Announcing MQTT/Android bridging app: Zanzito. Beta testers wanted!

Mmhh I do not like it. I like very well how is now.

AT the moment what I do is very simple, I clone the activity, edit it, and put a different voice command. SO this is actually not too bad

this is not good. Speed is definetely important.

If 1, 2 , 3 are the changes/problems, I would stay how it is now

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Try create an activity with the voice command = “set Plex volume to” and you will get what I mean.

Actually mi idea was: if I dictate something and it gets a bad transcription, it’s ok: when I say it again to give a command, it will be more probably recognized, exactly because the transcription was made by the same recognizer in the first place.

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I get it. That makes sense.

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If you looked at this thread Jarvis like automation, I posted it more than one year ago. It’s funny my dream from 1 year ago is finally taking shape. Thanks to you, point no. 2 to 5 is already covered by Zanzito. I wish point no. 1 will be possible to soon.

Thank you so much for making this come true.


It’s funny, yes! I hadn’t see that thread before today :smiley:
I had a look at voice/face recognition… there might be something that could be done… besides, a little more security wouldn’t be bad, would it?

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Hi, I have implemented a functionality to load the CA certificate directly from Zanzito: would you like to alpha test it to see if it solves your problem, before I release it?
Anyone else is welcome to test it, just send me your email in PM.


So i just purchased the app and im loving it so far. But i noticed its not available for family share “yet”. I have multiple devices i would like to have this on through my home and was wanting to know if this will be added to family share or will it need to be purchased on each device?

I would greatly appreciate this as well. Looks very nice.

I’m not sure why it says so: I activated the family sharing and I think other users have already taken advantage of it, but I’m not sure of it. The only doubt I have is that the app is not officially released yet, maybe this is the problem. I’ll have a look but it’s an option the developer gives when you first publish the app, then it disappears…

Yea right where the little switch that says “family library” is usually at it just says “unreleased app installed”. Not sure how others got it working though. Maybe an app update changed a setting.

Be patient, unfortunately I have no control over this :confused:

Zanzito will be officially released in a few days, a couple of weeks top :wink:

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Has anyone here successfully setup find to work with zanzito and home assistant on a raspberry pi? I could really use some help with it. Stayed up until the sun came up yesterday trying to figure it out. I think I have the find server installed after hours of trying to figure out how to install go. I just don’t really know what to do from here.

I had to put the find source dir into go/src/ dir first,

then change line 33 of mqtt.go from:

then build it.

so now I can launch find with:
cd go/src/find
./find -mqtt localhost:1883 -mqttadmin find -mqttadminpass <secret> &

obviously mosquitto has to be up and running and you have to launch find with an existing username and password.

find mqtt username doesn’t have to be an mqtt admin this way (you can setup the permissions with an acl file in mosquitto), but if it is, it’s easier.

Im having problems reinstalling find to the go/src directory now.

pi@retropie:~ $ cd go/src
pi@retropie:~/go/src $ git clone
Cloning into 'find'...
remote: Counting objects: 2029, done.
remote: Total 2029 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 2028
Receiving objects: 100% (2029/2029), 6.02 MiB | 2.35 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1078/1078), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
pi@retropie:~/go/src $ cd find
pi@retropie:~/go/src/find $ go get ./...
can't load package: /home/pi/go/src/find/api.go:21:2: non-standard import "" in standard package "find"

I’m not an expert of GO in any way, but it may have to do with GOPATH and GOROOT environment variables, try googling it :confused:
I vaguely remember I had to set them before compiling…

Here is mine from using go env , could i see how your paths are set so i could try emulating them

pi@retropie:~/go/src/find $ go env
GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -marm -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build193779933=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches"

maybe this can help you, I think your GOPATH is wrong.

Just noticed this awesome app! I felt in love with it right away and bought it! Great work! I had no idea i needed this so much :smiley:

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