in both the App and the default browser that comes with the OS.

Cache - I’m not too sure how to clear on the app without first installing mosquitto - on the PC error still occurs after clearing and a restart.

sorry i get confused.
1 moment you say it works fine on pc other moment you say error occurs on PC.

did you delete the files in the dir conf/compiled?
did you look at the logfiles? is there any error there?

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Sorry @ReneTode, my apologies. I realise now I did not make it at all obvious… It took me all week to get this far and ask where I am going wrong - I tend to think everyone else is way ahead of me and knows and sees everything.


The second one is what I get when I go to and click on one of my dash links. I don’t know why it becomes debbie and this works on pc. does not work on pc. Neither work on tablet - I think this is DNS with the debbie but IP address should work.

So two different addresses both point to same thing but one works, one does not.

I think you have helped me find why though - I deleted conf many times over remade files and so on but I have just noticed in the /compiled/javascript/*.js files there are widget pointers down the bottom - I was looking for font errors because that was what I thought was not loading.

widgets["default-clock"] = new baseclock("default-clock", "http://debbie:5050", "default",

I think should be
widgets["default-clock"] = new baseclock("default-clock", "", "default",

I think this comes from the appdaemon.conf line…

dash_url = http://debbie:5050

So I correct it to dash_url = and restart but on restart it reverts to ‘debbie’

After restarting and reloading a few times I just noticed in pasting the docker launch file this line

-e DASH_URL="http://$HOSTNAME:5050" \

I think if I change this to

-e DASH_URL="" \

it will be the cause of my problem but I can’t test it because putty is not letting me paste properly and breaks a line at the end and I am tired and grumpy. I will report back if it works but I think user error.

EDIT: It works! Gave up pasting and typed it into putty manually, rebooted everything and now links point to IP address properly.

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For a few weeks now I have been missing all values in the DarkSky widget. They all show up in HA fine. Is there something that changed?

install winSCP and you wont have that problem :wink:

Works fine for me - are you getting any JavaScript errors?

Not that I know of. Is there some where I can look to see if there is any errors?

You need to find the JavaScript console for your browser - they are all different but you should be able to google it.

Oh - I didn’t realise you could enter commands from winscp - I’ve just been using it as a glorified file browser for the places my samba config won’t take me.

I had that problem but I am not sure if it is exactly the same. There was a thread a few weeks ago where a few people found dark sky was going over the daily quota - I didn’t find the cause but I’ve set mine to only check every half hour which fixed it. @rpitera found his key had been compromised.

-  platform: darksky
   api_key: !secret forecast_io_api_key
   update_interval: '00:30'

Here it is:

I was thinking that to but all the values are showing up in HA.

I think you might be missing one of the sensor types - what do you have configured?