Announcing MQTT/Android bridging app: Zanzito. Beta testers wanted!

Hi, have you solved this yet? Please, for support requests use the support forum :slight_smile:

what do you mean?

basically the commands are the above for: light, switchs, script, scene (not automation, correct?)


for lights and switch (switch with light)

  • increase brightness (fixed, should be easy)
  • increase brightness by xx%
  • decrease brightness (fixed, should be easy)
  • decrease brightness by xx%
  • change colour to xxx

for thermostat

  • increase temperature by xx
  • decrease temperature by xx

for media_player


Overall are not many

sure but brings the product to a whole new level

I’m a user of both :). I’d just like to trigger certain MQTT messages, when something happens with the phone (which is caught and initiated by Tasker), For example when proximity sensors is trigger, or when nfc tag is touched or when phone is flipped or shaken send a certuab MQTT message. Claudio its not that hard :).

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it works well with USB. Problem is Google Now/Voice, it gives error … tried it all :frowning:

Not also the converse? When Zanzito receives a “Report” it sends an event to Tasker?

Yes could also be useful yeah!

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Hello. Could you please describe FIND integration. I’ve managed install FIND. It reports my location. But HASS do not reacts on this.

wanted to try this find. ANy walkthrough?

The easiest way would be to configure MQTT bridge with your local broker to internalposition mosquitto.

thanks any links on how to do that?

I use mosquitto in hass,

If you go this approach zinzato should be connected to your local mosquitto

yes I have mosquitto in pi3 (same as HASS) and Zanzito is connected to the mosquitto on the pi3.

But I do not know how to make the bridge to/from internalpositioning mosquitto

Here it is:

connection find
topic <your_group_id>/# both 1
try_private false
notifications false
start_type automatic
remote_username <your_group_id>
remote_password <your_pass>
keepalive_interval 300
cleansession true

Add this to you mosquitto.conf or create separate config in /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/


Where shpuld this go?

I’ve updated post with instructions

these are the username and password of the pi3 mosquitto, or the find mosquitto (the find mosquitto I have the group, but I have no password)?

This values your should get from find.
Group Id I’ve got via find app.
And password you can get in find console.

aha, ok, will do.

Last thing, I hope:
topic <your_group_id>/

topic claudio/
topic <claudio>/
