Announcement: HADashboard v2 Beta3!

Tried with your exact same message. Same story: with the % nothing happens, without it the message gets sent without any problem, and with the % escaped Hass throws the json error.
So I think we can conclude that the bug resides in the Join component

if that was true, you should be able to send it to GSM or chrome without problem.
you say you tried to GSM or joined, so my guess would be the GSM component has a problem with it.
i tried lannouncer and pushbullet together and there is no problem there.

but i think you can better open a new tread to ask if someone else has the same problem with the GSM or chrome component, because this has nothing to do with HAdashboard V2 :wink:

Run with the -D DEBUG on the command line and you will get more info.

Convinced it IS true, because gsm / chrome are not components, but are simply different incarnations (think ā€œtargetsā€) of my Join notifiers (Join is the only notify component Iā€™m usingā€¦).
But I agree this turned out to not being an Appdaemon, let alone HAdashboard, problem - as my conclusion already infered. Thx for helping in pinpointing the guilty one !


This is what I got running with DEBUG flag;

2017-05-16 09:48:28.831400 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-05-16 09:48:33.835726 DEBUG Refreshing HA state
2017-05-16 09:48:33.835949 DEBUG get_ha_state: entity is None
2017-05-16 09:48:33.847217 INFO Got initial state
2017-05-16 09:48:35.849750 WARNING Disconnected from Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds
2017-05-16 09:48:35.849953 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-05-16 09:48:35.850044 WARNING Unexpected error:
2017-05-16 09:48:35.850116 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------
2017-05-16 09:48:35.850318 WARNING Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/appdaemon/", line 1208, in appdaemon_loop
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/appdaemon/", line 987, in read_apps
    if root[-11:] != "__pycache__":
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

2017-05-16 09:48:35.850410 WARNING ------------------------------------------------------------

@biacz - Could you share your code for your weather widget with the two ā€œsubtitlesā€ (Wolken and Windchill)? Thanks!

When it comes to running this in a docker container, how are you setting up your dash_url? The actual ip of the container is going to be dynamic on the docker network, right?

Nevermind: Iā€™m listening on everything and itā€™s working:

2017-05-16 10:51:17.327826 INFO Listening on ('', 5050)

Back to basics.
Iā€™ve been running dashboard for a while, but now Iā€™m about to rebuild my Pi as some things are getting a bit shaky with HA and other things Iā€™ve been working on.
So, I notice there are three different sets of instructions for installing HADashboard with some very different steps:

  1. From the HA documentation at:
    This one clones into ā€˜hadashboardā€™ and relies on Dashing and I assume is superseded.
  2. From appdaemon on git at:
    This one clones into ā€˜appdaemonā€™ and relies on appdaemon install.
  3. From the start of the thread here, and points to instructions that clone into ā€˜appdaemon_dashboardā€™ and donā€™t rely on the appdaemon install instructions.
    Any recommendations on which one to use?
    I will be using hassbian and not Docker.

Use 3 - when the beta is over I will tidy up the conflicts.

Thanks @aimc, all of your work and support are greatly appreciated!

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Is there already a kickoff date for the next release?

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When itā€™s ready - no firm date yet due to extreme work related busyness.


okay, so my config sort of bit me. The links in the default page use this setting to link to other dashboards. So am I able to configure this to work behind a reverse proxy (nginx) rather than configuring the links to go to http://ip address:5050?

okay, another challenge using my configā€¦

I canā€™t get any values elements in my dashboard, looking at the javascript console, iā€™m seeing whyā€¦


So how are you guys configuring this inside a docker container? Obviously dash_url= is not the right method. And is anyone doing this behind nginx?

I think @ReneTode is. And I believe @aimc runs nginx as well.

i run HA behind nginx, but i still have no clue how to put dashboard behind it.
i actually dont care at this moment because i can reach HA from outside, dont need to create dashboards as well.
outside my network is only for emergency

HA behind nginx works great. Iā€™m trying to get dashboard to work in a docker container, behind nginx.

i dont use docker :wink:

darn. someone must, because the directions for building the image are in the readme :slight_smile: